138 lines
4.8 KiB
138 lines
4.8 KiB
{ }
{ Turbo Vision File Manager Demo }
{ Copyright (c) 1992 by Borland International }
{ }
unit Equ; { Equates for TVFM }
uses Views;
evIdle = $0400; { Idle event type }
{ File menu commands }
cmNewWindow = 100; { Sent when a new window is created }
cmDosShell = cmNewWindow + 1;
cmRun = cmDosShell + 1;
{ commands depending on the file list being focused }
cmExecute = 103;
cmViewAsHex = cmExecute + 1;
cmViewAsText = cmViewAsHex + 1;
cmViewCustom = cmViewAsText + 1;
cmAssociate = cmViewCustom + 1;
cmCopy = cmAssociate + 1;
cmDelete = cmCopy + 1;
cmRename = cmDelete + 1;
cmChangeAttr = cmRename + 1;
cmReverseTags = cmChangeAttr + 1;
cmClearTags = cmReverseTags + 1;
cmTagPerCard = cmClearTags + 1;
cmExitHere = cmTagPerCard + 1; { exit to current directory }
cmGetCurrentDir = cmExitHere + 1; { broadcast looking for current directory }
cmBeginSearch = cmGetCurrentDir + 1;
{ Options menu commands }
cmVideoMode = cmBeginSearch + 1;
cmInstallViewer = cmVideoMode + 1;
cmDisplayOptions = cmInstallViewer + 1;
cmSaveConfig = cmDisplayOptions + 1;
cmColorChange = cmSaveConfig + 1;
cmStatusUpdate = 3000; { sent to update the status window }
{ broadcasts used to update the file list display }
cmRefreshDisplay = 3100; { used when sorting/display options change }
cmRescan = 3101; { used to rescan the current directory }
cmScanComplete = 3102; { sent when a directory scan if finished }
cmNewDir = 3103; { used to begin scanning a new directory }
cmTagChanged = 3104; { sent when a file's tag status changes }
cmInvalidDir = 3200; { invalidate a dir, causing it to be rescanned }
cmTopWindow = 3300; { get the address of the top window }
cmFileListFocused = 3301; { is the File list focused in the top window? }
cmItemDropped = 4000; { an item has been dropped }
cmFileFound = 4100; { a file was found by file search }
cmStopSearch = 4101; { interrupt the file search }
{ help contexts }
hcFileMenu = 6000;
hcViewSubMenu = hcFileMenu + 1;
hcTagSubMenu = hcViewSubMenu + 1;
hcOptionsMenu = hcTagSubMenu + 1;
hcWindowMenu = hcOptionsMenu + 1;
hcDisplayFields = hcWindowMenu + 1;
hcQuit = hcDisplayFields + 1;
hcNewWindow = cmNewWindow;
hcExecute = cmExecute;
hcViewAsText = cmViewAsText;
hcViewAsHex = cmViewAsHex;
hcViewCustom = cmViewCustom;
hcAssociate = cmAssociate;
hcCopy = cmCopy;
hcDelete = cmDelete;
hcRename = cmRename;
hcChangeAttr = cmChangeAttr;
hcBeginSearch = cmBeginSearch;
hcReverseTags = cmReverseTags;
hcClearTags = cmClearTags;
hcTagPerCard = cmTagPerCard;
hcRun = cmRun;
hcDosShell = cmDosShell;
hcExitHere = cmExitHere;
hcVideoMode = cmVideoMode;
hcInstallViewer = cmInstallViewer;
hcDisplayOptions = cmDisplayOptions;
hcSaveConfig = cmSaveConfig;
hcColorChange = cmColorChange;
{ other assorted program strings }
sNoFiles = 10000;
sPleaseWait = sNoFiles + 1;
sSameNameErr = sPleaseWait + 1;
sRenameErr = sSameNameErr + 1;
sSetAttrErr = sRenameErr + 1;
sNoAssociation = sSetAttrErr + 1;
sPressAnyKey = sNoAssociation + 1;
sExecErr = sPressAnyKey + 1;
sExecRetCode = sExecErr + 1;
sNoViewerErr = sExecRetCode + 1;
sInvokeErr = sNoViewerErr + 1;
sNoDrivesErr = sInvokeErr + 1;
sAccessErr = sNoDrivesErr + 1;
sFileIsReadOnly = sAccessErr + 1;
sDeleteErr = sFileIsReadOnly + 1;
sDeleting = sDeleteErr + 1;
sReadAttrErr = sDeleting + 1;
sCustomViewer = sReadAttrErr + 1;
sPathAndName = sCustomViewer + 1;
sCantLocateOnPath = sPathAndName + 1;
sFileNotAnExe = sCantLocateOnPath + 1;
sWriteCfgErr = sFileNotAnExe + 1;
sInvalidCfgErr = sWriteCfgErr + 1;
sReading = sInvalidCfgErr + 1;
sWriting = sReading + 1;
sScanning = sWriting + 1;
sDelSingle = sScanning + 1;
sDelMult = sDelSingle + 1;
end. { unit }