dos_compilers/Microsoft QuickBASIC v3/manual/ng76ee.html
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<B>CIRCLE Draw Ellipse on Screen</B>
<B>CIRCLE</B> [STEP] (<U>x</U>,<U>y</U>), <U>radius</U> [,[<U>color</U>] [,[<U>start</U>],[<U>end</U>][,<U>aspect</U>]]]
Draws an ellipse on the screen.
STEP If included, coordinates are relative to last graphics
point referenced (LPR). If omitted, coordinates are
<U>x</U>,<U>y</U> The center (column, row) of the ellipse in pixels.
<U>r</U><U>adius</U> Length, in pixels, of the major axis (the radius, in the
case of a circle).
<U>color</U> Color in which the ellipse is drawn. Defaults to 3 in
medium resolution, 1 in high resolution.
<U>start</U> Starting angle of arc, in radians. Defaults to 0.
<U>end</U> Ending angle of arc, in radians. Defaults to 2..
<U>aspect</U> Ratio, in pixels, of the x radius to the y radius.
Defaults to 5/6 in medium resolution, 5/12 in high
resolution; these values generate a circle on the CGA.
<B>Notes:</B> Omitting <U>start</U> and <U>end</U> will draw a complete circle.
If negative values for <U>start</U> and <U>end</U> are given, the end
points of the resulting arc are connected to the center
point, thus creating pie-chart wedges.
After a CIRCLE statement has been executed, the "last
point referenced" (LPR) is the center of the ellipse.
<B>See Also:</B>
<A HREF="ng17bbd.html">LINE</A>
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by <A HREF="">Dave Pearson</A>