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Information on floating-point-exception handling for
the Microsoft(R) C Optimizing Compiler Version 5.10
(C) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988
This document provides additional information about floating-point-exception
handling in the Microsoft(R) C run-time system. This information includes
descriptions of floating-point error signals and exit codes, and instructions
for controlling the coprocessor status and control words through the use of
C run-time-library functions.
Explanation of Floating-Point Error Signals and Exit Codes
The Microsoft C run-time library supports 11 kinds of floating-point errors
which, if unmasked and untrapped, generate fatal run-time error messages.
The result is to print out a message such as
run-time error M6101 : MATH
- floating-point error: invalid
This causes the program to terminate with an exit code that corresponds to the
error condition. This set of floating-point errors is documented in the
Microsoft C Optimizing Compiler User's Guide in Section E.4.2, "Floating-Point
Exceptions." The error number, message, description, and exit return codes
are given for each error. The set of exit return codes (also known as SIGFPE
error subcodes) is also listed in the FLOAT.H include file; the macro names
begin with FPE_.
Appendix E of the Microsoft C Optimizing Compiler User's Guide mentions that
some of these error conditions (denormal, underflow, inexact) are normally
masked (no error is signaled) when the default setting of the floating-point
control word is used. Also some error conditions do not normally occur with
Microsoft C floating-point-code generation, but they may occur if assembly-
language code is linked with the user program; these are the square-root,
stack-underflow, and unemulated errors.
The following is a list of the floating-point error conditions:
Name of Error Message Number Exit Code FLOAT.H Macro Name
------------- -------------- --------- ------------------
Invalid M6101 0x81 (129) FPE_INVALID
Denormal M6102 0x82 (130) FPE_DENORMAL
Divide by zero M6103 0x83 (131) FPE_ZERODIVIDE
Overflow M6104 0x84 (132) FPE_OVERFLOW
Underflow M6105 0x85 (133) FPE_UNDERFLOW
Inexact M6106 0x86 (134) FPE_INEXACT
Unemulated M6107 0x87 (135) FPE_UNEMULATED
Square root M6108 0x88 (136) FPE_SQRTNEG
Stack overflow M6110 0x8a (138) FPE_STACKOVERFLOW
Stack underflow M6111 0x8b (139) FPE_STACKUNDERFLOW
Explicitly generated M6112 0x8c (140) FPE_EXPLICITGEN
If the program does no user-defined floating-point error signal handling with
the signal function, or if default signal handling is specified in the
following statement
signal(SIGFPE, SIG_DFL);
then the fatal error message described above is generated for all
unmasked floating-point exceptions. To install your own signal handler,
include a signal statement of the following form in the program:
signal(SIGFPE, ptr_to_func);
See the documentation for the signal and _fpreset functions in the Microsoft
C Optimizing Compiler Run-Time Library Reference for an explanation of
user-defined signal handling for the SIGFPE case. The use of _fpreset and
longjmp is recommended within user handlers. Do not use
signal(SIGFPE, SIG_IGN);
in an attempt to ignore floating-point errors, as the results will be
Unlike other kinds of signals, the floating-point error signal (SIGFPE)
has an additional subcode associated with it to distinguish the different
floating-point error types. There are at least two uses for this subcode
1. The subcode can be accessed through an optional second argument
of the user-defined signal-handling function. (See the example
under _fpreset and Table R.9 under the signal function in the
Microsoft C Optimizing Compiler Run-Time Library Reference, as
well as the example below. In such a context, the use of the
floating-point error subcode macros (FPE_INVALID, and so on)
defined in FLOAT.H is fitting.
2. The subcode macros and values can be used in checking the exit-status
code of a child process (from the operating system's command language
or from a parent process that has spawned a child) to see what type
of (floating-point) error has occurred, if any.
Here is an example of a user-defined SIGFPE signal handler that distinguishes
among floating-point error types by using the subcode macros in FLOAT.H:
int fphandler(sig,num)
int sig,num;
if (num == FPE_ZERODIVIDE) {
printf("divide-by-zero error; exiting ...\n");
else {
printf("floating-point error, subcode = %d;
recovering ...\n",num);
This program fragment could replace the "fphandler" of the _fpreset example
in the Microsoft C Optimizing Compiler Run-Time Library Reference. It prints
an error message and exits when it encounters a divide-by-zero error, but
recovers from other types of floating-point errors.
Handling 8087/80287/80387 Floating-Point Exceptions
1. Introduction
The five exceptions to floating-point arithmetic required by the IEEE
standard are supported by the 8087/80287/80387 coprocessor and the
Microsoft C coprocessor and emulator math packages. Exceptions that
would result in a NAN ("not a number") if they were disabled are
enabled by default (these are invalid, overflow, and divide by zero
exceptions). The other exceptions are disabled (masked) by default
(these are underflow and precision exceptions).
The coprocessor exception handling is controlled by the coprocessor's
"status word" and "control word."
Table of Floating-Point Exceptions
Default Alternative
Exception Explanation Action Action
Invalid Operation Operation results Enabled; gives Disabled;
in a NAN, run-time error returns a NAN
such as 0/0, 0*INF, message M6101
or square root of a
negative number
Divide by Zero x/0.0 where x != 0.0 Enabled; gives Disabled;
run-time error returns a properly
message M6103 signed INF
Overflow Operation results in Enabled; gives Disabled;
a number greater in run-time error returns INF
magnitude than the message M6104
maximum representable
Underflow Operation results in Disabled; Enabled; gives
a number smaller in returns zero run-time error
magnitude than the message M6105
smallest valid repre-
sentable number
Precision Operation gives a Disabled; Enabled; gives
(or Inexact) rounded result rather returns the run-time error
than an exact result rounded result message M6106
If any of these five exceptions are disabled, you may get either NAN,
infinite, or indefinite values in your variables. If you print such a value
by means of a function like printf, the output field will contain NAN, INF,
or IND.
2. Controlling the Processing Environment
Two hardware registers can be used to control the 8087/80287/80387 coprocessor:
the status word and the control word. The C include file FLOAT.H contains
macros that describe the fields of these two 16-bit registers.
2.1. The Status Word
The coprocessor status word is a 16-bit register that includes the following
Bit Field Use
Bit 15 Busy (8087) or NEU busy (80287/80387)
Bits 14,10:8 Condition codes (C3,C2,C1,C0)
Bits 13:11 Stack-top pointer (0-7)
Bit 7 Interrupt request (8087) or error-summary status (80287/80387)
Bit 6 Unused (8087/80287) or stack flag (80387)
Bit 5 Precision (inexact result) exception
Bit 4 Underflow exception
Bit 3 Overflow exception
Bit 2 Divide-by-zero exception
Bit 1 Denormalized-operand exception
Bit 0 Invalid-operation exception
The C library functions _status87 and _clear87 do not return all of this
information -- just the exceptions (bits 0 through 5) and some additional
information about subconditions of the invalid exception (bits 6, 7, 9, and
10). The subconditions are meaningful when bit 0 is set. The floating-point
status word returned by _status87 and _clear87 differs from the coprocessor
status word as follows:
Bit Field Use FLOAT.H Macro Name
Bits 15:11 Unused
Bit 10 Floating-point stack overflow SW_STACKOVERFLOW
Bit 9 Floating-point stack underflow SW_STACKUNDERFLOW
Bit 8 Unused
Bit 7 Square root of a negative number SW_SQRTNEG
Bit 6 Unemulated instruction SW_UNEMULATED
Bit 5 Precision (inexact result) exception SW_INEXACT
Bit 4 Underflow exception SW_UNDERFLOW
Bit 3 Overflow exception SW_OVERFLOW
Bit 2 Divide-by-zero exception SW_ZERODIVIDE
Bit 1 Denormalized-operand exception SW_DENORMAL
Bit 0 Invalid-operation exception SW_INVALID
The exception information bits are set when an exception has occurred.
A program can clear these bits by calling the _clear87 or _fpreset function.
2.2. The Control Word
The coprocessor control word is a 16-bit register that contains the following
Bit Field Use (values) Mask Name Value Name
Bits 15:13 Unused
Bit 12 Infinity control MCW_IC
(1) affine (+INF and -INF) IC_AFFINE
(0) projective (unsigned INF) IC_PROJECTIVE
Bits 11:10 Rounding control MCW_RC
(11) chop (round toward zero) RC_CHOP
(10) up (round toward +INF) RC_UP
(01) down (round toward -INF) RC_DOWN
(00) near (round to nearest or even) RC_NEAR
Bits 9:8 Precision control MCW_PC
(11) 64 bits PC_64
(10) 53 bits PC_53
(00) 24 bits PC_24
Bit 7 Interrupt-enable mask (8087 only)
Bit 6 Unused
Bit 5 Precision (inexact result) mask EM_INEXACT
Bit 4 Underflow mask EM_UNDERFLOW
Bit 3 Overflow mask EM_OVERFLOW
Bit 2 Zero-divide mask EM_ZERODIVIDE
Bit 1 Denormal-operand mask EM_DENORMAL
Bit 0 Invalid-operation mask EM_INVALID
When the mask bit corresponding to a given exception (that is, bits 0 through 5)
is set in the control word, that exception is masked, and any operation that
caused that exception proceeds with a masked response. When the mask bit
corresponding to a given exception is reset (unmasked), any operation that
generates that exception generates an error message and terminates the program.
The _control87 library function reads and sets the value of the control word
according to the same bit fields as in the above table. This function can be
used to change most exception masks, as well as the infinity-control,
precision-control, and rounding-control fields of the control word.
Attempts to change the settings of bits 7, 6, 1, and 0 will be ignored,
however. For Microsoft C programs, the denormal-operand mask is always
set and the invalid-operation mask is always cleared. Since projective infinity
is not part of the IEEE standard, it is not supported by the 80387 but is
supported by the 8087/80287.
The default control-word setting is 0x1332, defined as follows:
3. Reading and Setting Status- and Control-Word Values
Four C run-time library functions are provided for reading and setting
the values of the coprocessor status word and control word. These
functions (_status87, _control87, _clear87, and _fpreset) and their
accompanying bit-field macros are declared in FLOAT.H. See the Microsoft C
Optimizing Compiler Run-time Library Reference for more details about the
use of each function.
3.1. _status87
unsigned int _status87(void);
The _status87 function may be used to read the current value of the
8087/80287/80387 status word. The format of the floating-point status word,
which differs somewhat from the actual coprocessor status word, is
described in Section 2 above.
3.2. _control87
unsigned int _control87(unsigned int new, unsigned int mask);
The _control87 function may be used either to read or to set the value of
the 8087/80287/80387 control word. The new argument contains the new
control-word bit values; the mask argument indicates which bits of the control
word should be updated. The return value is the value of the control word
after any changes.
Important: When mixing assembly language (MASM) and a Microsoft high-level
language to build a program, do not alter the coprocessor/emulator control
word by means of an FLDCW instruction; use the _control87 function (or the
equivalent run-time routine in the other language) to modify the control word.
Since the denormal exception is not a part of the IEEE standard,
_control87 always alters the user-specified control word to mask denormals.
The user cannot affect the handling of denormals with _control87.
Use the unmasked setting (the default) for the invalid-operation bit of
the control word. The floating-point exception-handling software in
the run-time library is not designed to handle masked invalid exceptions,
since it needs exceptions to be unmasked in order to detect 8087/80287 stack
overflow and underflow.
3.3 _clear87
unsigned int _clear87(void);
The _clear87 function may be used to clear the exception-indicating bits
of the coprocessor status word; it also returns the value of the status
word before these bits were cleared.
3.4 _fpreset
void _fpreset(void);
The _fpreset function may be used to reset (reinitialize) the state of the
floating-point coprocessor or emulator software following a floating-point
exception, so that processing can continue. An example in which this applies
is a program that uses the signal function to catch SIGFPE error conditions.
Resetting the floating-point state includes emptying the floating-point
stack, clearing the exceptions, and resetting the control word.