dos_compilers/Microsoft QuickBASIC v3/manual/ng32d57.html
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<B>WAIT Wait for Port Status</B>
<B>WAIT</B> <U>port</U>, <U>n</U>[,<U>m</U>]
Suspends program execution until a specified bit pattern appears at a
specified port address.
<U>port</U> A numeric expression in the range 0 to 65535; specifies
the I/O port to test.
<U>n</U>,<U>m</U> Integer expressions in the range 0 to 255; they supply the
test. <U>m</U> defaults to 0.
<B>Notes:</B> QuickBASIC gets the value at port, XORs it with <U>m</U>, then
ANDs it with <U>n</U>. If the result is zero, the process is
repeated. If the result is nonzero, program execution
continues with the next statement.
To test for a 1 at a particular bit position in <U>port</U>, <U>m</U>
should be omitted and <U>n</U> should have a 1 at the position in
question. To test for a 0 in <U>port</U>, both <U>n</U> and <U>m</U> should
have a 1 in the position in question.
Note that the test is considered positive if any nonzero
value is returned. Therefore, to test for multiple bit
positions, use multiple WAIT statements.
Warning: If <U>port</U> never develops a nonzero value, WAIT can
put your system into an infinite loop.
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by <A HREF="">Dave Pearson</A>