851 lines
20 KiB
851 lines
20 KiB
; 8086 version of app that proves you can't win at tic-tac-toe
; build with masm 5.0 like this:
; ntvdm -h masm /Zi /Zd /z /l %1,,,;
; ntvdm -h link %1,,%1,,nul.def
; board position:
; 0 1 2
; 3 4 5
; 6 7 8
.model small
.stack 100h
; DOS constants
dos_write_char equ 2h
dos_realtime_clock equ 1ah
dos_exit equ 4ch
default_iterations equ 1 ; # of times to run (max 32767)
max_score equ 9 ; maximum score
min_score equ 2 ; minimum score
win_score equ 6 ; winning score
tie_score equ 5 ; tie score
lose_score equ 4 ; losing score
x_piece equ 1
o_piece equ 2
blank_piece equ 0
; arguments to minmax relative to bp/sp
; space between locals and arguments:
; 0-1 2 or 4 bytes for return pc if minmax is near or far (it's near here)
; 2-3 2 bytes to save BP
alpha_offset equ 4
beta_offset equ 6
dataseg segment para public 'data'
assume ds: dataseg
crlfmsg db 13,10,0
secondsmsg db ' seconds',13,10,0
iterationsmsg db 'iterations: ',0
zeroitersmsg db 'iterations argument must be 1..32767',13,10,0
movesmsg db 'moves: ',0
commaspmsg db ', ',0
align 16
board db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
align 2
iters dw 0 ; iterations of running the app so far
totaliters dw 0 ; # of iterations to run in total
align 4
scratchpad dd 0
starttime dd 0
result dd 0
align 2
winprocs dw proc0, proc1, proc2, proc3, proc4, proc5, proc6, proc7, proc8
dataseg ends
mov ax, dataseg
mov ds, ax
mov di, 0
mov [ di + totaliters ], default_iterations
xor ax, ax
cmp al, byte ptr es: [ di + 128 ] ; command tail length is 128 bytes into the PSP
jz done_with_arguments
mov cx, 129 ; string is guaranteed to be 0x0d terminated by DOS
push ds
mov ax, es ; temporarily make ds point to the psp
mov ds, ax
call atou ; pointer to string in cx, unsigned integer result in ax
pop ds
mov [ di + totaliters ], ax
cmp ax, 0
jnz done_with_arguments
mov dx, offset zeroitersmsg ; the argument isn't valid; show error and exit
call printstring
mov al, 1
mov ah, dos_exit
int 21h
xor ax, ax
int dos_realtime_clock
mov word ptr [ starttime ], dx
mov word ptr [ starttime + 2 ], cx
lea bx, [ board ] ; global board pointer
xor ax, ax ; make sure ah is 0
mov dx, ax ; make sure dh is 0
xor si, si ; zero the global move count so it doesn't overflow
; run for the 3 unique first moves
mov ax, 0
call runmm
mov ax, 1
call runmm
mov ax, 4
call runmm
inc word ptr [ iters ]
mov ax, [ totaliters ]
cmp ax, [ iters ]
jne again
push si ; save the global move count for later
call printelap
mov dx, offset secondsmsg
call printstring
mov dx, offset movesmsg
call printstring
pop ax ; restore the global move count for printing
call printint
call printcrlf
mov dx, offset iterationsmsg
call printstring
mov ax, [iters]
call printint
call printcrlf
mov al, 0
mov ah, dos_exit
int 21h
;start endp
runmm proc near
; make the first move
mov di, ax
push di
mov byte ptr [ bx + di ], x_piece
; alpha and beta passed on the stack
; current move in di
; current value in dl
; current depth in cx
; global move count in si
; global board pointer in bx
; always 0 in ah and dh
xor cx, cx ; depth in cx
mov al, max_score ; pushing constants didn't start until the 80186
push ax ; beta
mov al, min_score
push ax ; alpha
call minmax_min
; restore the board at the first move position
pop di
mov byte ptr [ bx + di ], blank_piece
runmm endp
minmax_max proc near
inc si ; increment global move count
cmp cl, 4
jl short _max_no_winner_check
shl di, 1
mov al, o_piece
call word ptr [ offset winprocs + di ]
cmp al, o_piece
mov al, lose_score
je short _max_just_return_al
push bp
mov bp, sp ; set bp to the stack location
push dx ; save caller's value
mov dl, min_score ; dx has value
mov di, -1 ; di has the move 0..8
inc cx ; increment global depth
cmp di, 8
je short _max_load_value_return
inc di
cmp byte ptr [ bx + di ], 0
jnz short _max_loop
push di
mov byte ptr [ bx + di ], x_piece
push [ bp + beta_offset ]
push [ bp + alpha_offset ]
call minmax_min
pop di
mov byte ptr [ bx + di ], 0
cmp al, win_score ; can't do better than winning
je short _max_restore_value
cmp ax, dx ; compare score with value
jle short _max_loop
cmp al, [ bp + beta_offset ] ; compare value with beta
jge short _max_restore_value ; beta pruning
mov dx, ax ; update value with score
cmp al, [ bp + alpha_offset ] ; compare value with alpha
jle short _max_loop
mov [ bp + alpha_offset ], al ; update alpha with value
jmp short _max_loop
mov ax, dx
dec cx
pop dx ; restore caller's value
pop bp
ret 4 ; cleanup stack space used for arguments
minmax_max endp
minmax_min proc near
inc si ; increment global move count
cmp cl, 4
jl short _min_no_winner_check
shl di, 1
mov al, x_piece
call word ptr [ offset winprocs + di ]
cmp al, x_piece
mov al, win_score
je short _min_just_return_al
cmp cl, 8
mov al, tie_score
je short _min_just_return_al
push bp
mov bp, sp ; set bp to the stack location
push dx ; save caller's value
mov dl, max_score ; dx has value
mov di, -1 ; di has the move 0..8
inc cx ; increment global depth
cmp di, 8
je short _min_load_value_return
inc di
cmp byte ptr [ bx + di ], 0
jne short _min_loop
push di
mov byte ptr [ bx + di ], o_piece
push [ bp + beta_offset ]
push [ bp + alpha_offset ]
call minmax_max
pop di
mov byte ptr [ bx + di ], 0
cmp al, lose_score ; can't do better than losing
je short _min_restore_value
cmp al, dl ; compare score with value
jge short _min_loop
cmp al, [ bp + alpha_offset ] ; compare value with alpha
jle short _min_restore_value ; alpha pruning
mov dx, ax ; update value with score
cmp al, [ bp + beta_offset ] ; compare value with beta
jge short _min_loop
mov [ bp + beta_offset ], al ; update beta with value
jmp short _min_loop
mov ax, dx
dec cx
pop dx ; restore caller's value
pop bp
ret 4 ; cleanup stack space used for arguments
minmax_min endp
IFDEF WinnerProc
; winner is no longer used since function pointers with the most recent move in ax are much faster
winner proc near
xor al, al
mov al, [ bx ]
cmp al, 0
je _win_check_3
cmp al, [ bx + 1 ]
jne _win_check_0_b
cmp al, [ bx + 2 ]
jne _win_check_0_b
cmp al, [ bx + 3 ]
jne _win_check_3
cmp al, [ bx + 6 ]
jne _win_check_3
mov al, [ bx + 3 ]
cmp al, 0
je _win_check_6
cmp al, [ bx + 4 ]
jne _win_check_6
cmp al, [ bx + 5 ]
jne _win_check_6
mov al, [ bx + 6 ]
cmp al, 0
je _win_check_1
cmp al, [ bx + 7 ]
jne _win_check_1
cmp al, [ bx + 8 ]
jne _win_check_1
mov al, [ bx + 1 ]
cmp al, 0
je _win_check_2
cmp al, [ bx + 4 ]
jne _win_check_2
cmp al, [ bx + 7 ]
jne _win_check_2
mov al, [ bx + 2 ]
cmp al, 0
je _win_check_4
cmp al, [ bx + 5 ]
jne _win_check_4
cmp al, [ bx + 8 ]
jne _win_check_4
mov al, [ bx + 4 ]
cmp al, 0
je _win_return
cmp al, [ bx ]
jne _win_check_4_b
cmp al, [ bx + 8 ]
jne _win_check_4_b
cmp al, [ bx + 2 ]
jne _win_return_blank
cmp al, [ bx + 6 ]
je _win_return
xor al, al
winner endp
ENDIF ; WinnerProc
atou proc near ; string input in cx. unsigned 16-bit integer result in ax
push di
push bx
push cx
mov bx, 0 ; running total is in bx
mov di, cx
mov cx, 10
cmp byte ptr [di ], ' '
jne _atouNext
inc di
jmp _skipspaces
cmp byte ptr [ di ], '0' ; if not a digit, we're done. Works with null and 0x0d terminated strings
jb _atouDone
cmp byte ptr [ di ], '9' + 1
jge _atouDone
mov ax, bx
mul cx
mov bx, ax
xor ah, ah
mov al, byte ptr [ di ]
sub ax, '0'
add bx, ax
inc di
jmp _atouNext
mov ax, bx
pop cx
pop bx
pop di
atou endp
; print the integer in ax
printint proc near
test ah, 80h
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
push si
jz _prpositive
neg ax ; just one instruction for complement + 1
push ax
mov dx, '-'
mov ah, dos_write_char
int 21h
pop ax
xor cx, cx
xor dx, dx
cmp ax, 0
je _przero
cmp ax, 0
je _prprint1
mov bx, 10
div bx
push dx
inc cx
xor dx, dx
jmp _prlabel1
cmp cx, 0
je _prexit
pop dx
add dx, 48
mov ah, dos_write_char
int 21h
dec cx
jmp _prprint1
mov dx, '0'
mov ah, dos_write_char
int 21h
pop si
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
printint endp
printcrlf proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
push si
mov dx, offset crlfmsg
call printstring
pop si
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
printcrlf endp
printcommasp proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
push si
mov dx, offset commaspmsg
call printstring
pop si
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
printcommasp endp
prperiod proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
push si
mov dx, '.'
mov ah, dos_write_char
int 21h
pop si
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
prperiod endp
printelap proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
push si
xor ax, ax
int dos_realtime_clock
mov word ptr [ scratchpad ], dx
mov word ptr [ scratchpad + 2 ], cx
mov dl, 0
mov ax, word ptr [ scratchpad ]
mov bx, word ptr [ starttime ]
sub ax, bx
mov word ptr [ result ], ax
mov ax, word ptr [ scratchpad + 2 ]
mov bx, word ptr [ starttime + 2 ]
sbb ax, bx
mov word ptr [ result + 2 ], ax
mov dx, word ptr [ result + 2 ]
mov ax, word ptr [ result ]
mov bx, 10000
mul bx
mov bx, 18206
div bx
xor dx, dx
mov bx, 10
div bx
push dx
call printint
call prperiod
pop ax
call printint
pop si
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
printelap endp
printstring proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
push si
mov di, dx
mov al, byte ptr [ di ]
cmp al, 0
je _psdone
mov dx, ax
mov ah, dos_write_char
int 21h
inc di
jmp _psnext
pop si
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
printstring endp
align 2
proc0 proc near
cmp al, [bx + 1]
jne short proc0_next_win
cmp al, [bx + 2]
je short proc0_yes
cmp al, [bx + 3]
jne short proc0_next_win2
cmp al, [bx + 6]
je short proc0_yes
cmp al, [bx + 4]
jne short proc0_no
cmp al, [bx + 8]
je short proc0_yes
mov al, ah ; ah is always 0. mov al, ah is 2 cycles. xor ax and xor al are both 3 cycles.
proc0 endp
align 2
proc1 proc near
cmp al, [bx + 0]
jne short proc1_next_win
cmp al, [bx + 2]
je short proc1_yes
cmp al, [bx + 4]
jne short proc1_no
cmp al, [bx + 7]
je short proc1_yes
mov al, ah
proc1 endp
align 2
proc2 proc near
cmp al, [bx + 0]
jne short proc2_next_win
cmp al, [bx + 1]
je short proc2_yes
cmp al, [bx + 5]
jne short proc2_next_win2
cmp al, [bx + 8]
je short proc2_yes
cmp al, [bx + 4]
jne short proc2_no
cmp al, [bx + 6]
je short proc2_yes
mov al, ah
proc2 endp
align 2
proc3 proc near
cmp al, [bx + 0]
jne short proc3_next_win
cmp al, [bx + 6]
je short proc3_yes
cmp al, [bx + 4]
jne short proc3_no
cmp al, [bx + 5]
je short proc3_yes
mov al, ah
proc3 endp
align 2
proc4 proc near
cmp al, [bx + 0]
jne short proc4_next_win
cmp al, [bx + 8]
je short proc4_yes
cmp al, [bx + 2]
jne short proc4_next_win2
cmp al, [bx + 6]
je short proc4_yes
cmp al, [bx + 1]
jne short proc4_next_win3
cmp al, [bx + 7]
je short proc4_yes
cmp al, [bx + 3]
jne short proc4_no
cmp al, [bx + 5]
je short proc4_yes
mov al, ah
proc4 endp
align 2
proc5 proc near
cmp al, [bx + 3]
jne short proc5_next_win
cmp al, [bx + 4]
je short proc5_yes
cmp al, [bx + 2]
jne short proc5_no
cmp al, [bx + 8]
je short proc5_yes
mov al, ah
proc5 endp
align 2
proc6 proc near
cmp al, [bx + 2]
jne short proc6_next_win
cmp al, [bx + 4]
je short proc6_yes
cmp al, [bx + 0]
jne short proc6_next_win2
cmp al, [bx + 3]
je short proc6_yes
cmp al, [bx + 7]
jne short proc6_no
cmp al, [bx + 8]
je short proc6_yes
mov al, ah
proc6 endp
align 2
proc7 proc near
cmp al, [bx + 1]
jne short proc7_next_win
cmp al, [bx + 4]
je short proc7_yes
cmp al, [bx + 6]
jne short proc7_no
cmp al, [bx + 8]
je short proc7_yes
mov al, ah
proc7 endp
align 2
proc8 proc near
cmp al, [bx + 0]
jne short proc8_next_win
cmp al, [bx + 4]
je short proc8_yes
cmp al, [bx + 2]
jne short proc8_next_win2
cmp al, [bx + 5]
je short proc8_yes
cmp al, [bx + 6]
jne short proc8_no
cmp al, [bx + 7]
je short proc8_yes
mov al, ah
proc8 endp