1039 lines
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1039 lines
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.MODEL small, c
INCLUDE demo.inc
;* ReadCharAttr - Reads character and display attribute at cursor location.
;* Shows: BIOS Interrupt - 10h, Function 8 (Read Character and Attribute
;* at Cursor)
;* Uses: vconfig - Video configuration structure, declared in the
;* DEMO.INC include file. The structure must first be
;* initialized by calling the GetVidConfig procedure.
;* Params: attr - Pointer to short integer for display attribute
;* Return: Short integer with ASCII value of character
ReadCharAttr PROC \
USES di, \
mov ah, 8 ; Function 8
mov bh, vconfig.dpage ; Current page
int 10h ; Read Character and Attribute
sub bh, bh
mov bl, ah ; BX = attribute
cbw ; AX = character
LoadPtr es, di, attr ; ES:DI = pointer to int
mov es:[di], bx ; Copy attribute
ReadCharAttr ENDP
;* CopyFile - Copies a file from a specified directory to another. Allows
;* two different copy methods. See the OpenFile, CloseFile, ReadFile, and
;* WriteFile procedures for specific examples on opening, closing, reading
;* from, and writing to files.
;* Shows: DOS Functions - 3Ch (Create File)
;* 5Bh (Create New File)
;* Instruction - clc
;* Params: imode - 0 = Create new target file or overwrite existing file
;* 1 = Abort and return error code if target file already
;* exists (only for DOS versions 3.0 and higher)
;* fspec1 - Pointer to ASCIIZ source file specification
;* fspec2 - Pointer to ASCIIZ target file specification
;* Return: Short integer with error code
;* 0 if successful
;* 1 if error
buffer DB BUFFER_SIZE DUP(?) ; Buffer for diskette read
CopyFile PROC \
USES ds si di, \
imode:WORD, fspec1:PTR BYTE, fspec2:PTR BYTE
LOCAL eof_flag:BYTE
; Open source file for read only
LoadPtr ds, dx, fspec1 ; Point DS:DX to source file
mov ax, 3D00h ; AH = function #, AL = access code
int 21h ; Open File (for read only)
jc e_exit
mov si, ax ; SI = file handle for source
; Open target file according to copy mode
LoadPtr ds, dx, fspec2 ; Point DS:DX to target file
cmp imode, 1 ; Determine DOS function
je check ; Imode = 1?
mov ah, 3Ch ; No? Request Create File
jmp SHORT set ; (destroy existing)
check: call GetVer ; Yes? First check DOS version
cmp ax, 300 ; 3.0 or higher?
jb close ; No? Abort with error code
mov ah, 5Bh ; Request Create New File
set: sub cx, cx ; Normal attribute for target
int 21h ; DOS function for target file
jc close ; If open error, abort
mov di, ax ; DI = file handle for target
; Both files successfully opened. Now read from source and copy to target.
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax ; DS:DX = buffer. Read/write
mov dx, OFFSET buffer ; to and from here.
mov eof_flag, 0 ; Initialize end-of-file flag
loop1: mov bx, si ; Handle for source file
mov cx, BUFFER_SIZE ; CX = number of bytes to read
mov ah, 3Fh ; Request DOS read
int 21h ; Read from File
jc close ; If error, exit
cmp ax, cx ; All bytes read successfully?
je @F ; Yes? Continue
inc eof_flag ; No? Raise flag
@@: mov bx, di ; Handle for target file
mov cx, ax ; Write number of bytes read
mov ah, 40h ; Request DOS write
int 21h ; Write from buffer to target file
jc close ; If error, exit
cmp eof_flag, 0 ; Finished?
je loop1 ; No? Loop to read next block
clc ; Yes? Clear CY to indicate
; success
close: pushf ; Preserve flags while closing
mov bx, di ; Handle for target file
mov ah, 3Eh ; Request DOS Function 3Eh
int 21h ; Close File
sub ax, ax ; Clear error code
popf ; Recover flags
jnc exit ; If successful, exit
e_exit: mov ax, 1 ; Else set error code
exit: ret
CopyFile ENDP
;* ChangeDrive - Changes default drive.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 0Eh (Select Disk)
;* Params: drive - Uppercase letter designation for new drive
;* Return: None
ChangeDrive PROC \
mov ah, 0Eh ; DOS Function 0Eh
mov dx, drive ; Drive designation in DL,
sub dl, 'A' ; 0=A, 1=B, 2=C, etc
int 21h ; Select Disk
ChangeDrive ENDP
;* GetCurDisk - Gets designation of current disk.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 19h (Get Current Disk)
;* Instruction - cbw
;* Params: None
;* Return: Short integer with drive designation
;* 0 = A, 1 = B, 2 = C, etc.
GetCurDisk PROC
mov ah, 19h ; DOS Function 19h
int 21h ; Get Current Disk
cbw ; AX = drive designation
GetCurDisk ENDP
;* SetDTA - Sets address for new Disk Transfer Area.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 1Ah (Set DTA Address)
;* Params: dta - Far pointer to new transfer address
;* Return: None
USES ds, \
lds dx, [dta] ; Point DS:DX to DTA
mov ah, 1Ah ; DOS Function 1Ah
int 21h ; Set DTA Address
;* GetDTA - Gets address of current Disk Transfer Area.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 2Fh (Get DTA Address)
;* Params: dta - Far pointer to receive transfer address
;* Return: None
mov ah, 2Fh ; DOS Function 2Fh
int 21h ; Get DTA Address in ES:BX
mov ax, es ; Save DTA segment
mov dx, bx ; Save DTA offset
les bx, dta ; Now ES:BX points to variable
mov es:[bx], dx ; Copy DTA address to
mov es:[bx+2], ax ; dta variable
;* CreateFile - Creates file with specified attribute.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 3Ch (Create File)
;* Params: attr - Attribute code: 0 = normal 8 = volume label
;* 1 = read only 16 = subdirectory
;* 2 = hidden 32 = archive
;* 4 = system
;* fspec - Pointer to ASCIIZ file specification
;* Return: Short integer with file handle or -1 for error
CreateFile PROC \
USES ds, \
attr:WORD, fspec:PTR BYTE
LoadPtr ds, dx, fspec ; Point DS:DX to file spec
mov cx, attr ; CX = attribute
mov ah, 3Ch ; AH = function number
int 21h ; Create file
jnc exit ; If ok, return AX = handle
mov ax, -1 ; Else set error code
exit: ret
CreateFile ENDP
;* OpenFile - Opens specified file for reading or writing. See the CopyFile
;* procedure for another example of using DOS Function 3Dh to open files.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 3Dh (Open File)
;* Params: access - Access code: 0 = read 1 = write 2 = read/write
;* fspec - Pointer to ASCIIZ file specification
;* Return: Short integer with file handle or -1 for error
OpenFile PROC \
USES ds, \
access:WORD, fspec:PTR BYTE
LoadPtr ds, dx, fspec ; Point DS:DX to file spec
mov ax, access ; AL = access code
mov ah, 3Dh ; AH = function number
int 21h ; Open file
jnc exit ; If ok, return AX = handle
mov ax, -1 ; Else set error code
exit: ret
OpenFile ENDP
;* CloseFile - Closes an open file, specified by handle. See the CopyFile
;* procedure for another example of using DOS Function 3Eh to close files.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 3EH (Close File)
;* Params: handle - File handle
;* Return: None
CloseFile PROC \
mov bx, handle ; BX = file handle
mov ah, 3Eh ; DOS Function 3Eh
int 21h ; Close file
CloseFile ENDP
;* ReadFile - Read from open file to specified buffer. See the CopyFile
;* procedure for another example of using DOS Function 3Fh to read files.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 3Fh (Read File or Device)
;* Params: handle - File handle
;* len - Number of bytes to read
;* pbuff - Pointer to buffer
;* Return: Short integer with number of bytes read, or 0 if read error
ReadFile PROC \
USES ds di, \
handle:WORD, len:WORD, pbuff:PTR BYTE
LoadPtr ds, dx, pbuff ; Point DS:DX to buffer
mov di, dx ; Keep string offset in DI
mov bx, handle ; BX = handle
mov cx, len ; CX = number of bytes to read
mov ah, 3Fh ; Request DOS read
int 21h ; Read File
jnc exit ; If ok, exit with bytes read
sub ax, ax ; Else set error code
exit: ret
ReadFile ENDP
;* WriteFile - Write ASCIIZ string to file. If handle = 0, the string is
;* written to STDOUT (console). See the CopyFile procedure for another
;* example of using DOS Function 40h to write to files.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 40h (Write File or Device)
;* Params: handle - File handle
;* str - Pointer to ASCIIZ string
;* Return: Short integer with error code
;* 0 if successful
;* 1 if write error
;* 2 if number of bytes written not equal to string length
WriteFile PROC \
USES ds di, \
handle:WORD, str:PTR BYTE
LoadPtr es, di, str ; Point ES:DI to string
push di ; Hold on to string pointer
mov cx, -1 ; Set CX to maximum
sub al, al ; AL = 0
repne scasb ; Scan string for NULL
pop dx ; Recover string pointer
dec di
sub di, dx ; Get string length (w/o NULL)
mov cx, di ; Put it into CX
mov bx, handle ; Load BX with handle
push es ; Set DS to ES to ensure
pop ds ; DS:DX points to string
mov ah, 40h ; Request DOS write
int 21h ; Write File or Device
mov bx, ax ; Get number of bytes written
mov ax, 0 ; Set error code, preserve CY
jc e_exit ; If error, exit
cmp bx, cx ; All bytes written?
je exit ; Yes? Exit, error code = 0
inc ax ; Else inc error code twice
e_exit: inc ax ; Increment error code once
exit: ret
WriteFile ENDP
;* GetDiskSize - Gets size information from specified disk.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 36h (Get Drive Allocation Information)
;* Params: drive - Drive code (0 = default, 1 = A, 2 = B, etc.)
;* disk - Pointer to a structure with 4 short integer members:
;* Member 1 - Total clusters on disk
;* Member 2 - Number of available clusters
;* Member 3 - Sectors/cluster (-1 if invalid drive)
;* Member 4 - Bytes/sector
;* Return: None
GetDiskSize PROC \
USES di, \
drive:WORD, disk:PTR WORD
mov dx, drive ; DL = drive code
mov ah, 36h ; DOS Function 36h
int 21h ; Get Drive Allocation Information
LoadPtr es, di, disk ; ES:DI = disk structure
mov es:[di].total, dx ; DX = total clusters
mov es:[di].avail, bx ; BX = number of free clusters
mov es:[di].sects, ax ; AX = sectors/cluster
mov es:[di].bytes, cx ; CX = bytes/sector
GetDiskSize ENDP
;* MakeDir - Creates a specified subdirectory.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 39h (Create Directory)
;* Params: pspec - Pointer to ASCIIZ pathname of new subdirectory
;* Return: Short integer with error code
;* 0 if successful
;* 1 if create error
MakeDir PROC \
USES ds, \
pspec:PTR BYTE
LoadPtr ds, dx, pspec ; Point DS:DX to path spec
mov ah, 39h ; DOS Function 39h
int 21h ; Create Directory
mov ax, 0 ; Set error code, keep flags
jnc exit ; Exit if successful
inc ax ; Else set error code to 1
exit: ret
MakeDir ENDP
;* RemoveDir - Removes a specified subdirectory.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 3Ah (Delete Directory)
;* Params: pspec - Pointer to ASCIIZ pathname of subdirectory
;* Return: Short integer with error code
;* 0 if successful
;* 1 if delete error or subdirectory not empty
RemoveDir PROC \
USES ds, \
pspec:PTR BYTE
LoadPtr ds, dx, pspec ; Point DS:DX to path spec
mov ah, 3Ah ; DOS Function 3Ah
int 21h ; Delete Directory
mov ax, 0 ; Set error code, keep flags
jnc exit ; Exit if successful
inc ax ; Else set error code to 1
exit: ret
RemoveDir ENDP
;* ChangeDir - Changes current (default) directory.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 3Bh (Set Current Directory)
;* Params: pspec - Pointer to ASCIIZ pathname of target subdirectory
;* Return: Short integer with error code
;* 0 if successful
;* 1 if delete error or subdirectory not empty
ChangeDir PROC \
USES ds, \
pspec:PTR BYTE
LoadPtr ds, dx, pspec ; Point DS:DX to path spec
mov ah, 3Bh ; DOS Function 3Bh
int 21h ; Set Current Directory
mov ax, 0 ; Set error code, keep flags
jnc exit ; Exit if successful
inc ax ; Else set error code to 1
exit: ret
ChangeDir ENDP
;* DelFile - Deletes a specified file.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 41h (Delete File)
;* Params: fspec - Pointer to ASCIIZ file specification
;* Return: Short integer with error code
;* 0 if successful
;* 1 if delete error
DelFile PROC \
USES ds, \
fspec:PTR BYTE
LoadPtr ds, dx, fspec ; Point DS:DX to file spec
mov ah, 41h ; DOS Function 41h
int 21h ; Delete File
mov ax, 0 ; Set error code, keep flags
jnc exit ; Exit if successful
inc ax ; Else set error code to 1
exit: ret
DelFile ENDP
;* Rewind - Rewinds an open file, specified by handle. See the GetFileSize
;* procedure for an example of using Function 42h to determine file size.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 42h (Set File Pointer)
;* Params: handle - File handle
;* Return: None
Rewind PROC \
mov bx, handle ; BX = file handle
mov ax, 4200h ; AH = function #,
; AL = move to beginning of
sub cx, cx ; file plus offset
sub dx, dx ; CX:DX = offset (zero)
int 21h ; Set File Pointer
Rewind ENDP
;* GetFileSize - Gets the size of an open file, specified by handle.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 42h (Set File Pointer)
;* Params: handle - File handle
;* Return: Long integer with file size in bytes
GetFileSize PROC \
mov bx, handle ; BX = file handle
mov ax, 4202h ; AH = function #,
; AL = move to end of
sub cx, cx ; file plus offset
sub dx, dx ; CX:DX = offset (zero)
int 21h ; Set File Pointer
mov ax, dx ; Set DX:AX = file size in
mov dx, cx ; bytes, return long int
GetFileSize ENDP
;* GetAttribute - Gets the attribute(s) of a specified file.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 43h (Get or Set File Attributes)
;* Params: fspec - Pointer to ASCIIZ file specification
;* Return: Short integer with file attribute bits set as follows:
;* bit 0 = read-only bit 3 = volume label
;* bit 1 = hidden bit 4 = subdirectory
;* bit 2 = system bit 5 = archive
;* 0 indicates normal data file
;* -1 indicates error
GetAttribute PROC \
USES ds, \
fspec:PTR BYTE
LoadPtr ds, dx, fspec ; DS:DX = file specification
mov ax, 4300h ; AH = function #
; AL = 0 (return attribute)
int 21h ; Get File Attributes
mov ax, -1 ; Set code, keep flags
jc exit ; If read error, exit
mov ax, cx ; Else return with
exit: ret ; file attribute bits
GetAttribute ENDP
;* SetAttribute - Sets the attribute(s) of a specified file.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 43h (Get or Set File Attributes)
;* Params: attr - Attribute bits set as follows:
;* bit 0 = read-only bit 3 = volume label
;* bit 1 = hidden bit 4 = subdirectory
;* bit 2 = system bit 5 = archive
;* (attr = 0 for normal data file)
;* fspec - Pointer to ASCIIZ file specification
;* Return: Short integer with error code
;* 0 if successful
;* 1 if delete error
SetAttribute PROC \
USES ds, \
attr:WORD, fspec:PTR BYTE
LoadPtr ds, dx, fspec ; DS:DX = file specification
mov cx, attr ; Put attribute code in CX
mov ax, 4301h ; AH = function #
; AL = 1 (set attribute)
int 21h ; Set File Attributes
mov ax, 0 ; Clear code, keep flags
jnc exit ; If successful, exit
inc ax ; Else set error code
exit: ret
SetAttribute ENDP
;* GetCurDir - Gets the current directory of default drive.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 47h (Get Current Directory)
;* Params: spec - Pointer to 64-byte buffer to receive directory
;* path. Path terminates with 0 but does not include
;* drive and does not begin with backslash.
;* Return: Short integer with error code
;* 0 if successful
;* 1 if delete error or subdirectory not empty
GetCurDir PROC \
USES ds si, \
LoadPtr ds, si, spec ; DS:SI = spec address
mov ah, 47h ; AH = function number
sub dl, dl ; DL = current drive (0)
int 21h ; Get Current Directory
mov ax, 0 ; Set error code, keep flags
jnc exit ; Exit if successful
inc ax ; Else set error code to 1
exit: ret
GetCurDir ENDP
;* FindFirst - Finds first entry in given directory matching specification.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 4Eh (Find First File)
;* Keywords - USES
;* Instructions - ret pushf popf
;* Params: attr - Attribute code (see header comments for CreateFile)
;* fspec - Pointer to ASCIIZ file specification
;* finfo - Pointer to 43-byte buffer to receive
;* data from matched entry
;* Return: Short integer with error code
;* 0 if successful
;* 1 if no match found
old_dta DD WORD PTR ? ; Storage for old DTA address
FindFirst PROC \
USES ds, \
attr:WORD, fspec:PTR BYTE, finfo:PTR BYTE
push ds ; Pass far pointer
mov ax, OFFSET @data:old_dta; to old_dta
push ax
call GetDTA ; Get current DTA address
add sp, 4 ; Adjust stack
mov cx, attr ; Load CX with file attribute
LoadPtr ds, dx, finfo ; DS:DX points to 43-byte buffer
push ds ; Make this new DTA
push dx
call SetDTA ; Set 43-byte buffer as DTA
add sp, 4 ; Adjust stack
LoadPtr ds, dx, fspec ; Point DS:DX to file spec
mov ah, 4Eh ; AH = function number
int 21h ; Find First File
pushf ; Preserve flags
push WORD PTR @data:old_dta[2] ; Pass far pointer to
push WORD PTR @data:old_dta[0] ; SetDTA procedure
call SetDTA ; Restore DTA address to orig
sub ax, ax ; Set error code
add sp, 4 ; Adjust stack
popf ; Recover flags
jnc exit ; Exit if successful match
inc ax ; Else set error code to 1
exit: ret
FindFirst ENDP
;* FindNext - Finds next entry in given directory matching specification.
;* (Should be called only after successfully calling the FindFirst procedure.)
;* Shows: DOS Function - 4Fh (Find Next File)
;* Operator - OFFSET
;* Params: finfo - Pointer to 43-byte buffer. This must be the same buffer
;* (or a duplicate) returned from the FindFirst procedure.
;* Return: Short integer with error code
;* 0 if successful
;* 1 if no more matches found
FindNext PROC \
USES ds, \
finfo:PTR BYTE
push ds ; Pass far pointer
mov ax, OFFSET @data:old_dta; to old_dta
push ax
call GetDTA ; Get current DTA address
add sp, 4 ; Adjust stack
LoadPtr ds, dx, finfo ; DS:DX points to 43-byte buffer
push ds ; Make this new DTA
push dx
call SetDTA ; Set 43-byte buffer as DTA
add sp, 4 ; Adjust stack
mov ah, 4Fh ; AH = function number
int 21h ; Find Next File
pushf ; Preserve flags
push WORD PTR @data:old_dta[2] ; Pass far pointer to
push WORD PTR @data:old_dta[0] ; SetDTA procedure
call SetDTA ; Restore DTA address to orig
sub ax, ax ; Set error code
add sp, 4 ; Adjust stack
popf ; Recover flags
jnc exit ; Exit if successful match
inc ax ; Else set error code to 1
exit: ret
FindNext ENDP
;* RenameFile - Renames specified file.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 56h (Rename File)
;* Params: fspec1 - Pointer to old ASCIIZ file specification
;* fspec2 - Pointer to new ASCIIZ file specification
;* The drive must be the same for both arguments, but the path
;* does not. This allows files to be moved between directories.
;* Return: Short integer with error code
;* 0 if successful
;* 1 if error
RenameFile PROC \
USES ds di, \
fspec1:PTR BYTE, fspec2:PTR BYTE
LoadPtr ds, dx, fspec1 ; Point DS:DX to old file spec
LoadPtr es, di, fspec2 ; Point ES:DI to new file spec
mov ah, 56h ; AH = function number
int 21h ; Rename File
mov ax, 0 ; Clear error code, keep flags
jnc exit ; Return code = 0 if no error
inc ax ; Else set error code
exit: ret
RenameFile ENDP
;* GetFileTime - Gets date/time for open file specified by handle.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 57h (Get or Set File Date and Time)
;* Instructions - shl shr
;* Params: handle - Handle of open file
;* str - Pointer to 18-byte buffer to receive date/time
;* Return: Short integer with error code
;* 0 if successful
;* 1 if error
GetFileTime PROC \
USES di, \
handle:WORD, str:PTR BYTE
mov ax, 5700h ; AH = function number
; AL = get request
mov bx, handle ; BX = file handle
int 21h ; Get File Date and Time
mov ax, 1 ; Set error code, keep flags
jc exit ; Return code = 1 if no error
mov bx, cx ; Else save time in BX
mov al, bl ; Get low byte of time
and al, 00011111b ; Mask to get 2-second incrs,
shl al, 1 ; convert to seconds
push ax ; Save seconds
mov cl, 5
shr bx, cl ; Shift minutes into low byte
mov al, bl ; Get new low byte
and al, 00111111b ; Mask to get minutes
push ax ; Save minutes
mov cl, 6
shr bx, cl ; Shift hours into low byte
push bx ; Save hours
mov bl, dl ; Get low byte of date
and bl, 00011111b ; Mask to get day in BX
mov cl, 5
shr dx, cl ; Shift month into low byte
mov al, dl ; Get new low byte
and al, 00001111b ; Mask to get month
mov cl, 4
shr dx, cl ; Shift year into low byte
add dx, 80 ; Year is relative to 1980
push dx ; Save year
push bx ; Save day
push ax ; Save month
LoadPtr es, di, str ; Point ES:DI to 18-byte
mov cx, 6 ; string
loop1: pop ax ; Get 6 numbers sequentially in AL
aam ; Convert to unpacked BCD
xchg al, ah ; Switch bytes for word move
or ax, '00' ; Make ASCII numerals
stosw ; Copy to string
mov al, '-' ; Separator for date text
cmp cl, 4 ; First 3 iters are for date
jg @F ; If CX=6 or 5, insert hyphen
mov al, ' ' ; Separator date and time
je @F ; If CX = 4, insert hyphen
mov al, ':' ; Separator for time text
cmp cl, 1
je eloop ; If CX = 1, skip
@@: stosb ; Copy separator to string
eloop: loop loop1
sub ax, ax ; Clear return code
stosb ; Terminate string with null
exit: ret ; to make ASCIIZ
GetFileTime ENDP
;* UniqueFile - Creates and opens a new file with a name unique to the
;* specified directory. The name is manufactured from the current time,
;* making it useful for temporary files. For DOS versions 3.0 and higher.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 5Ah (Create Temporary File)
;* Params: attr - Attribute code (see header comments for CreateFile)
;* fspec - Pointer to ASCIIZ path specification
;* Return: Short integer with file handle or -1 for error
UniqueFile PROC \
USES ds, \
attr:WORD, pspec:PTR BYTE
call GetVer ; Get DOS version
cmp ax, 300 ; 3.0 or higher?
jb e_exit ; No? Quit with error
LoadPtr ds, dx, pspec ; Point DS:DX to path spec
mov cx, attr ; CX = attribute
mov ah, 5Ah ; AH = function number
int 21h ; Create Temporary File
jnc exit ; Return AX = handle if ok
e_exit: mov ax, -1 ; Else set error code
exit: ret
UniqueFile ENDP
;* CreateNewFile - Creates a new file with specified attribute. Differs
;* from the CreateFile procedure in that it returns an error if file
;* already exists. For DOS versions 3.0 and higher.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 5Bh (Create New File)
;* Params: attr - Attribute code (see header comments for CreateFile)
;* fspec - Pointer to ASCIIZ file specification
;* Return: Short integer with file handle or -1 for error
CreateNewFile PROC \
USES ds, \
attr:WORD, fspec:PTR BYTE
LoadPtr ds, dx, fspec ; Point DS:DX to file spec
mov cx, attr ; CX = attribute
mov ah, 5Bh ; AH = function number
int 21h ; Create New File
jnc exit ; Return AX = handle if ok
mov ax, -1 ; Else set error code
exit: ret
CreateNewFile ENDP
;* StrCompare - Compares two strings for equality. See StrWrite, StrFindChar,
;* WinOpen, and WinClose procedures for other examples of string instructions.
;* Shows: Instructions - cmpsb cmpsw repe test jcxz
;* Params: str1 - Pointer to first string
;* str2 - Pointer to second string
;* len - Length in bytes for comparison. Strings need not be of
;* equal length; however if len is an even number, comparison
;* is made on a word-by-word basis and thus is more efficient.
;* Return: Null pointer if strings match; else pointer to string #1 where
;* match failed.
StrCompare PROC \
USES ds di si, \
str1:PTR BYTE, str2:PTR BYTE, len:WORD
LoadPtr es, di, str1 ; ES:DI points to string #1
LoadPtr ds, si, str2 ; DS:SI points to string #2
mov cx, len ; Length of search in bytes
and al, 0 ; Set ZR flag in case CX = 0
jcxz nullp ; Assume success if length = 0
test cl, 1 ; Even number?
jz wrdcmp ; Yes? Compare word-by-word
repe cmpsb ; No? Compare byte-by-byte
jmp SHORT nullp
wrdcmp: shr cx, 1 ; Decrease count by half
repe cmpsw ; Compare word-by-word
sub di, 2 ; Back up 2 characters
sub si, 2
cmpsb ; Match?
jne nullp ; No? Then failure
cmpsb ; Compare last characters
nullp: mov ax, 0 ; Set null pointer without
mov dx, 0 ; disturbing flags
je exit ; If strings match, exit
dec di ; Else point to failure
mov ax, di
mov dx, es
exit: ret
StrCompare ENDP
;* StrFindChar - Finds first occurence of character in given ASCIIZ string,
;* searching either from beginning or end of string. See StrWrite, WinOpen,
;* WinClose, and StrCompare procedures for other examples of string
;* instructions.
;* Shows: Instructions - repne scasb cld std
;* Params: ichar - Character to search for
;* str - Pointer to ASCIIZ string in which to search
;* direct - Direction flag:
;* 0 = search from start to end
;* 1 = search from end to start
;* Return: Null pointer if character not found, else pointer to string where
;* character first encountered
StrFindChar PROC \
USES ds di si, \
ichar:BYTE, str:PTR BYTE, direct:WORD
LoadPtr es, di, str ; ES:DI points to string
LoadPtr ds, si, str ; as does DS:SI
mov cx, -1 ; Set scan counter to maximum
mov bx, cx ; BX = max string tail
cld ; Assume head-to-tail search
cmp direct, 0 ; Assumption correct?
je loop1 ; Yes? Continue
mov bx, di ; No? Set BX to byte before
dec bx ; string head and scan
sub al, al ; string for null terminator
push cx ; to find string tail
repne scasb
pop cx ; Recover scan counter
dec di ; Backup pointer to last
dec di ; character in string and
mov si, di ; begin search from there
std ; Set direction flag
loop1: lodsb ; Get first char from string
cmp si, bx ; At head limit?
je xmatch ; Yes? Then no match
or al, al ; At tail limit?
je xmatch ; Yes? Then no match
cmp al, ichar ; Character match?
je match ; Yes? Then exit
loop loop1 ; No? Resume search
xmatch: sub ax, ax ; Set null pointer if no match
sub dx, dx
jmp SHORT exit
match: mov ax, si ; If match, point to first
dec ax ; occurence
cmp direct, 0 ; Head-to-tail search?
je exit ; Yes? Then exit
inc ax ; No? Then adjust pointer
inc ax ; forward
mov dx, ds ; Pointer segment
exit: ret
StrFindChar ENDP
;* GetStr - Gets a string of up to 128 characters from the user. Since
;* this function uses the DOS input mechanism, it can use the DOS editing
;* keys or the keys of a DOS command-line editor if one is loaded.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 0Ah (Buffered Keyboard Input)
;* Params: buffer - Pointer to area where input string will be placed
;* maxlen - Maximum length (up to 128 characters) of string
;* Return: 0 if successful, 1 if error (maxlen is too long)
actual DB ?
string DB MAXSTR DUP (?)
GetStr PROC \
USES si di, \
strbuf:PTR BYTE, maxlen:WORD
mov ax, 1 ; Assume error
mov cx, maxlen ; Copy length to register
jcxz exit ; Error if maxlen is zero
cmp cx, MAXSTR
ja exit ; Error if maxlen is too long
mov max, cl ; Load maximum length
mov ah, 0Ah ; Request DOS Function 0Ah
mov dx, OFFSET max ; Load offset of string
int 21h ; Buffered Keyboard Input
mov bl, actual ; Put number of characters read
sub bh, bh ; in BX
mov string[bx], 0 ; Null-terminate string
mov cx, bx ; Put count in CX
inc cx ; Plus one for the null terminator
LoadPtr es, di, strbuf ; ES:DI points to destination buffer
mov si, OFFSET string ; DS:SI points to source string
rep movsb ; Copy source to destination
sub ax, ax ; Return 0 for success
exit: ret