dos_compilers/Microsoft C v4/CRT0DAT.ASM
2024-07-01 10:35:17 -07:00

469 lines
9.8 KiB

title crt0dat - DOS and Windows shared startup and termination
; Microsoft C Compiler Runtime for MS-DOS
; (C)Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1984, 1985, 1986
?DF = 1 ;; tell we want to define our own segments
createSeg _TEXT, code, byte, public, CODE, <>
createSeg CDATA, cdata, word, common, DATA, DGROUP
createSeg _DATA, data, word, public, DATA, DGROUP
createSeg XIB, xibseg, word, public, DATA, DGROUP
createSeg XI, xiseg, word, public, DATA, DGROUP ; init's
createSeg XIE, xieseg, word, public, DATA, DGROUP
createSeg XOB, xobseg, word, public, BSS, DGROUP
createSeg XO, xoseg, word, public, BSS, DGROUP ; onexit table
createSeg XOE, xoeseg, word, public, BSS, DGROUP
createSeg XPB, xpbseg, word, public, DATA, DGROUP
createSeg XP, xpseg, word, public, DATA, DGROUP ; preterm's
createSeg XPE, xpeseg, word, public, DATA, DGROUP
createSeg XCB, xcbseg, word, public, DATA, DGROUP
createSeg XC, xcseg, word, public, DATA, DGROUP ; term's
createSeg XCE, xceseg, word, public, DATA, DGROUP
defGrp DGROUP ;; define DGROUP
codeOFFSET equ offset _TEXT:
dataOFFSET equ offset DGROUP:
sBegin xibseg
xibegin label byte
sEnd xibseg
sBegin xieseg
xiend label byte
sEnd xieseg
sBegin xobseg
xontab label byte ; start of onexit table
sEnd xobseg
sBegin xoeseg
xonend label byte
sEnd xoeseg
sBegin xpbseg
xpbegin label byte ; end of onexit table
sEnd xpbseg
sBegin xpeseg
xpend label byte
sEnd xpeseg
sBegin xcbseg
xcbegin label byte
sEnd xcbseg
sBegin xceseg
xcend label byte
sEnd xceseg
sBegin cdata ; floating point setup segment
assumes ds,data
dw 0 ; force segment to be at least 0's
labelD <PUBLIC,_fpinit> ; public for signal
fpmath dd 1 dup (?) ; linking trick for fp
fpdata dd 1 dup (?)
fpsignal dd 1 dup (?) ; fp signal message
sBegin data
assumes ds,data
; special C environment string
cfile db ';C_FILE_INFO'
cfileln = $-cfile
globalD _aintdiv,0 ; divide error interrupt vector save
globalQ _fac,0 ; floating accumulator
globalW errno,0 ; initial error code
globalW _umaskval,0 ; initial umask value
; ************* following must be in this order
globalW _pspadr,0 ; psp:0 (far * to PSP segment)
globalW _psp,0 ; psp:0 (paragraph #)
labelB <PUBLIC,_dosvermajor>
globalB _osmajor,0
labelB <PUBLIC,_dosverminor>
globalB _osminor,0
; ************* above must be in this order
labelW <PUBLIC,_oserr>
globalW _doserrno,0 ; initial DOS error code
labelB <PUBLIC,_osfile>
db 3 dup (FOPEN+FTEXT) ; stdin, stdout, stderr
db 2 dup (FOPEN) ; stdaux, stdprn
db _NFILE-5 dup (0) ; the other 15 handles
globalW __argc,0
globalDP __argv,0
globalDP environ,0 ; environment pointer
; signal related common data
globalW _child,0 ; flag used to handle signals from child process
; note - if any changes are made to this structure, corresponding changes
; are needed in both doexec.asm and signal.asm
entry struc
dftoff dw 0 ; default return address: offset
dftseg dw 0 ; default return address: segment
shfoff dw 0 ; signal-handling function: offset
shfseg dw 0 ; signal-handling function: segment
entry ends
public __csigtab
__csigtab entry <> ; table of just one entry for now
sEnd data
sBegin code
assumes cs,code
if sizeC
global proc far
; _cinit () - C initialization
; This routine performs the shared DOS and Windows initialization.
; The following order of initialization must be preserved -
; 1. Save DOS version
; 2. Check for devices for file handles 0 - 4
; 3. Integer divide interrupt vector setup
; 4. Floating point initialization
; 5. Copy ;C_FILE_INFO into _osfile
; 6. General C initializor routines
externP _cintDIV
externP _nullcheck
cProc _cinit,<PUBLIC>,<>
cBegin nogen ; no local frame to set up
assumes ds,data
assumes ss,data
; 1. Save DOS version
callos VERSION
mov word ptr [_osmajor],ax ; set _osmajor and _osminor
; 2. Check for devices for file handles 0 - 4
mov bx,4
mov ax,DOS_ioctl shl 8 + 0 ; issue ioctl(0) to get dev info
jc notdev
test dl,80h ; is it a device ?
jz notdev ; no
or _osfile[bx],FDEV ; yes - set FDEV bit
dec bx
jns devloop
; 3. Integer divide interrupt vector setup
mov ax,DOS_getvector shl 8 + 0
callos ; save divide error interrupt
mov word ptr [_aintdiv],bx
mov word ptr [_aintdiv+2],es
push cs
pop ds
assumes ds,nothing
mov ax,DOS_setvector shl 8 + 0
mov dx,codeOFFSET _cintDIV
callos ; set divide error interrupt
push ss
pop ds
assumes ds,data
; 4. Floating point initialization
mov cx,word ptr [fpmath+2]
jcxz nofloat_i
mov es,[_psp] ; psp segment
mov si,es:[DOS_ENVP] ; environment segment
lds ax,[fpdata] ; get task data area
assumes ds,nothing
mov dx,ds ; into dx:ax
xor bx,bx ; (si) = environment segment
call [fpmath] ; fpmath(0) - init (never fails)
lds ax,[fpsignal] ; get signal address
assumes ds,nothing
mov dx,ds
mov bx,3
call [fpmath] ; fpmath(3) - set signal address
push ss
pop ds
assumes ds,data
; 5. Copy ;C_FILE_INFO into _osfile
; fix up files inherited from child using ;C_FILE_INFO
mov es,[_psp] ; es = PSP
mov cx,word ptr es:[DOS_envp] ; es = user's environment
jcxz nocfi ; no environment !!!
mov es,cx
xor di,di ; start at 0
cmp byte ptr es:[di],0 ; check for end of environment
je nocfi ; yes - not found
mov cx,cfileln
mov si,dataOFFSET cfile
repe cmpsb ; compare for ';C_FILE_INFO'
je gotcfi ; yes - now do something with it
mov cx,07FFFh ; environment max = 32K
xor ax,ax
repne scasb ; search for end of current string
jne nocfi ; no 00 !!! - assume end of env.
jmp cfilp ; keep searching
; found ;C_FILE_INFO and transfer info into _osfile
push es
push ds
pop es ; es = DGROUP
pop ds ; ds = env. segment
assumes ds,nothing
assumes es,data
mov si,di ; si = startup of _osfile info
mov di,dataOFFSET _osfile ; di = _osfile block
lodsb ; must be less than 20
xchg cx,ax ; cx = number of entries
lodsb ; get next byte
inc al
jz saveit ; was FF - save as 00
dec ax ; restore al
loop osflp ; transfer next character
; 6. General C initializor routines
push ss
pop ds ; ds = DGROUP
mov si,dataOFFSET xibegin
mov di,dataOFFSET xiend
call initterm ; call the initializors
cEnd nogen
; C termination
; The termination sequence is more complicated due to the multiple
; entry points - exit(code) and _exit(code). The _exit() routine
; is a quick exit routine that does not do certain C exit functions
; like stdio buffer flushing and onexit processing.
; exit (status):
; 1. call runtime preterminators
; _exit (status):
; 2. perform C terminators
; 3. perform _nullcheck() for null pointer assignment
; 4. close all open files
; 5. terminate floating point
; 6. reset divide by zero interrupt vector
; 7. terminate with return code to DOS
public _exit
cProc dummy1,<>,<>
parmw status
assumes ds,data
assumes ss,data
; 1. call runtime preterminators
; - onexit processing
; - flushall
; - rmtmp
mov si,dataOFFSET xontab ; beginning of onexit table
mov di,dataOFFSET xonend ; end of onexit table
call initterm
mov si,dataOFFSET xpbegin ; beginning of pre-terminators
mov di,dataOFFSET xpend ; end of pre-terminators
call initterm
jmp short exiting ; jump into _exit
cend nogen
public __exit
cProc dummy2,<>,<>
parmw status
assumes ds,data
assumes ss,data
; 2. perform C terminators
mov si,dataOFFSET xcbegin
mov di,dataOFFSET xcend
call initterm
; 3. perform _nullcheck() for null pointer assignment
call _nullcheck ; perform null check (ignore return)
; 4. close all files
mov cx,_NFILE
xor bx,bx
test _osfile[bx],FOPEN
jz notopen
callos close
inc bx
loop closeloop
; 5. terminate floating point
; 6. reset divide by zero interrupt vector
call _ctermsub ; fast cleanup
; 7. return to the DOS
mov ax,status ; get return value
callos terminate ; exit with al = return code
cEnd nogen
if sizeC
global endp
labelNP <PUBLIC,_ctermsub>
; 5. terminate floating point
mov cx,word ptr [fpmath+2] ; test for floating point
jcxz nofloat_t ; no
mov bx,2 ; yes - cleanup
call [fpmath]
; 6. reset divide by zero interrupt vector
push ds
lds dx,[_aintdiv] ; ds:dx = restore vector
mov ax,DOS_setvector shl 8 + 0
callos ; set divide error interrupt
pop ds
; initterm - do all the initializors and terminators
; The initializors and terminators may be written in C
; so we are assuming C conventions (DS=SS, CLD, SI and DI preserved)
; We go through them in reverse order for onexit.
; si = start of procedure list
; di = end of procedure list
cmp si,di ; are we done?
jae itdone ; yes - no more
if sizeC
sub di,4
mov ax,[di]
or ax,[di+2]
jz initterm ; skip null procedures
call dword ptr [di]
dec di
dec di
mov cx,[di]
jcxz initterm ; skip null procedures
call cx
jmp initterm ; keep looping