651 lines
28 KiB
651 lines
28 KiB
;* *
;* P C D I O *
;* *
;* D i r e c t I B M D O S C a l l s F r o m P L / I - 8 6 *
;* *
extrn ?begin:word ;beginning of free list
public dfcb0 ;return address of default fcb 0
public dfcb1 ;return address of default fcb 1
public dbuff ;return address of default buffer
public memptr ;return pointer to base of free memory
public memsiz ;return size of memory in bytes
public memwds ;return size of memory in words
public reboot ;program terminate (reboot) (#0)
public rdcon ;keyboard input (#1)
public wrcon ;display output (#2)
public rdrdr ;auxiliary input (#3)
public wrpun ;auxiliary output (#4)
public wrlst ;printer output (#5)
public coninp ;direct console input (#6a)
public conout ;direct console output (#6b)
public din1 ;direct console input w/o echo (#7)
public din2 ;console input w/o echo (#8)
public wrstr ;print string (#9)
public rdbuf ;buffered keyboard input (#10)
public break ;check keyboard status (#11)
public clrkb1 ;clear keyboard buffer & invoke fcn 1,6,7, or 8 (#12a)
public clrkb2 ;clear keyboard buffer & invoke fcn 10 (#12b)
public reset ;disk reset (#13)
public select ;select disk (#14)
public open ;open file (#15)
public close ;close file (#16)
public sear ;search for first entry (#17)
public searn ;search for next entry (#18)
public delete ;delete file (#19)
public rdseq ;sequential read (#20)
public wrseq ;sequential write (#21)
public make ;create file (#22)
public rename ;rename file (#23)
;not used (#24)
public curdsk ;current disk (#25)
public setdma ;set disk transfer address (#26)
public alltbl ;allocation table address (#27)
;not used (#28-32)
public rdran ;random read (#33)
public wrran ;random write (#34)
public filsiz ;file size (#35)
public setrec ;set random record field (#36)
;public setint ;set interrupt vector (#37) NOT IMPLEMENTED
public newseg ;create new program segment (#38)
public blockrd ;random block read (#39)
public blockwr ;random block write (#40)
public parsfn ;parse filename (#41)
public getdate ;get date (#42)
public setdate ;set date (#43)
public gettime ;get time (#44)
public settime ;set time (#45)
public setver ;set/reset verify switch (#46)
;* F u n c t i o n N u m b e r s & O t h e r E q u a t e s *
rdkeyf equ 1 ;keyboard input (#1)
writc equ 2 ;display output (#2)
rdauxf equ 3 ;auxiliary input (#3)
wrauxf equ 4 ;auxiliary output (#4)
prtf equ 5 ;printer output (#5)
diof equ 6 ;direct console I/O (#6)
din1f equ 7 ;direct console input w/o echo (#7)
din2f equ 8 ;console input w/o echo (#8)
printf equ 9 ;print string (#9)
rdbufr equ 10 ;buffered keyboard input (#10)
statf equ 11 ;check keyboard status (#11)
clrbuff equ 12 ;clear keyboard buffer (#12)
resetf equ 13 ;disk reset (#13)
seldf equ 14 ;select disk (#14)
openf equ 15 ;open file (#15)
closef equ 16 ;close file (#16)
serchf equ 17 ;search for first entry (#17)
serchn equ 18 ;search for next entry (#18)
deletf equ 19 ;delete file (#19)
readf equ 20 ;sequential read (#20)
writf equ 21 ;sequential write (#21)
makef equ 22 ;create file (#22)
renamf equ 23 ;rename file (#23)
cdiskf equ 25 ;current disk (#25)
setdtf equ 26 ;set disk transfer address (#26)
getalf equ 27 ;allocation table address (#27)
rdranf equ 33 ;random read (#33)
wrranf equ 34 ;random write (#34)
filszf equ 35 ;file size (#35)
setrcf equ 36 ;set random record field (#36)
setintf equ 37 ;set interrupt vector (#37)
newsgf equ 38 ;create new program segment (#38)
blkrdf equ 39 ;random block read (#39)
blkwrf equ 40 ;random block write (#40)
parsf equ 41 ;parse filename (#41)
gdatef equ 42 ;get date (#42)
sdatef equ 43 ;set date (#43)
gtimef equ 44 ;get time (#44)
stimef equ 45 ;set time (#45)
setverf equ 46 ;set/reset verify switch (#46)
;* *
;* G e n e r a l P u r p o s e R o u t i n e s *
;* *
?pcdos: ;the call to IBM DOS
int 21h ;DOS interrupt number
getp1: ;get single byte parameter to register DL
mov bx,[bx] ;BX = pointer to char
mov dl,[bx] ;to register DL
getp2: ;get single word value to DX
getp2i: ;(equivalent to getp2)
mov bx,[bx]
mov dx,[bx]
;* *
;* T h e I B M D O S R o u t i n e s *
;* *
;* M E M P T R *
memptr: ;return pointer to base of free storage
mov bx,?begin
;* M E M S I Z *
memsiz: ;return size of free memory in bytes
mov bx,word ptr .6 ;top of available memory
sub bx,?begin ;subtract beginning of free storage
;* M E M W D S *
memwds: ;return size of free memory in words
call memsiz ;BX = size in bytes
shr bx,1 ;BX = size in words
ret ;with words in BX
;* D F C B 0 *
dfcb0: ;return address of default fcb 0
mov bx,5ch
;* D F C B 1 *
dfcb1: ;return address of default fcb 1
mov bx,6ch
;* D B U F F *
dbuff: ;return address of default buffer
mov bx,80h
;* REBOOT #0 *
reboot: ;system reboot (#0)
;Location 40h in the base page has the INT 20h needed to
;reboot. This routine sets up an offset of 0 with that
;segment and jumps to it, executing the INT 20.
mov word ptr .3eh,0 ;set up an offset of zero...
jmpf dword ptr .3eh ;jump to it
;* R D C O N #1 *
rdcon: ;read console character (#1)
;return character value to stack
mov ah,rdkeyf ;function number
jmps chrin ;common code to read char
;* W R C O N #2 *
wrcon: ;write console character(#2)
mov ah,writc ;console write function
jmps chrout ;to write the character
;* R D R D R #3 *
rdrdr: ;read reader character (#3)
mov ah,rdauxf ;reader function
;common code for character input
call ?pcdos ;value returned to AL
chrin2: pop bx ;return address
mov ah,al ;char to AH
push ax ;character to stack
inc sp ;delete garbage byte
mov al,1 ;character length is 1
jmp bx ;back to calling routine
;* W R P U N #4 *
wrpun: ;write punch character (#4)
mov ah,wrauxf ;punch output function
jmps chrout ;common code to write chr
;* W R L S T #5 *
wrlst: ;write list character (#5)
mov ah,prtf ;list output function
;common code to write character
call getp1 ;output char to register DL
jmp ?pcdos ;to write and return
;* C O N I N P #6A *
coninp: ;perform console input, char returned in stack (#6a)
;returns a zero if no char is ready.
mov ah,diof
mov dl,0ffh
call ?pcdos ;value returned to AL
jnz chrin2 ;if a char ready,send it back
mov al,0 ;otherwise, return a 0
jmp chrin2 ;use common input-return code
;* C O N O U T #6B *
conout: ;direct console output (#6b)
call getp1 ;get parameter to DL
mov ah,diof ;direct console I/O
jmp ?pcdos
;* D I N 1 #7 *
din1: ;direct console input without echo (#7)
mov ah,din1f
jmps chrin ;value returned to AL
;* D I N 2 #8 *
din2: ;console input without echo (#8)
mov ah,din2f
jmps chrin ;return through DOS
;* W R S T R #9 *
wrstr: ;write string (#9)
call getp2 ;get parameter value to DX
mov ah,printf ;print string function
jmp ?pcdos ;return through DOS
;* R D B U F #10 *
rdbuf: ;read console buffer (#10)
call getp2i ;DX = pointer to buff
mov ah,rdbufr ;read console function
jmp ?pcdos ;return through DOS
;* B R E A K #11 *
break: ;check keyboard status (#11)
;returns FFh if char ready at keyboard, 0 otherwise
mov ah,statf
jmp ?pcdos ;return thru DOS
;* C L R K B 1 #12A *
clrkb1: ;clear keyboard buffer & invoke input fcn 1,6,7,8 (#12a)
;NOTE: this function does NOT check to make sure only functions
;1,6,7,8 are used, as PCDOS will when the call is made.
call getp1 ;get function number...
mov al,dl ;...to AL
mov ah,clrbuff ;function number
;fcns 1,7,8 can be done by same code; 6 is different
cmp al,1 ;fcn 1?
jz chrin ;yes, go do it
cmp al,7 ;fcn 7?
jz chrin ;do it
cmp al,8 ;fcn 8?
jz chrin ;do it
;must be function 6
mov dl,0ffh
call ?pcdos ;value returned to AL
jnz chrin2 ;if a char ready,send it back
mov al,0 ;otherwise, return a 0
jmp chrin2 ;use common input-return code
;* C L R K B 2 #12B *
clrkb2: ;clear keyboard buffer & invoke input fcn 10 (#12b)
;this routine is different from the above in that function 10
;requires a pointer to an input buffer.
mov si,[bx] ;get ptr to 1st parm (fcn#)
mov ax,[si] ;fcn# to AL
mov si,2[bx] ;ptr to 2nd parm (input buffer pointer)
mov dx,[si] ;pointer to input buffer to DX
mov ah,clrbuff ;function number
jmp ?pcdos ;return through DOS
;* R E S E T #13 *
reset: ;reset disk system (#13)
mov ah,resetf
jmp ?pcdos
;* S E L E C T #14 *
select: ;select disk (#14)
call getp1 ;disk number to DL
mov ah,seldf
jmp ?pcdos ;return through DOS
;* O P E N #15 *
open: ;open file (#15)
call getp2i ;fcb address to DX
mov ah,openf
jmp ?pcdos ;return through DOS
;* C L O S E #16 *
close: ;close file (#16)
call getp2i ;FCB pointer to DX
mov ah,closef
jmp ?pcdos ;return through DOS
;* S E A R #17 *
sear: ;search for file (#17)
call getp2i ;FCB pointer to DX
mov ah,serchf
jmp ?pcdos
;* S E A R N #18 *
searn: ;search for next (#18)
call getp2 ;get pointer to FCB
mov ah,serchn ;search next function
jmp ?pcdos ;return through DOS
;* D E L E T E #19 *
delete: ;delete file (#19)
call getp2i ;FCB pointer to DX
mov ah,deletf
jmp ?pcdos ;return through DOS
;* R D S E Q #20 *
rdseq: ;sequential read (#20)
call getp2i ;FCB pointer to DX
mov ah,readf
jmp ?pcdos ;return through DOS
;* W R S E Q #21 *
wrseq: ;sequential write (#21)
call getp2i ;FCB pointer to DX
mov ah,writf
jmp ?pcdos ;return through DOS
;* M A K E #22 *
make: ;create file (#22)
call getp2i ;FCB pointer to DX
mov ah,makef
jmp ?pcdos ;return through DOS
;* R E N A M E #23 *
rename: ;rename file (#23)
call getp2i ;FCB pointer to DX
mov ah,renamf
jmp ?pcdos ;return through DOS
;* C U R D S K #25 *
curdsk: ;return current disk number (#25)
mov ah,cdiskf
jmp ?pcdos ;return value in AL
;* S E T D M A #26 *
setdma: ;set DMA address (#26)
call getp2 ;dma address to DX
mov ah,setdtf
jmp ?pcdos ;return through DOS
;* A L L T B L #27 *
alltbl: ;return address of allocation table (#27)
;first get pointer to FAT to set up destination
mov si,[bx] ;get pointer to 1st parm
mov di,[si] ;get offset into DI...
push ds ;get segment into ES...
pop es ;now destination is set
;now do the call to PCDOS
push bx ;save current BX (will be overwritten)
push ds ;save current DS (will be overwritten)
mov ah,getalf ;function number
call ?pcdos ;do it
;set up the source
mov bp,ds ;move DS value to BP
mov si,bx ;SI gets offset, DS already contains segment
;move the FAT
push cx ;save CX for later
mov cx,512 ;number of bytes to move (size of FAT)
rep movsb ;move it
;table is moved, now send back other info
pop cx ;get back former CX
pop ds ;get back former DS
pop bx ;and the old BX
mov si,2[bx] ;get pointer to 2nd parm
mov si,[si] ;get parm
mov [si],dx ;put no. of alloc units in 2nd parm
mov si,4[bx] ;get pointer to 3rd parm
mov si,[si] ;get parm
mov [si],al ;put #recs/alloc unit in 3rd parm
mov si,6[bx] ;get pointer to 4th parm
mov si,[si] ;get parm
mov [si],cx ;put size of phys. sect. in 4th parm
ret ;done!
;* R D R A N #33 *
rdran: ;random read (#33)
call getp2i ;FCB pointer to DX
mov ah,rdranf
jmp ?pcdos ;return through DOS
;* W R R A N #34 *
wrran: ;random write (#34)
call getp2i ;FCB pointer to DX
mov ah,wrranf
jmp ?pcdos ;return through DOS
;* F I L S I Z #35 *
filsiz: ;compute file size (#35)
call getp2 ;FCB pointer to DX
mov ah,filszf
jmp ?pcdos ;return through DOS
;* S E T R E C #36 *
setrec: ;set random record position (#36)
call getp2 ;FCB pointer to DX
mov ah,setrcf
jmp ?pcdos ;return through DOS
;* S E T I N T #37 *
;setint: ;set interrupt vector (#37)
;* N E W S E G #38 *
newseg: ;create new program segment (#38)
; WARNING: This procedure has NOT been tested. Use it at your own risk!
call getp2 ;get segment where new prog will start
mov ah,newsgf ;function number
jmp ?pcdos ;return thru DOS
;* B L O C K R D #39 *
blockrd: ; Random Block Read (#39)
;call blockrd(fcbptr,count,actualptr,retptr)
mov si,[bx] ;get pointer to 1st parm (FCB ptr)
mov dx,[si] ;put pointer to FCB in DX
mov si,2[bx] ;get pointer to 2nd parm (count)
mov cx,[si] ;move count to CX
mov AH,blkrdf ;random block read function number
call ?pcdos ;do it
mov si,4[bx] ;get pointer to 3rd parm (actual count)
mov si,[si] ;
mov [si],cx ;put actual count in 3rd parm
mov si,6[bx] ;get pointer to 4th parm (return code)
mov si,[si] ;
mov [si],al ;put return code in 4th parm
ret ;done!
;* B L O C K W R #40 *
blockwr: ;random block write (#40)
;call blockwr(fcbptr,count,actualptr,retptr)
mov si,[bx] ;get pointer to 1st parm (FCB ptr)
mov dx,[si] ;put pointer to FCB in DX
mov si,2[bx] ;get pointer to 2nd parm (count)
mov cx,[si] ;move count to CX
mov AH,blkwrf ;block write function number
call ?pcdos ;do it
mov si,4[bx] ;get pointer to 3rd parm (actual count)
mov si,[si] ;
mov [si],cx ;put actual count in 3rd parm
mov si,6[bx] ;get pointer to 4th parm (return code)
mov si,[si] ;
mov [si],al ;put return code in 4th parm
ret ;done!
;* P A R S F N #41 *
parsfn: ;parse file name (#41)
;this function will update the two pointers passed in and return a code
;ret_code = PARSFN(addr(comptr),addr(fcbptr),action)
mov si,[bx] ;
mov si,[si] ;get ptr to ptr to command line...
mov si,[si] ;now get ptr to command line in SI
mov di,4[bx] ;get 3rd parm
mov al,[di] ;move it to AL
mov di,2[bx] ;get 2nd parameter...
mov di,[di] ;...pointer to pointer to new FCB...
mov di,[di] ;...and pointer to new FCB in DI
push ds ;copy current DS...
pop es ;...to ES
mov ah,parsf ;function number
jmp ?pcdos ;do it, return through PCDOS
;* G E T D A T E #42 *
getdate: ;get date (#42)
mov ah,gdatef ;function number
call ?pcdos ;do it
mov si,[bx] ;get pointer to 1st parm (yr)
mov si,[si] ;
mov [si],cx ;store year
mov si,2[bx] ;get pointer to 2nd parm (mo)
mov si,[si] ;
mov [si],dh ;store month
mov si,4[bx] ;get pointer to 3rd parm (day)
mov si,[si] ;
mov [si],dl ;store day
;* S E T D A T E #43 *
setdate: ;set date (#43)
mov si,[bx] ;get pointer to 1st parm (yr)
mov cx,[si] ;put year in CX
mov si,2[bx] ;get pointer to 2nd parm (mo)
mov dh,[si] ;put month in DH
mov si,4[bx] ;get pointer to 3rd parm (day)
mov dl,[si] ;put day in DL
mov ah,sdatef ;function number
jmp ?pcdos ;return thru DOS
;* G E T T I M E #44 *
gettime: ;get time (#44)
mov ah,gtimef ;function number
call ?pcdos ;do it
mov si,[bx] ;get pointer to 1st parm (hrs)
mov si,[si] ;
mov [si],ch ;store hours
mov si,2[bx] ;get pointer to 2nd parm (min)
mov si,[si] ;
mov [si],cl ;store minutes
mov si,4[bx] ;get pointer to 3rd parm (sec)
mov si,[si] ;
mov [si],dh ;store seconds
mov si,6[bx] ;get pointer to 4th parm (1/100 sec)
mov si,[si] ;
mov [si],dl ;store 1/100 sec.
;* S E T T I M E #45 *
settime: ;set time (#45)
mov si,[bx] ;get pointer to 1st parm (hrs)
mov ch,[si] ;put hours in CH
mov si,2[bx] ;get pointer to 2nd parm (min)
mov cl,[si] ;put minutes in CL
mov si,4[bx] ;get pointer to 3rd parm (sec)
mov dh,[si] ;put seconds in DH
mov si,6[bx] ;get pointer to 4th parm (1/100 sec)
mov dl,[si] ;put 1/100 sec in DL
mov ah,stimef ;function number
jmp ?pcdos ;return thru DOS
;* S E T V E R #46 *
setver: ;set/reset verify switch (#46)
call getp1 ;get parm...
mov al,dl ;to AL
mov dl,0 ;DL must be zero for call
mov ah,setverf ;function number
jmp ?pcdos ;return thru DOS