104 lines
2.7 KiB
104 lines
2.7 KiB
DECLARE FUNCTION GetArraySize (WLeft, WRight, WTop, WBottom)
' Define a viewport and draw a border around it:
VIEW (20, 10)-(620, 190), , 1
CONST PI = 3.141592653589#
' Redefine the coordinates of the viewport with logical
' coordinates:
WINDOW (-3.15, -.14)-(3.56, 1.01)
' Arrays in program are now dynamic:
' Calculate the logical coordinates for the top and bottom of a
' rectangle large enough to hold the image that will be drawn
' with CIRCLE and PAINT:
WLeft = -.21
WRight = .21
WTop = .07
WBottom = -.07
' Call the GetArraySize function, passing it the rectangle's
' logical coordinates:
ArraySize% = GetArraySize(WLeft, WRight, WTop, WBottom)
DIM Array(1 TO ArraySize%) AS INTEGER
' Draw and paint the circle:
CIRCLE (0, 0), .18
PAINT (0, 0)
' Store the rectangle in Array:
GET (WLeft, WTop)-(WRight, WBottom), Array
' Draw a box and fill it with a pattern:
LINE (-3, .8)-(3.4, .2), , B
Pattern$ = CHR$(126) + CHR$(0) + CHR$(126) + CHR$(126)
PAINT (0, .5), Pattern$
LOCATE 21, 29
PRINT "Press any key to end"
' Initialize loop variables:
StepSize = .02
StartLoop = -PI
Decay = 1
EndLoop = -StartLoop
FOR X = StartLoop TO EndLoop STEP StepSize
' Each time the ball "bounces" (hits the bottom of the
' viewport), the Decay variable gets smaller, making the
' height of the next bounce smaller:
Y = ABS(COS(X)) * Decay - .14
IF Y < -.13 THEN Decay = Decay * .9
' Stop if a key pressed or if Decay is less than .01:
Esc$ = INKEY$
IF Esc$ <> "" OR Decay < .01 THEN EXIT FOR
' Put the image on the screen. The StepSize offset is
' smaller than the border around the circle, so each time
' the image moves, it erases any traces left from the
' previous PUT (it also erases anything else on the
' screen):
PUT (X, Y), Array, PSET
' Reverse direction:
StepSize = -StepSize
StartLoop = -StartLoop
LOOP UNTIL Esc$ <> "" OR Decay < .01
Pause$ = INPUT$(1)
FUNCTION GetArraySize (WLeft, WRight, WTop, WBottom) STATIC
' Map the logical coordinates passed to this function to
' their physical-coordinate equivalents:
VLeft = PMAP(WLeft, 0)
VRight = PMAP(WRight, 0)
VTop = PMAP(WTop, 1)
VBottom = PMAP(WBottom, 1)
' Calculate the height and width in pixels of the
' enclosing rectangle:
RectHeight = ABS(VBottom - VTop) + 1
RectWidth = ABS(VRight - VLeft) + 1
' Calculate size in bytes of array:
ByteSize = 4 + RectHeight * INT((RectWidth + 7) / 8)
' Array is integer, so divide bytes by two:
GetArraySize = ByteSize \ 2 + 1