300 lines
8.4 KiB
Common Lisp
300 lines
8.4 KiB
Common Lisp
;; MATCH.L for PC-LISP.EXE (V2.13)
;; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
;; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
;; This file called match.l implements all of the functions in
;; chapters 21 and 22 of LISPcraft by R.Wilensky. Together they form
;; a deductive data base retriever with two access functions. One is
;; called (insert) and the other (retrieve). Insert takes implications
;; and base cases and inserts them into the given data base. (retrieve)
;; returns a list of matches made with the data base and any bindings
;; neccssary to make the match true. Hence an output like (nil) means
;; one match requiring no bindings. The functions have been slightly
;; modified to run with PC-LISP. Note that they require the PC-LISP.L
;; file to be loaded specificially for the let macro and a few other
;; goodies. If you put PC-LISP.L in the current directory it will be
;; automatically loaded. Or you can put it in a library directory, see
;; the (load) function.
;; August 22nd 1986
;; Peter Ashwood-Smith
;; Example queries:
;; (mammal Fido) gives (nil) meaning Yes he is a mammal
;; (dog ?x) gives (?x Fido) meaning Yes if (?x is Fido)
;; (mammal ?x) etc.. you get the idea.
;; (? Fido)
;; You really cannot get much out of this example unless you get
;; the LISPcraft book. Have Fun!
;; Main processing Loop - input a data base query, expand the variables
;; ?x to (*var* x) as the read macro in LISPcraft page 295 would do then
;; pass the request to the (retrieve) function.
(setsyntax '|?| 'vmacro '(lambda()(list '*var* (read))))
(setq displace-macros t) ;runs much faster if let is displaced at eval time
(defun ProcessQueries (data-base)
(prog (InputQuery)
loop (princ "query?")
(setq InputQuery (read))
(cond ((null InputQuery) (return)))
(princ "ans=")
(patom (CompressVariables (retrieve InputQuery data-base)))
(princ (ascii 10))
(go loop)
;; Opposite of Read Macro for ? - turn list elements like (*var* x) into
;; ?x
(defun CompressVariables (List)
(cond ((null List) ())
((atom List) List)
((eq (car List) '*var*)
(implode (list '|?| (cadr List)))
(t (cons(CompressVariables(car List))(CompressVariables (cdr List))))
;; top level matcher function, just drives the recursive next level
;; by setting bindings to nil.
(defun match (pattern1 pattern2)
(match-with-bindings pattern1 pattern2 nil)
(defun match-with-bindings (pattern1 pattern2 bindings)
(cond ((pattern-var-p pattern1)
(variable-match pattern1 pattern2 bindings)
((pattern-var-p pattern2)
(variable-match pattern2 pattern1 bindings)
((atom pattern1)
(cond ((eq pattern1 pattern2)
(list bindings)
((atom pattern2) nil)
(t (let ((car-result
(car pattern1)(car pattern2) bindings)))
(and car-result
(cdr pattern1)
(cdr pattern2)
(car car-result)
(defun variable-match (pattern-var item bindings)
(cond ((equal pattern-var item) (list bindings))
(t (let ((var-binding (get-binding pattern-var bindings)))
(cond (var-binding
(match-with-bindings var-binding item bindings))
((not (contained-in pattern-var item bindings))
(list (add-binding pattern-var item bindings)))
(defun contained-in (pattern-var item bindings)
(cond ((atom item) nil)
((pattern-var-p item)
(or (equal pattern-var item)
(contained-in pattern-var
(get-binding item bindings)
(t (or (contained-in pattern-var (car item) bindings)
(contained-in pattern-var (cdr item) bindings)
(defun add-binding (pattern-var item bindings)
(cons (list pattern-var item) bindings)
(defun get-binding (pattern-var bindings)
(cadr (assoc pattern-var bindings))
(defun pattern-var-p (item)
(and (listp item) (eq '*var* (car item)))
;; Fast Data Base Manager Operations. Using matcher function above to perform
;; deductive retreival. Indexing as per LISPcraft chapter 22.
(defun replace-variables(item)
(let ((!bindings ()))
(replace-variables-with-bindings item)))
(defun replace-variables-with-bindings(item)
(cond ((atom item) item)
((pattern-var-p item)
(let ((var-binding (get-binding item !bindings)))
(cond (var-binding)
(t (let ((newvar (makevar (gensym 'var))))
(setq !bindings
(add-binding item newvar !bindings))
(t (cons (replace-variables-with-bindings (car item))
(replace-variables-with-bindings (cdr item))
(defun makevar (atom)
(list '*var* atom)
(defun query (request data-base)
(apply 'append (mapcar '(lambda(item)(match item request))
(defun index (item data-base)
(let ((place (cond ((atom (car item)) (car item))
((pattern-var-p (car item)) '*var*)
(t '*list*)
(putprop place (cons (replace-variables item)(get place data-base))
(putprop data-base
(enter place (get data-base '*keys*))
(defun enter (e l)
(cond ((not (memq e l)) (cons e l))
(t l)
(defun fast-query (request data-base)
(cond ((pattern-var-p (car request))
(apply 'append
(mapcar '(lambda(key)(query request (get key data-base)))
(get data-base '*keys*)
(t (append
(query request (get (cond ((atom (car request))
(car request)
(t '*list*)
(query request (get '*var* data-base))
;; deductive retreiver (LISPcraft page 314) use backward chaining to establish
;; bindings.
(defun retrieve (request data-base)
(fast-query request data-base)
(apply 'append
(mapcar '(lambda(bindings)
(get-binding '(*var* antecedent) bindings)
(fast-query (list '<- request '(*var* antecedent))
;; substitute variables for bindings recursively. LISPcraft page 315.
(defun substitute-vars (item bindings)
(cond ((atom item) item)
((pattern-var-p item)
(let ((binding (get-binding item bindings)))
(cond (binding (substitute-vars binding bindings))
(t item)
(t (cons (substitute-vars (car item) bindings)
(substitute-vars (cdr item) bindings)
;; page 315 of LISPcraft add too !d-b1!
;; by calling index to insert the implications and base cases.
(index '(<- (scales ?x) (fish ?x)) '!d-b1!) ; fishes have scales
(index '(<- (fins ?x) (fish ?x)) '!d-b1!) ; fishes have fins
(index '(<- (legs ?x) (mammal ?x)) '!d-b1!) ; some mammals have legs
(index '(<- (mammal ?x) (dog ?x)) '!d-b1!) ; a dog is a mammal
(index '(<- (dog ?x) (poodle ?x)) '!d-b1!) ; a poodle is a dog
(index '(poodle Fido) '!d-b1!) ; fido is a poodle
(index '(horse Terry) '!d-b1!) ; terry is a horse
(index '(fish Eric) '!d-b1!) ; Eric is a fish
;; start processing queries from data base #1 which was entered above
;; some good things to try are (mammal Fido) which will return (nil)
;; meaning that one match was found needing no bindings to make it true.
;; this was established via the chain (poodle Fido)-->(dog Fido)-->
;; (mammal Fido).
(defun run() (ProcessQueries '!d-b1!))
(princ "Data Base Retreiver Loaded and Ready To Go")
(princ (ascii 10))
(princ "Just type (run) to start it, have fun.")
(princ (ascii 10))