dos_compilers/Mark Williams MWC v4/SAMPLE/CRTS0XS.ASM
2024-07-01 16:08:53 -07:00

107 lines
2.4 KiB

; Let's C Version 4.0.C.
; Copyright (c) 1982-1987 by Mark Williams Company, Chicago.
; All rights reserved. May not be copied or disclosed without permission.
name crts0xs
; DOS SMALL model C runtime startoff.
; At compile time:
; Declare the classes 'CODE', 'DATA', 'CONST', 'STACK', 'MEMORY'
; and 'DEBUG' in the right order so that LINK gets it right.
; Set up a minimal stack of 2048 bytes.
; Set up public label 'end_' in the MEMORY segment
; so C knows where the program ends.
; At run time:
; Set up segment registers.
; Save the program segment prefix base address in '_pspbase_'
; so C knows where the program begins.
; Initialize BP to NULL for 'longjmp_()'.
; Call '_main_()'.
; Provide low level C callable '_exit_()'.
extrn _main_:near
code segment public 'code'
code ends
data segment public 'data'
; The following declaration prevents LINK from putting data at address DS:0.
dw 0
extrn __end_:word
extrn _pspbase_:word
data ends
const segment public 'const'
const ends
stack segment stack 'stack'
db 2048 dup (?)
stack ends
memory segment memory 'memory'
public end_
end_ label word
memory ends
debug segment byte public 'debug'
debug ends
cgroup group code
dgroup group const, data, stack, memory
code segment public 'code'
public _exit_
assume cs:cgroup
crts0 proc near
mov ax, dgroup ; Initialize SS and DS
mov ss, ax ; with the
mov ds, ax ; base of dgroup
assume ds:dgroup ; and tell
assume ss:dgroup ; the assembler.
mov _pspbase_, es ; Initialize _pspbase.
mov es, ax ; Initialize ES
assume es:dgroup ; and tell the assembler.
lea ax, end_ ; Initialize
mov __end_, ax ; __end_.
mov sp, ax ; Initialize stack pointer.
sub bp, bp ; Clear BP for longjmp.
call _main_ ; Call _main which calls main.
push ax ; Save return status,
push ax ; push fake return address
; and fall through to _exit.
; void _exit(s) int s;
; Low level exit.
; Return to caller with exit status in AL.
; Since CSD catches end of execution at this label,
; all program terminations should pass through _exit_.
_exit_ label near
cld ; For DOS.
pop ax ; Discard return address and
pop ax ; get exit status in AL.
mov ah, 4Ch ; Load return exit status function code
int 21h ; and do it.
crts0 endp
code ends
end crts0