243 lines
8.7 KiB
243 lines
8.7 KiB
{ Copyright (c) 1989 by Borland International, Inc. }
unit TCLStr;
{ Turbo Pascal 5.5 object-oriented example long string routines.
This unit is used by TCALC.PAS.
See TCALC.DOC for an more information about this example.
uses Objects, TCUtil;
MaxLStringLength = 65521; { The maximum amount that can be allocated
to a pointer }
LStringRange = 0..MaxLStringLength;
LStringData = array [1..MaxLStringLength] of Char;
LStringDataPtr = ^LStringData;
LStringPtr = ^LString;
LString = object
Len : LStringRange; { Current length }
MaxLen : LStringRange; { Length that has been allocated. This is
always allocated in blocks of 16 bytes so
that the long string's data doesn't have to
be reallocated every time the long string
grows }
Data : LStringDataPtr;
constructor Init;
destructor Done;
function SetValue(NewLen : LStringRange; NewData : Pointer) : Boolean;
function FromString(S : String) : Boolean;
function ToString : String;
function Length : LStringRange;
function Copy(Start, Amt : LStringRange) : String;
function Insert(S : String; Start : LStringRange) : Boolean;
procedure Delete(Start, Amt : LStringRange);
function Append(S : String) : Boolean;
procedure Change(Ch : Char; Start : LStringRange);
function Assign(LS : LString) : Boolean;
function FromStream(var S : DosStream) : Boolean;
procedure ToStream(var S : DosStream);
constructor LString.Init;
{ Initializes the long string. }
Len := 0;
MaxLen := 0;
Data := nil;
end; { LString.Init }
destructor LString.Done;
{ Frees memory used by the long string. }
if Data <> nil then
FreeMem(Data, MaxLen);
end; { LString.Done }
function LString.SetValue(NewLen : LStringRange;
NewData : Pointer) : Boolean;
{ Copies an area of memory to the long string }
Size : Word;
NData : Pointer;
Size := (NewLen + 15) shr 4 shl 4; { Calculate the new size }
if NewLen > MaxLen then { Allocate new data area if the long string }
begin { needs to grow }
GetMem(NData, Size);
if NData = nil then { The allocation failed. Return False }
SetValue := False;
if Data <> nil then { If there was any data in the long string, }
begin { copy it to the new data area }
Move(Data^, NData^, Len);
FreeMem(Data, MaxLen); { Free the memory used by the long string }
end; { before it was reallocated }
Data := NData; { Set Data and MaxLen to their new values }
MaxLen := Size;
Move(NewData^, Data^, NewLen); { Copy the new data to the long string }
Len := NewLen; { Set the length }
SetValue := True; { Successful - Return True }
end; { LString.SetValue }
function LString.FromString(S : String) : Boolean;
{ Converts a string into a long string }
if not SetValue(System.Length(S), @S[1]) then
begin { Set the long string to be a null }
FromString := SetValue(0, nil); { string if it could not be expanded }
FromString := False; { Return False }
FromString := True; { Successful. Return True }
end; { LString.FromString }
function LString.ToString : String;
{ Converts a long string into a string }
S : String;
NewLen : Byte;
NewLen := Min(255, Length); { The maximum length of a string is 255 }
S[0] := Chr(NewLen); { Set the length of the new string }
Move(Data^, S[1], NewLen); { Copy the data }
ToString := S; { Return the new string }
end; { LString.ToString }
function LString.Length : LStringRange;
{ Returns the current length of a long string }
Length := Len;
end; { LString.Length }
function LString.Copy(Start, Amt : LStringRange) : String;
{ Copies part of a long string into a string }
S : String;
if Start > Len then { Trying to copy past the end of the long }
Amt := 0 { string - return a null string }
Amt := Min(Amt, Succ(Len - Start)); { Calculate length of new string }
S[0] := Chr(Amt); { Set length of new string }
Move(Data^[Start], S[1], Amt); { Copy data into new string }
Copy := S; { Return new string }
end; { LString.Copy }
function LString.Insert(S : String; Start : LStringRange) : Boolean;
{ Inserts a string into a long string }
OldLen : LStringRange;
Size : Word;
NData : Pointer;
OldLen := Len;
Inc(Len, System.Length(S));
if Len > MaxLen then { Allocate new data area if the long }
begin { string needs to grow }
Size := (Len + 15) shr 4 shl 4; { Calculate the new size }
GetMem(NData, Size); { Allocate new data area }
if NData = nil then { The long string could not be expanded }
Dec(Len, System.Length(S)); { Restore the old Len value }
Insert := False; { Return False }
if Data <> nil then { If there was data in the long string, }
begin { copy it to the new data area }
Move(Data^, NData^, OldLen);
FreeMem(Data, MaxLen); { Free the old data area }
Data := NData; { Set new values for Data and MaxLen }
MaxLen := Size;
if Start <= OldLen then { Move the part of the string after the insert to }
{ the right to make space for the new string }
Move(Data^[Start], Data^[Start + System.Length(S)], Succ(OldLen - Start));
Move(S[1], Data^[Start], System.Length(S)); { Insert the new string }
Insert := True; { Successful - return True }
end; { LString.Insert }
procedure LString.Delete(Start, Amt : LStringRange);
{ Deletes part of a long string }
Amt := Min(Amt, Succ(Len - Start)); { No characters can be deleted past
the end of the long string }
if Start + Amt <= Len then { The delete is in the middle of the long
string - move the rest of the data to the
left }
Move(Data^[Start + Amt], Data^[Start], Succ(Len - Amt - Start));
Dec(Len, Amt); { Fix the length value }
end; { LString.Delete }
function LString.Append(S : String) : Boolean;
{ Appends a string to a long string }
Append := Insert(S, Succ(Len)); { Insert the string at the end }
end; { LString.Append }
procedure LString.Change(Ch : Char; Start : LStringRange);
{ Change a particular character of a long string }
Move(Ch, Data^[Start], 1);
end; { LString.Change }
function LString.Assign(LS : LString) : Boolean;
{ Copy one long string to another one }
Assign := SetValue(LS.Length, LS.Data);
end; { LString.Assign }
function LString.FromStream(var S : DosStream) : Boolean;
{ Read a long string from a stream }
Counter, NewLen, Size : Word;
Dummy : Byte;
NData : Pointer;
S.Read(NewLen, SizeOf(NewLen)); { Read the length }
Size := (NewLen + 15) shr 4 shl 4; { Calculate the new size }
if NewLen > MaxLen then { Allocate new data area if the long string }
begin { needs to grow }
GetMem(NData, Size);
if NData = nil then { The allocation failed. Return False }
for Counter := 1 to NewLen do { Read the string in so that the file }
S.Read(Dummy, 1); { position is still correct }
FromStream := False;
if Data <> nil then { If there was any data in the long string, }
begin { copy it to the new data area }
Move(Data^, NData^, Len);
FreeMem(Data, MaxLen);
Data := NData; { Set new values for Data and MaxLen }
MaxLen := Size;
S.Read(Data^, NewLen); { Read the long string from the stream }
Len := NewLen;
FromStream := True; { Successful - return True }
end; { LString.FromStream }
procedure LString.ToStream(var S : DosStream);
{ Write a long string to a stream }
S.Write(Len, SizeOf(Len)); { Write the length }
S.Write(Data^, Len); { Write the long string }
end; { LString.ToStream }