dos_compilers/Microsoft QuickBASIC v3/manual/ng5e67.html
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<B>CALL Invoke Subprogram or Assembly Subroutine</B>
<B>CALL</B> <U>procname</U> [(<U>parmlist</U>)]
Transfers control to a subprogram or assembly language subroutine.
<U>procname</U> Specifies the subprogram or assembly routine to be called.
The first 31 characters are significant. If name is an
assembly language subroutine, it must be a PUBLIC symbol
and must not contain '$' or '_' characters.
<U>parmlist</U> Specifies one or more parameters to be passed to the
subprogram or routine. Parameters must be separated by
commas. Array parameters should be specified by the array
name followed by empty parentheses.
<B>Notes:</B> CALL passes unsegmented addresses of parameters. To pass
segmented addresses, use CALLS.
Note the following differences between QuickBASIC and
interpreted BASIC:
1. QuickBASIC uses 4-byte string descriptors, while
interpreted BASIC uses 3-byte descriptors. An assembly
subroutine that uses string arguments may therefore
need to be modified if it was originally written to
run with an interpreted program.
2. The QuickBASIC CALL statement calls subroutines by
name; interpreted BASIC's CALL statement calls
subroutines by offset address. To call a subroutine by
address in QuickBASIC, use CALL ABSOLUTE.
<B>See Also:</B>
<A HREF="ng63e4.html">CALL ABSOLUTE</A>
<A HREF="ng681f.html">CALLS</A>
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Written by <A HREF="">Dave Pearson</A>