dos_compilers/Microsoft QuickC v251/SAMPLES/MATH.ASM
2024-07-02 08:12:15 -07:00

341 lines
11 KiB

.MODEL small, c
;* AddLong - Adds two double-word (long) integers.
;* Shows: Instructions - add adc
;* Params: long1 - First integer
;* long2 - Second integer
;* Return: Sum as long integer
AddLong PROC \
long1:DWORD, long2:DWORD
mov ax, WORD PTR long1[0] ; AX = low word, long1
mov dx, WORD PTR long1[2] ; DX = high word, long1
add ax, WORD PTR long2[0] ; Add low word, long2
adc dx, WORD PTR long2[2] ; Add high word, long2
ret ; Result returned as DX:AX
AddLong ENDP
;* SubLong - Subtracts a double-word (long) integer from another.
;* Shows: Instructions - sub sbb
;* Params: long1 - First integer
;* long2 - Second integer
;* Return: Difference as long integer
SubLong PROC \
long1:DWORD, long2:DWORD
mov ax, WORD PTR long1[0] ; AX = low word, long1
mov dx, WORD PTR long1[2] ; DX = high word, long1
sub ax, WORD PTR long2[0] ; Subtract low word, long2
sbb dx, WORD PTR long2[2] ; Subtract high word, long2
ret ; Result returned as DX:AX
SubLong ENDP
;* MulLong - Multiplies two unsigned double-word (long) integers. The
;* procedure allows for a product of twice the length of the multipliers,
;* thus preventing overflows. The result is copied into a 4-word data area
;* and a pointer to the data area is returned.
;* Shows: Instruction - mul
;* Params: long1 - First integer (multiplicand)
;* long2 - Second integer (multiplier)
;* Return: Pointer to quadword result
PUBLIC result
result DQ WORD PTR ? ; Result from MulLong
MulLong PROC \
long1:DWORD, long2:DWORD
mov ax, WORD PTR long2[2] ; Multiply long2 high word
mul WORD PTR long1[2] ; by long1 high word
mov WORD PTR result[4], ax
mov WORD PTR result[6], dx
mov ax, WORD PTR long2[2] ; Multiply long2 high word
mul WORD PTR long1[0] ; by long1 low word
mov WORD PTR result[2], ax
add WORD PTR result[4], dx
adc WORD PTR result[6], 0 ; Add any remnant carry
mov ax, WORD PTR long2[0] ; Multiply long2 low word
mul WORD PTR long1[2] ; by long1 high word
add WORD PTR result[2], ax
adc WORD PTR result[4], dx
adc WORD PTR result[6], 0 ; Add any remnant carry
mov ax, WORD PTR long2[0] ; Multiply long2 low word
mul WORD PTR long1[0] ; by long1 low word
mov WORD PTR result[0], ax
add WORD PTR result[2], dx
adc WORD PTR result[4], 0 ; Add any remnant carry
mov ax, OFFSET result ; Return pointer
mov dx, @data ; to result
MulLong ENDP
;* ImulLong - Multiplies two signed double-word integers. Because the imul
;* instruction (illustrated here) treats each word as a signed number, its
;* use is impractical when multiplying multi-word values. Thus the technique
;* used in the MulLong procedure can't be adopted here. Instead, ImulLong
;* is broken into three sections arranged in ascending order of computational
;* overhead. The procedure tests the values of the two integers and selects
;* the section that involves the minimum required effort to multiply them.
;* Shows: Instruction - imul
;* Params: long1 - First integer (multiplicand)
;* long2 - Second integer (multiplier)
;* Return: Result as long integer
ImulLong PROC \
USES si, \
long1:DWORD, long2:DWORD
; Section 1 tests for integers in the range of 0 to 65,535. If both
; numbers are within these limits, they're treated as unsigned short
; integers.
sect1: mov ax, WORD PTR long2[0] ; AX = low word of long2
mov dx, WORD PTR long2[2] ; DX = high word of long2
mov bx, WORD PTR long1[0] ; BX = low word of long1
mov cx, WORD PTR long1[2] ; CX = high word of long1
or dx, dx ; Both high words zero?
jnz sect2 ; No? Go to section 2
or cx, cx
jnz sect2
mul bx ; Yes? Multiply the low words
jmp SHORT exit ; and exit section 1
; Section 2 tests for integers in the range of -32,768 to 32,767. If
; both numbers are within these limits, they're treated as signed short
; integers.
sect2: push ax ; Save long2 low word
push bx ; Save long1 low word
or dx, dx ; High word of long2 = 0?
jnz @F ; No? Test for negative
test ah, 80h ; Low word of long2 in range?
jz skip1 ; Yes? long2 ok, so test long1
jmp SHORT sect3 ; No? Go to section 3
@@: cmp dx, 0FFFFh ; Empty with sign flag set?
jne sect3 ; No? Go to section 3
test ah, 80h ; High bit set in low word?
jz sect3 ; No? Low word is too high
skip1: or cx, cx ; High word of long1 = 0?
jnz @F ; No? Test for negative
test bh, 80h ; Low word of long1 in range?
jz skip2 ; Yes? long1 ok, so use sect 2
jmp SHORT sect3 ; No? Go to section 3
@@: cmp cx, 0FFFFh ; Empty with sign flag set?
jne sect3 ; No? Go to section 3
test bh, 80h ; High bit set in low word?
jz sect3 ; No? Low word is too high
skip2: imul bx ; Multiply low words
pop bx ; Clean stack
pop bx
jmp SHORT exit ; Exit section 2
; Section 3 involves the most computational overhead. It treats the two
; numbers as signed long (double-word) integers.
sect3: pop bx ; Recover long1 low word
pop ax ; Recover long2 low word
mov si, dx ; SI = long2 high word
push ax ; Save long2 low word
mul cx ; long1 high word x long2 low word
mov cx, ax ; Accumulate products in CX
mov ax, bx ; AX = low word of long1
mul si ; Multiply by long2 high word
add cx, ax ; Add to previous product
pop ax ; Recover long2 low word
mul bx ; Multiply by long1 low word
add dx, cx ; Add to product high word
exit: ret ; Return result as DX:AX
ImulLong ENDP
;* DivLong - Divides an unsigned long integer by an unsigned short integer.
;* The procedure does not check for overflow or divide-by-zero.
;* Shows: Instruction - div
;* Params: long1 - First integer (dividend)
;* short2 - Second integer (divisor)
;* remn - Pointer to remainder
;* Return: Quotient as short integer
DivLong PROC \
USES di, \
long1:DWORD, short2:WORD, remn:PTR WORD
mov ax, WORD PTR long1[0] ; AX = low word of dividend
mov dx, WORD PTR long1[2] ; DX = high word of dividend
div short2 ; Divide by short integer
LoadPtr es, di, remn ; Point ES:DI to remainder
mov es:[di], dx ; Copy remainder
ret ; Return with AX = quotient
DivLong ENDP
;* IdivLong - Divides a signed long integer by a signed short integer.
;* The procedure does not check for overflow or divide-by-zero.
;* Shows: Instruction - idiv
;* Params: long1 - First integer (dividend)
;* short2 - Second integer (divisor)
;* remn - Pointer to remainder
;* Return: Quotient as short integer
IdivLong PROC \
USES di, \
long1:DWORD, short2:WORD, remn:PTR WORD
mov ax, WORD PTR long1[0] ; AX = low word of dividend
mov dx, WORD PTR long1[2] ; DX = high word of dividend
idiv short2 ; Divide by short integer
LoadPtr es, di, remn ; ES:DI = remainder
mov es:[di], dx ; Copy remainder
ret ; Return with AX = quotient
IdivLong ENDP
;* Quadratic - Solves for the roots of a quadratic equation of form
;* A*x*x + B*x + C = 0
;* using floating-point instructions. This procedure requires either a math
;* coprocessor or emulation code. If executing within the QuickAssembler
;* environment, emulation is automatically provided if a coprocessor is not
;* installed. If executing from the QCL command line, the /FPi switch must
;* be specified if a coprocessor is not installed. For example, to create
;* the MATHDEMO.EXE example program with floating-point emulation, enter the
;* following line:
;* QCL /Cx mathdemo.c /FPi math.asm common.asm
;* Shows: Instructions - sahf fld1 fld fadd fmul
;* fxch fsubr fchs fsubp fstp
;* fst fdivr fwait ftst
;* Params: a - Constant for 2nd-order term
;* b - Constant for 1st-order term
;* c - Equation constant
;* r1 - Pointer to 1st root
;* r2 - Pointer to 2nd root
;* Return: Short integer with return code
;* 0 if both roots found
;* 1 if single root (placed in r1)
;* 2 if indeterminate
Quadratic PROC \
USES ds di si, \
LOCAL status:WORD ; Intermediate status
LoadPtr es, di, r1 ; ES:DI points to 1st root
LoadPtr ds, si, r2 ; DS:SI points to 2nd root
sub bx, bx ; Clear error code
fld1 ; Load top of stack with 1
fadd st, st ; Double it to make 2
fld st ; Copy to next register
fmul a ; ST register = 2a
ftst ; Test current ST value
fstsw status ; Copy status to local word
fwait ; Ensure coprocessor is done
mov ax, status ; Copy status into AX
sahf ; Load flag register
jnz @F ; If C3 set, a = 0, in which case
; solution is x = -c / b
fld b ; Load b parameter
ftst ; Test current ST value
fstsw status ; Copy status to local word
fwait ; Ensure coprocessor is done
mov ax, status ; Copy status into AX
sahf ; Load flag register
jz exit2 ; If C3 set, b = 0, so don't divide
fld st ; Copy b to next register
fld c ; Load C parameter
fchs ; Reverse sign
fxch ; Exchange ST and ST(1)
fdiv ; Divide c by b
fst DWORD PTR es:[di] ; Copy result
jmp SHORT exit1 ; Return with code = 1
@@: fmul st(1), st ; ST(1) register = 4a
fxch ; Exchange ST and ST(1)
fmul c ; ST register = 4ac
ftst ; Test current ST value
fstsw status ; Copy status to local word
fwait ; Ensure coprocessor is done
mov ax, status ; Copy status into AX
sahf ; Load flag register
jp exit2 ; If C2 set, 4*a*c is infinite
fld b ; Else load b parameter
fmul st, st ; Square it; ST register = b*b
fsubr ; ST register = b*b - 4*a*c
ftst ; Test current ST value
fstsw status ; Copy status to local word
fwait ; Ensure coprocessor is done
mov ax, status ; Copy status into AX
sahf ; Load flag register
jc exit2 ; If C0 set, b*b < 4ac
jnz @F ; If C3 set, b*b = 4ac, in which
inc bx ; case only 1 root so set flag
@@: fsqrt ; Get square root
fld b ; Load b parameter
fchs ; Reverse sign
fxch ; Exchange ST and ST1
fld st ; Copy square root to next reg
fadd st, st(2) ; ST = -b + sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c)
fxch ; Exchange ST and ST1
fsubp st(2), st ; ST = -b - sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c)
fdiv st, st(2) ; Divide 1st dividend by 2*a
fstp WORD PTR es:[di] ; Copy result, pop stack
fdivr ; Divide 2nd dividend by 2*a
fstp WORD PTR ds:[si] ; Copy result, pop stack
jmp SHORT exit ; Return with code
exit2: inc bx ; Error code = 2 for indeterminancy
exit1: inc bx ; Error code = 1 for single root
exit: mov ax, bx
Quadratic ENDP