dos_compilers/Borland Turbo Pascal v6/DOC/TVISION.DOC
2024-07-02 07:11:05 -07:00

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Additional Turbo Vision Documentation
Table of Contents
A. Additional reference material
1. Enhancements to OBJECTS.PAS
a. New TCollection.AtFree method
b. Duplicate keys in sorted collections
c. Changes to TEmsStream.Init to support EMS 3.2
2. Enhancements to DRIVERS.PAS
a. MouseReverse variable
3. Enhancements to VIEWS.PAS
a. ErrorAttr variable
b. TWindow.Close method
c. cmListItemSelected constant
d. TListViewer.SelectItem method
4. Enhancements to DIALOGS.PAS
a. bfBroadcast constant
b. TButton.Press method
5. Enhancements to MEMORY.PAS
a. bfBroadcast constant
b. TButton.Press method
6. Stream RegisterXXXX procedures and ID codes
B. Additional explanatory material
1. Overlaying Turbo Vision applications
2. Ordering of inherited calls
This appendix contains additional explanatory and reference
material about Turbo Vision.
1. Enhancements to OBJECTS.PAS
TCollection.AtFree method
procedure TCollection.AtFree(Index: Integer);
Deletes and disposes of the item at the given Index. Equivalent to
Item := At(Index);
Duplicate keys in sorted collections
TSortedCollection implements sorted collections both with or without
duplicate keys. The TSortedCollection.Duplicates field controls
whether duplicates are allowed or not. It defaults to False,
indicating that duplicate keys are not allowed, but after creating a
TSortedCollection you can set Duplicates to True to allow elements
with duplicate keys in the collection.
When Duplicates is True, the Search method returns the index of the
first item in the collection that has the given key, and the Insert
method inserts an item before other items (if any) with the same
key. The IndexOf method uses Search to locate the first item with
the key given by the Item parameter, and then performs a linear
search to find the exact Item.
TSortedCollection overrides the Load and Store methods inherited
from TCollection to also load and store the value of the Duplicates
TEmsStream.Init method
constructor TEmsStream.Init(MinSize, MaxSize: Longint);
EMS drivers earlier than version 4.0 don't support resizeable
expanded memory blocks. With a pre-4.0 driver, an EMS stream cannot
be expanded beyond its initial size once it has been allocated. To
properly support both older and newer EMS drivers, a TEmsStream's
Init constructor takes two parameters which specify the minimum and
maximum size of the initial EMS memory block allocation. Init will
always allocate at least MinSize bytes.
If the EMS driver version number is greater than or equal to 4.0,
Init allocates only MinSize bytes of EMS, and then expands the block
as required by subsequent calls to TEmsStream.Write. MaxSize is
If the driver version number is less than 4.0, Init allocates as
much expanded memory as is available up to MaxSize bytes, and an
error will occur if subsequent calls to TEmsStream.Write attempt to
expand the stream beyond the allocated size.
2. Enhancements to DRIVERS.PAS
MouseReverse variable in Drivers
const MouseReverse: Boolean = False;
Setting MouseReverse to True causes Turbo Vision's event manager to
reverse the mbLeftButton and mbRightButton flags in the Buttons
field of TEvent records.
3. Enhancements to VIEWS.PAS
ErrorAttr variable
const ErrorAttr: Byte = $CF;
Contains a video attribute byte used as the error return value of a
call to TView.GetColor. If TView.GetColor fails to correctly map a
palette index into a video attribute byte (because of an
out-of-range index), it returns the value given by ErrorAttr. The
default ErrorAttr value represents blinking high-intensity white
characters on a red background. If you see this color combination on
the screen, it is most likely an indication of a palette mapping
TWindow.Close method
Calls the TWindow's Valid method with a Command value of cmClose,
and then, if Valid returns True, closes the window by calling its
Done method.
cmListItemSelected constant
A TListViewer uses the Message function to send an evBroadcast event
with a Command value of cmListItemSelected to its TView.Owner
whenever an item in the list viewer is selected (by double-clicking
on it, or by moving the selection bar to the item and pressing the
spacebar). The InfoPtr of the event points to the TListViewer
TListViewer.SelectItem method
The default SelectItem method sends a cmListItemSelected broadcast
to its Owner as follows:
Message(Owner, evBroadcast, cmListItemSelected, @Self);
4. Enhancements to DIALOGS.PAS
bfBroadcast constant in Dialogs
const bfBroadcast = $04;
This flag is used in constructing the AFlags bit mask passed to
TButton.Init. It controls whether TButton objects should generate
events using the PutEvent method or the Message function. If
bfBroadcast is clear, a TButton uses PutEvent to geneate an
evCommand event whenever it is pressed:
E.What := evCommand;
E.Command := Command;
E.InfoPtr := @Self;
If bfBroadcast is set, a TButton uses Message to send an evBroadcast
message to its Owner whenever it is pressed:
Message(Owner, evBroadcast, Command, @Self);
TButton.Press method
procedure TButton.Press; virtual;
This method is called to generate the effect associated with
"pressing" a TButton object. The default method sends an evBroadcast
event with a command value of cmRecordHistory to the button's owner
(causing all THistory objects to record the contents of the
TInputLine objects they control), and then uses PutEvent or Message
to generate an event (see description of bfBroadcast flag). You can
override TButton.Press to change the behaviour of a button when it
is pressed.
5. Enhancements to MEMORY.PAS
New SetMemTop procedure
procedure SetMemTop(MemTop: Pointer);
Sets the top of the application's memory block. The initial memory
top corresponds to the value stored in the HeapEnd variable.
SetMemTop is typically used to shrink the application's memory block
before executing a DOS shell or another program, and to expand the
memory block afterwards. For an example of how to use SetMemTop, See
TVDEMO.PAS in the \TP\TVDEMOS directory.
6. RegisterXXXX procedures and ID codes
To allow easy interface with streams, the App, ColorSel, Dialogs,
Editors, Menus, Objects, StdDlg, and Views units each define a
procedure which registers all object types in the unit using a
sequence of calls to RegisterType. These registration procedures all
have names of the form RegisterXXXX where XXXX is the name of the
containing unit. The types and object ID values registered by the
RegisterXXXX procedures are show below.
TBackground 30
TDeskTop 31
TColorSelector 21
TMonoSelector 22
TColorDisplay 23
TColorGroupList 24
TColorItemList 25
TColorDialog 26
TDialog 10
TInputLine 11
TButton 12
TCluster 13
TRadioButtons 14
TCheckBoxes 15
TListBox 16
TStaticText 17
TLabel 18
THistory 19
TParamText 20
TEditor 70
TMemo 71
TFileEditor 72
TIndicator 73
TFileWindow 74
TMenuBar 40
TMenuBox 41
TStatusLine 42
TCollection 50
TStringCollection 51
TFileInputLine 60
TFileCollection 61
TFileList 62
TFileInfoPane 63
TFileDialog 64
TDirCollection 65
TDirListBox 66
TChDirDialog 67
TView 1
TFrame 2
TScrollBar 3
TScroller 4
TListViewer 5
TGroup 6
TWindow 7
If your application uses stream I/O, you should call the appropriate
RegisterXXXX procedures in the application's Init method, and in
addition use RegisterType to register your own types:
TMyApp = object(TApplication)
constructor Init;
constructor TMyApp.Init;
Notice the explicit call to RegisterType(RStringList) to register
the TStringList type. The RegisterObjects procedures does not
register the TStringList and TStrListMaker types, since they have
the same object type ID (52). Depending on whether your application
is using or generating string lists, you must manually register
TStringList or TStrListMaker.
See TVRDEMO.PAS and TVFORMS.PAS in the \TP\TVDEMOS directory for
examples of applications that perform stream registration.
B. Additional explanatory material
1. Overlaying Turbo Vision applications
2. Ordering of inherited calls
1. Overlaying Turbo Vision applications
Turbo Vision was designed to work efficiently in an overlaid
application. All Turbo Vision units can be overlaid, except for the
Drivers unit, which contains interrupt handlers and other low-level
system interfaces.
When designing an overlaid Turbo Vision application, carefully
consider which objects constitute the various "working sets" of your
application. At any given moment, the user will be interacting with
a group of objects. Therefore, the code for all of these objects
need to fit in the overlay pool at the same time to avoid excessive
disk access. Since Turbo Pascal's overlay manager swaps in entire
units at a time, do not place unrelated objects in the same overlaid
unit. If you do, when you use only one of the objects, the code for
all the others will also be swapped into the overlay pool and will
take up valuable space. Remember--when a unit is brought into the
overlay pool, another unit may very well be squeezed out.
Consider an example in which you're designing a special dialog that
contains some customized controls. Your dialog is derived from
TDialog and your custom controls are derived from TListViewer and
TInputLine. Placing all three derived object types in the same unit
makes sense because they're part of the same working set. However,
placing other unrelated objects in that unit would require a larger
overlay pool to hold your working set and therefore may cause disk
thrashing when you run the program.
Within a Turbo Vision application, the App, Memory, Menus Objects,
and Views units total about 50 kbytes of code and will almost always
be part of the current working set. In addition, units containing
your derived application object and any windows or dialogs with
which the user is currently interacting will also be part of the
working set, bringing the typical minimum overlay pool size to about
64K bytes.
Through experimentation, you can determine the ideal size of the
overlay pool. In general, the presence of EMS makes code swapping
much faster and allows you to reduce the size of overlay pool by 25%
to 35%. Determining the best size of the pool depends on many
factors, however and generally involves a tradeoff of speed vs.
capacity. The best approach allows for runtime flexibility with some
reasonable, established limits. If possible, we recommend that you
support a command-line parameter or a configuration file to control
the size of the overlay pool at startup (like the /X command-line
option for TURBO.EXE).
The following skeleton program presents a typical overlaid Turbo
Vision application:
program MyProg;
{$M 8192,65536,655360}
uses Overlay, Drivers, Memory, Objects, Views, Menus, Dialogs,
HistList, StdDlg, App;
{$O App }
{$O Dialogs }
{$O HistList }
{$O Memory }
{$O Menus }
{$O Objects }
{$O StdDlg }
{$O Views }
ExeFileName = 'MYPROG.EXE'; { EXE name for DOS 2.x }
OvrBufDisk = 96 * 1024; { Overlay pool size without EMS }
OvrBufEMS = 72 * 1024; { Overlay pool size with EMS }
TMyApp = object(TApplication)
constructor Init;
destructor Done; virtual;
procedure InitOverlays;
FileName: string[79];
FileName := ParamStr(0);
if FileName = '' then FileName := ExeFileName;
if OvrResult <> 0 then
PrintStr('Fatal error: Cannot open overlay file.');
if OvrResult = 0 then OvrSetBuf(OvrBufEMS) else
OvrSetRetry(OvrBufDisk div 2);
constructor TMyApp.Init;
destructor TMyApp.Done;
MyApp: TMyApp;
Notice how the overlay manager is initialized before calling the
inherited TApplication.Init--this is a requirement since the App
unit, which contains TApplication, is overlaid. Also notice the use
of ParamStr(0) to get the name of the .EXE file; that only works
with DOS version 3.0 or later. In order to support earlier DOS
versions, a test for a null string combined with the ability to
supply an .EXE file name is required. Finally, notice that
OvrSetRetry isn't called if EMS is present, since it generally only
improves performance when the overlay file is on disk.
The above example assumes that you've used the recommended practice
of appending the overlay file to the end of .EXE file. This is
easily done using the DOS COPY command:
See TVRDEMO.PAS in the \TP\TVDEMOS directory for an example of an
overlaid Turbo Vision application. And always remember to place a
{$F+,O+} directive at the beginning of all overlaid units.
For further information on Turbo Pascal's overlay manager, please
refer to Chapter 13 in the Programmer's Guide.
2. Ordering of inherited calls
Turbo Vision is designed so that you can extend it to suit your
application's specific needs by deriving new descendants from
existing Turbo Vision objects. Sometimes, your new object will want
to completely replace the inherited behavior for a given method. For
example, when TInputLine is derived from TView, TInputLine.Draw does
not call its inherited method, TView.Draw. That's because TView.Draw
simply creates an empty rectangle. Instead, TInputLine overrides the
inherited Draw and defines a new one:
procedure TInputLine.Draw;
{ Insert code to draw an input line here }
In fact, calling TView.Draw would cause an unpleasant flicker on the
screen when first TView cleared the rectangle, and then TInputLine
filled it in. Methods like Draw are an exception, though.
Programming effectively with Turbo Vision involves making lots of
inherited method calls. For each method you're overriding, you must
know which to do first: Execute the code that you're adding? Or
first call the inherited method and then execute your new code?
Moreover, as you've just seen with the Draw method, sometimes you
don't call your inherited method at all. Doing the right thing in
the right order, of course, depends on where your new object falls
in the Turbo Vision hierarchy and which method you're overriding.
The rules for inherited call ordering break into 3 categories
1) Constructors. Call the inherited method first.
procedure MyObject.Init(...);
{ Call inherited Init first }
{ Insert code to init MyObject }
2) Destructors. Call the inherited method last.
procedure MyObject.Done;
{ Insert code to cleanup MyObject }
{ Call inherited Done last }
3) All other methods: It depends. See below for an explanation.
Overriding Init and Load: The Call First Rule
You should always call your inherited constructor first and then
initialize any new fields your descendent object defines. This
advice applies to Init and Load constructors equally
MyObject = object(TWindow)
Value: Word;
Ok: Boolean;
constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; ATitle: TTitleStr;
AValue: Word; AOk: Boolean);
constructor MyObject.Init(var Bounds: TRect; ATitle: TTitleStr;
AValue: Word; AOk: Boolean);
TWindow.Init(Bounds, ATitle, wnNoNumber);
Value := 16;
Ok := True;
Here, MyObject calls its inherited Init method, TWindow.Init, to
perform initialization, first. Then MyObject puts meaningful values
into Value and Ok. If you were to reverse the order of these steps,
you'd be in for an unpleasant surprise: Value would be zero and Ok
would be False! That's because TWindow follows the Init convention
and calls its inherited method, TGroup.Init. TGroup.Init calls
TView.Init; which--finally--calls TObject.Init, the ultimate
ancestor to all Turbo Vision objects. TObject.Init zeros ALL the
fields in MyObject, including Value and Ok.
Your Init and Load methods can rely on this and refrain from zeroing
new fields--as long as you're deriving an object from some TView
The Exception
Having said "always call the inherited constructor first", it's not
always true. When working with non-view objects like TCollection or
TStream descendants, you don't HAVE to call your inherited Init or
Load first. But you should, unless there is some compelling reason
to break the rule. And there might be, as in the following case when
an inherited constructor includes a call to a virtual method which
has been overridden. TCollection.Load relies on the virtual method
GetItem to get a collection item from the stream
constructor TCollection.Load(var S: TStream);
for I := 0 to Count - 1 do AtPut(I, GetItem(S));
Since GetItem is virtual, you may have overridden it and your
GetItem may rely on your descendent object's Load method to
initialize a field before GetItem is called. In this case, you'd
want your new Load method to read the field value first, then call
TCollection.Load, which would end up "calling back" to your GetItem.
Here's a partial implementation of a collection of binary data (not
objects). The size of a data item is fixed for the entire collection
and held in the new field, ItemSize
PDataCollection = ^TDataCollection;
TDataCollection = object(TStringCollection)
ItemSize: Word;
KeyType: KeyTypes;
constructor Init(ALimit, ADelta, AnItemSize: Integer);
constructor Load(var S: TStream);
function Compare(Key1, Key2: Pointer): Integer; virtual;
procedure FreeItem(Item: Pointer); virtual;
function GetItem(var S: TStream): Pointer; virtual;
procedure PutItem(var S: TStream; Item: Pointer); virtual;
procedure Store(var S: TStream); virtual;
constructor TDataCollection.Load(var S: TStream);
S.Read(ItemSize, SizeOf(ItemSize));
function TDataCollection.GetItem(var S: TStream): Pointer;
var Item: Pointer;
GetMem(Item, ItemSize);
S.Read(Item^, ItemSize);
GetItem := Item;
Load first reads the ItemSize off the stream, then it calls
TSTringCollection.Load, which "calls back" to GetItem. Now GetItem
knows how big the item it's supposed to load is and can allocate
heap and read data correctly. That's why the "call inherited first"
applies to TView descendants all the time and to all other objects
unless there's a compelling reason. And of course, Load and Store go
hand-in-hand, so in this example, Store would write data to the
stream in the same order as Load reads it. This code is extracted
from the DATACOLL.PAS unit in the \TP\TVDEMOS directory.
Destructors: call them last
A destructor's job is to undo the constructor's handiwork in reverse
order. Therefore, a destructor should always free its own dynamic
memory and then call its inherited destructor to do the same.
All other methods: it depends
You saw how TInputLine doesn't call its inherited Draw method. If it
did, TView.Draw would have to be called first or else it would
obliterate any writing done by TInputLine.Draw. For the remaining
Turbo Vision methods, whether to make an inherited call or not--and
in what order--depends on which method you're overriding. In
general, call the inherited method first. We've covered the most
common methods to override: Init, Done, Draw, Load, and Store. Now
consider HandleEvent. Here's a skeleton of a descendent object's
HandleEvent method
procedure MyObject.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent);
{ Insert code to change inherited behavior }
{ Call inherited HandleEvent }
{ Insert code to add additional behavior }
First, code that will CHANGE the inherited behavior is executed.
Then the inherited call is made. Finally, the code that will EXTEND
the inherited behavior is added.
If you want to change the way the inherited method behaves or filter
out events, then put this code ahead of the inherited call. Most
Turbo Vision views call their inherited HandleEvent and then add
code to handle new events
procedure TDialog.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent);
case Event.What of
TDialog's HandleEvent manages all keyboard and mouse events,
including tabs. But what if you need to define a new dialog that
ignores tabs? Since you want to change your inherited method's
behavior (the handling of tabs) you'll put this tab-eating code
BEFORE the call to TDialog.HandleEvent
procedure TNoTabsDialog.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent);
if (Event.What = evKeyDown) then
if (Event.KeyCode = kbTab) or (Event.KeyCode = kbShiftTab) then
That's it. Your TNoTabsDialog will throw away the tabs before
TDialog.HandleEvent can ever see them and the tab key will not move
from control to control when using your dialog.