84 lines
2.1 KiB
84 lines
2.1 KiB
#ifndef MONEY_HPP
#define MONEY_HPP
#include <stream.hpp>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
class money {
long dollars;
int cents;
static int errf;
void carry();
static void unsafe() { errf = -1; }
money() { dollars = 0; cents = 0; }
money(long d, int c);
money(char *);
char *format(char *s, int l = 0);
money& operator-()
dollars = -dollars; cents = -cents;
return *this;
int operator!()
{ return !dollars && !cents; }
money& operator+=(money&);
money& operator-=(money&);
money& operator*=(double);
operator double()
{ return dollars+((double) cents)/100; }
int err() { return errf; }
void clear_err() { errf = 0; }
friend money operator+(money&, money&);
friend money operator-(money&, money&);
friend money operator*(money&, double);
friend money operator*(double, money&);
friend long operator/(money&, money&);
friend money operator%(money&, money&);
friend int operator==(money&, money&);
friend int operator!=(money&, money&);
friend int operator>(money&, money&);
friend int operator<(money&, money&);
friend int operator>=(money&, money&);
friend int operator<=(money&, money&);
//. The friend functions implementing the comparison operations are all
//. rather trivial, and can be inlined for speed.
inline int operator==(money& a, money& b)
return a.dollars == b.dollars && a.cents == b.cents;
inline int operator!=(money& a, money& b)
return a.dollars != b.dollars || a.cents != b.cents;
inline int operator>(money& a, money& b)
return a.dollars > b.dollars? 1 : a.cents > b.cents;
inline int operator<(money& a, money& b)
return a.dollars < b.dollars? 1 : a.cents < b.cents;
inline int operator>=(money& a, money& b)
return !(a < b);
inline int operator<=(money& a, money& b)
return !(a > b);
ostream& operator<<(ostream&, money&);