dos_compilers/Microsoft QuickBASIC v3
2024-07-01 13:05:38 -07:00
manual quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
ABSOLUTE.ASM quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
ABSOLUTE.OBJ quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
BCOM30.LIB quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
BCOM3087.LIB quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
BRUN30.EXE quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
BRUN30.LIB quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
BRUN3087.EXE quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
BRUN3087.LIB quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
BUG.BAS quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
BUILDLIB.EXE quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
CALLSHAP.BAS quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
DEMO.BAS quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
E.BAS quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
EMULATOR.OBJ quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
EX.BAS quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
GWCOM87.OBJ quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
GWCOM.OBJ quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
INT86.ASM quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
INT86.OBJ quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
INT8687.ASM quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
INT8687.OBJ quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
l.bat quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
LINK.EXE quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
m.bat make clear there is no command line build 2024-07-01 13:05:38 -07:00
MODE43.COM quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
PPRINT.BAS quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
PREFIX87.ASM quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
PREFIX87.OBJ quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
PREFIX.ASM quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
PREFIX.OBJ quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
QB87.EXE quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
QB.EXE quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
README.DOC quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
REMLINE.BAS quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
SIEVE.BAS quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
SMALLERR.OBJ quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
SQUARE.BAS quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
TRIANGLE.BAS quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
TTT.BAS quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00
UPDATE.DOC quick basic v3 2024-07-01 13:00:14 -07:00

			 "README.DOC" File
	  Release Notes for the MICROSOFT(R) QuickBASIC Compiler
	     	Version 3.0 for IBM(R) Personal Computers
			  and Compatibles

	      (C) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987


This file is divided into three parts, as follows:


	1 	Information about additions and changes to QuickBASIC
		made after the manual was printed.

	2 	Additions and corrections to the QuickBASIC Compiler
		Version 3.0 update document.

	3 	Additions and corrections to the QuickBASIC Compiler
		Version 2.0 manual.

For information on corrections to the software from Version 2.0 to 3.0,
please refer to the UPDATE.DOC file on this disk.

===<Part 1: Additional Information>=========================================

1. Executing Command Buttons

   In QuickBASIC 2, pressing ENTER always executed the command button
   with the double outline (the default command), regardless of which
   button was highlighted. To execute the command in the highlighted
   button, you had to press SPACEBAR.

   In QuickBASIC 2.01 and 3, this is no longer the case: pressing either
   ENTER or SPACEBAR executes the highlighted button.

2. The QB.INI Initialization File

   QB.INI is an initialization file that QuickBASIC uses to set both the
   Options settings in the View menu and the Autosave command settings
   in the File menu. Upon exiting QuickBASIC, if you have modified
   any of the Options settings or the state of the File menu's Autosave
   command, these changes are written to QB.INI. Note that QB.INI is
   not supplied on any of the product disks. It is created only when
   you change the Options or Autosave settings.	If you use only the
   default settings, QB.INI is never created.

   When QB.INI is created, it is placed in the current directory. When
   QuickBASIC starts, it looks for QB.INI in the current directory, then
   in the locations specified by the PATH environment variable.

3. Source-File Line Termination

   QuickBASIC requires a CR-LF (carriage return-line feed) sequence at the
   end of each line. If only carriage returns are present, QuickBASIC reads
   the first 255 characters only, and continues without producing an error
   message. If only line feeds are present, QuickBASIC appears to read the
   file correctly, but will in fact overlook the last character of each line.
   If you use an editor that places only a CR or an LF at the end of a line,
   you need to modify your source files so they have the correct sequence at
   the end of each line. The following program examines the end of each line
   in a BASIC source file and inserts a carriage return, line feed, or both, if
   needed (the original contents are saved in a file with the extension ".BAK").

   ' Be sure to compile this program with the "On Error" (/e) and
   ' "Resume Next" (/x) options to turn on error trapping


   CarReturn$ = CHR$(13)
   LineFeed$  = CHR$(10)

      INPUT "File (.BAS): ", InpFile$
      Extension = INSTR(InpFile$,".")
      IF Extension > 0 THEN
	 InpFile$ = LEFT$(InpFile$,Extension-1)
      END IF
      ON ERROR GOTO Handler
      NAME InpFile$ + ".BAS" AS InpFile$ + ".BAK"
      OPEN InpFile$ + ".BAK" FOR INPUT AS #1
      OPEN InpFile$ + ".BAS" FOR OUTPUT AS #2
      PrevCarReturn = False
      DO UNTIL EOF(1)
	 FileChar$ = INPUT$(1, #1)
	 IF FileChar$ = CarReturn$ THEN
	    IF PrevCarReturn THEN FileChar$ = LineFeed$ + FileChar$
	    PrevCarReturn = True
	 ELSEIF FileChar$ = LineFeed$ THEN
	    IF NOT PrevCarReturn THEN FileChar$ = CarReturn$ + FileChar$
	    PrevCarReturn = False
	 ELSEIF PrevCarReturn THEN
	    PrevCarReturn = False
	    FileChar$ = LineFeed$ + FileChar$
	 PRINT #2, FileChar$;
      PRINT "Another file (Y/N)?"
      More$ = INPUT$(1)
   LOOP WHILE More$ = "y" OR More$ = "Y"


      ErrNumber = ERR
      IF ErrNumber = 53 THEN
	 PRINT "No such file.	Enter new name."
	 INPUT "File (.BAS): ", InpFile$
      ELSEIF ErrNumber = 58 THEN
	 KILL InpFile$ + ".BAK"
	 ERROR ErrNumber
      END IF

4. Using CALL ABSOLUTE with In-Memory Compilation

   ABSOLUTE is considered an external subroutine by the QuickBASIC compiler.
   The assembly-language source for this subroutine is in the file
   ABSOLUTE.ASM, which can be found on either of the disks labeled Disk 1 in
   the QuickBASIC distribution package.	ABSOLUTE.OBJ, an assembled version of
   this subroutine suitable for inclusion in a user library with the BUILDLIB
   utility, can be found on either of the disks labeled Disk 2 in the QuickBASIC
   distribution package.

5. Compilation Errors

   When an error is detected during compilation, code generation stops. This
   allows for faster compilation, but has the side effect that some errors may
   be reported that are not errors. When the original error is corrected,
   these side-effect errors go away. For example, the statements

   FOR I = 1

   generate two errors, "Missing TO" and "NEXT without FOR". When
   the FOR statement is changed to read "FOR I = 1 to 10", both errors
   are corrected.

6. COMMAND.COM, the SHELL Statement and the Free Menu's Shell Command

   QuickBASIC requires COMMAND.COM before it can execute either a SHELL
   statement or the Shell command from the File menu. QuickBASIC looks
   for COMMAND.COM first in the directory specified in the COMSPEC
   environment variable, then in the current directory.

7. Using the SHELL Statement in a Subroutine

   The SHELL statement does not compress memory. If not enough contiguous
   memory is available, (for example, if many CHAIN statements have been
   executed, or several dynamic arrays were allocated then erased), a SHELL
   statement may fail with an "Out of memory" error message.

8. Using the SHELL Statement with DOS 2.X

   If you are using a 2.X version of DOS, programs that contain SHELL
   statements may not exit correctly. This is due to a known problem in DOS
   2.X. The problem occurs when DOS reloads the transient portion of the
   command processor into high memory.

   To exit QuickBASIC after executing an in-memory program that contains
   SHELL statements, when the program finishes running, choose Shell from the
   File menu, then type "exit" at the DOS prompt.

   When standalone executable programs exit, the message "Invalid COMMAND.COM"
   may appear. If so, you must restart your system. If you compile using
   BRUN30.EXE, in most cases the program exits properly.

   Another solution is to upgrade your DOS version to 3.X.

9. Running Terminate-and-Stay-Resident Programs from the File Menu's
   Shell Command

   Do not run terminate-and-stay-resident programs while executing the Shell
   command from the File menu. When a Shell command is executed, QuickBASIC
   is compressed into the smallest memory possible. The terminate-and-stay-
   resident program occupies memory required by QuickBASIC, making it
   impossible to compile or run a program, or do anything that allocates

10. Changing Directories from the File Menu's Shell Command

   If you change directories after executing the Shell command from the File
   menu, this directory is the current directory when you return to QuickBASIC.
   Subsequent Load commands use this as the default directory, and when you
   quit QuickBASIC, you will be in this directory.

11. Using BRUN30.EXE with User Libraries

   The run-time module BRUN30.EXE obtains the user library using the name
   the program module was compiled with. All independently compiled program
   modules to be linked together must be compiled with the same user library
   using the same name; othewise, an error occurs at run time.

   You cannot use BCOM30.LIB, the alternate run-time library, with user

12. Using /l with Nonreferenced Libraries

   User libraries specified with the /l option are pulled into the
   executable file regardless of whether the program requires them.

13. The User-Library Search Path

   If path information is provided with the qb command's /l option, as in

   qb progname /l \src\lib\mylib.exe

   no path search is performed. If the library is not in the specified location
   an error occurs. If no path information is provided, the current directory
   is searched, then the directory specified in the LIB environment variable.

14. Graphics-Mode Statements

   A color-graphics adapter is required if you are using any of the following

   COLOR (screen modes 1-10)		POINT
   GET (graphics)			PSET
   LINE					PUT (graphics)
   PAINT				SCREEN (screen modes 1-10)

15. EGA-Card Restrictions

   The EGA card does not support the COLOR statement's border parameter. Using
   the border parameter causes unpredictable results.

16. Program Capacity

   Because the Debug option generates extra code, extremely large programs
   that are compiled with the Debug option may exceed the memory limits of
   your computer.

17. Object-File Size

   Programs compiled with the Debug option (the default) create larger
   object files than programs compiled without the Debug option.

18. Using the PEN Function When a Mouse Driver Is Present

   The mouse driver intercepts the PEN function's BIOS calls and redirects
   them to the mouse. If you don't want to use the mouse as a lightpen, call
   mouse function 14 to disable the mouse's lightpen-emulation flag, which is
   on by default. Mouse function 13 turns lightpen emulation back on. For
   example, the following code turns mouse lightpen emulation off:

   CALL MOUSE(14,0,0,0)

   See your mouse manual for more information.

19. Editing Responses to the INPUT Statement

   The input editor supplied with QuickBASIC is a line editor only. This
   means you can move and edit only horizontally. Attempts to use the
   UP, DOWN, PGUP and PGDN cursor keys produce a beep.

20. Disk-Error Messages

   Whenever you get a disk-error message, such as "Write protect violation",
   DO NOT change to a different disk before selecting "RETRY". If you want
   to retry with a different disk, select the "Cancel" button, replace the
   disk, and compile again.

===<Part 2: Corrections to the QuickBASIC Compiler Version 3.0 Update>=======

Page		Correction
----		----------

Update-25	The first sentence under "Viewing User-Library Source Code"
		should be changed to read as follows:

		QuickBASIC's debugger also lets you see the text of any BASIC
		source file used to build the user library, provided the
		source file was compiled with either the /d command-line option
		or the Debug option in the Compile... dialog box. If a source
		in the user library was compiled without these options, the
		debugger displays the following message if you try to view the
		file with the F6 command:

			*****  No Debug Information	*****

Update-44	The following information on emulating the function of an
		8087/80287 math coprocessor should be added to Section 4.2:

		Programs using either the standard BRUN3087.LIB library
		or the alternate BCOM3087.LIB library automatically use an
		8087/80287 coprocessor at run time if one is installed.
		However, you can override the use of the coprocessor and force
		an application to emulate its function by setting the NO87
		environment variable.


			SET NO87=Use of coprocessor suppressed
	    		SET NO87=<one or more spaces>

	    		  Both of the preceding examples force software emulation of
		    the 8087/80287 coprocessor, provided the application is
		    using BRUN3087.LIB or BCOM3087.LIB linked with EMULATOR.OBJ
		    (see the "COPROCESSOR/EMULATION USAGE TABLE" below for
		    more information on when NO87 forces emulation). The first
		    setting causes the message

		    	Use of coprocessor suppressed

		    to appear on the screen when a program that uses an 8087
		    or 80287 is executed, and an 8087 or 80287 is present.
		    The second setting does not display a message.

		    To turn off forced emulation, set NO87 equal to a null, or
		    empty, value.


		    	SET NO87=

		    The preceding example turns off software emulation of
		    the 8087/80287. Note: no spaces follow the "equal" (=)


		The following table shows the effects of setting the NO87
		variable on applications using QB87:

			 | Math Coprocessor	|  Math Coprocessor not |
			 | Present and NO87 Set	|  Present		|
    | 			 |			|			|
    | Application	 |    Emulates 		|    Emulates		|
    | using BRUN3087.EXE |    coprocessor	|    coprocessor	|
    |			 |			|			|
    | Application	 |			|			|
    | compiled with /o,	 |    Emulates		|    Emulates		|
    | and linked with	 |    coprocessor	|    coprocessor	|
    | EMULATOR.OBJ	 |			|			|
    | Application	 |			|			|
    | compiled with /o,	 |    Uses		|    Does not run	|
    | but not linked	 |    coprocessor	|			|
    | with EMULATOR.OBJ	 |			|			|


		1) The entries under the "Math Coprocessor not Present"
		   heading are valid regardless of whether or not the
		   NO87 variable is set.

		2) If an 8087/80287 coprocessor is present and either one
		   of the following conditions is true, the application
		   always uses the coprocessor:

		   	a) The NO87 variable is not set.

		   	b) Forced emulation has been turned off by setting
			   NO87 equal to a null value.

Update-45	The text under the "Effect" heading for CLS 1 should
		be changed to read as follows:

		    ...Previously, CLS 1 changed the screen only
		    after a VIEW statement was executed.

		Also, add the following to the text for CLS 2:

		    See the reference entry for VIEW PRINT in the
		    Microsoft QuickBASIC Compiler manual for more
		    information on creating a text window.

===<Part 3: Corrections to the QuickBASIC Compiler Version 2.0 Manual>=======

Page	Correction
----	----------

61-63	Significant enhancements have been made to QuickBASIC's debugging
	capabilities. See the discussion in Section 3, "Debugging Commands,"
	of the "Microsoft QuickBASIC Compiler Version 3.0 Update," which
	supersedes the discussion on pages 61-63 of the Version 2.0 manual.

71	In the syntax line at the bottom of the page, the "c:buffersize"
	option should be preceded by a forward slash, as follows:


76	In the first paragraph after Figure 4.2, the sentence "If you
	are in a subdirectory..." should state that the entry ".."
	appears in the "upper-left corner", not the "upper-right".

78	Binary files cannot be loaded into QuickBASIC. The note in the
	middle of the page should read:

	QuickBASIC accepts only ASCII files. If you attempt to load a
	binary file, you will get an error.

78	BASICA ASCII files containing explicit extended ASCII characters,
	(graphics characters), are treated as binary files by QuickBASIC.

93	In Section, "Exe," it should be noted that the executable
	files created using this method require the support of the BRUN30.EXE
	run-time module in order to execute.

120	The first line of this example (DEFINT I-L) should be changed
	to DEFINT I-S so as to execute correctly.

152	The stack is preset to 768 bytes, not 512.

160	The list of nonexecutable statements should also include the
	CONST statement.

161	In the example under Section 9.2.2, there should not be an underscore
	character (_) following the FIELD variable D$.

162	String constants can be ASCII characters in the range 32 to 126.
	(127 is the DEL character)

172	In the discussion of "Overflow" and "Division by zero" errors, the
	following paragraph should be added to item 1a:

	    If you are running a program from the QuickBASIC
	    user interface (editor) with the Debug option on,
	    and one of these errors occurs, the program ends
	    and the appropriate error message appears in the
	    dialog box at the bottom of the screen.  You are
	    then returned to the editor, with the cursor
	    positioned on the line where the error occurred.

	The following should also be added to item 2:

	    If you are running a program from the QuickBASIC
	    interface with the Debug option off, the program
	    still ends with the appropriate error message
	    displayed; however, when you are returned to the
	    editor, the cursor is positioned on the first line
	    of the program, rather than the offending line.

183	In Table 10.1, you should add the statements PEEK, POKE, and DEF SEG
	to the column "May Require Modifying Interpreter Programs," since
	the memory maps of the interpreter and the compiler are different.
	For example, programs that read from or write to memory locations in
	the RAM-resident portion of the interpreter do not work in the
	compiler environment since the interpreter is not present.

188	In Section 10.3.2, the $INCLUDE metacommand, restriction 2) is in
	error.	Included files may contain END statements.

193	In Table 10.6, you should add the statements PEEK, POKE, and
	DEF SEG, since the memory maps of the interpreter and the compiler
	are different. For example, programs that read from or write to memory
	locations in the RAM-resident portion of the interpreter do not work in
	the compiler environment since the interpreter is not present.

200	In the Action section for the BLOAD command, it states that
	BLOAD can take input from "any input device." This is not true,
	as the BLOAD command does not take input from the "KYBD:" device.

222	The EGA card does not support the COLOR statement's border parameter.
	If you have an EGA card installed on your system, using the border
	parameter causes unpredictable results.

229	The list of nonexecutable statements should also include the
	CONST and DATA statements.

232	The "VO1" variable in the third line from the bottom should be changed
	to read as follows:


235	The last line in the example should be "LOCATE Y,X" not

265	The syntax for the ERASE statement should have a comma between
	the array names, as shown here:

		ERASE arrayname [,arrayname...]

275	In the FIELD statement's Example 2, the order of arguments is reversed
	for all string-manipulation functions. The affected section of the
	program should read as follows:

	IF (ZCHECK$ > "85699" AND ZCHECK$ < "85801") THEN
	    INFO$ = PLIST$
	    PRINT LEFT$(INFO$,25)
	    PRINT MID$(INFO$,16,25)

	The FIELD statements in the two examples shown under Example 4 should
	be changed to read as follows:



		FIELD #1, 15 AS A$(1), 10 AS A$(2),..., 8 AS A$(14)

280	Change the first sentence at the top of the page to read as

		The body of a FOR...NEXT loop is executed at least
		once, unless one of the following conditions is true,
		in which case the loop is not executed:

		* Step size is positive, and <start> is greater
		  than <end>.

		* Step size is negative, and <start> is less than

283	In the FRE function example, the first line of the example should be
	a $DYNAMIC metacommand, as follows:

	PRINT "Before dimensioning arrays:   " FRE(""),FRE(0),FRE(-1)

286	There is a missing parenthesis in the formula for computing the GET
	graphics statement's array size. There should be three left parentheses
	after the INT keyword, as follows:

	4 + INT(((x2 - x1 +1) * bits-per-pixel + 7)/8) * ((y2 - y1) +1)

297	The two examples comparing the single-line and block forms of the
	IF...THEN...ELSE statement should read as follows:

	Example 1:

	INPUT "Price = ",x
	IF (x >= 10000) THEN DISC! = x * .25! ELSE _

	    IF (x < 10000) AND (x >= 5000) THEN DISC! = x * .2! ELSE _

	    IF (x < 5000) AND (x >= 1000) THEN DISC! = x * .1! ELSE _

		DISC! = 0

	IF DISC! = 0 THEN PRINT "No discount" ELSE _

	    PRINT "Discounted price = "; : PRINT USING "$$####.##";x - DISC!

	Example 2:

	INPUT "Price = ",x
	IF (x >= 10000) THEN
	    DISC! = x * .25!
	ELSEIF (x < 10000) AND (x >= 5000) THEN
	    DISC! = x * .2!
	ELSEIF (x < 5000) AND (x >= 1000) THEN
	    DISC! = x * .1!
	    PRINT "No discount"
	    PRINT "Discounted price = ";
	    PRINT USING "$$####.##";x - DISC!

313	The last sentence of the description of Example 2, after
	the semicolon, should read: "The last line displays the new
	soft-key values."

314	Since QB3 supports the Advanced 101-Key keyboard, the
	function keys F11 and F12 can now be trapped. Trapping
	of F11 can be controlled with KEY(30) {ON | OFF | STOP},
	while trapping of F12 can be controlled with
	KEY(31) {ON | OFF | STOP}.

315	The table listed on this page is incomplete. In addition to
	the values listed, you must also take into account the state
	of the NUM LOCK and CAPS LOCK keys. For NUM LOCK active you
	should add the value &H20, and for CAPS LOCK active you should
	add the value &H40 to the keyboard flag.

317	The second comment in the example program should read:

	' DOWN key will now be trapped

	Also, note this program traps only the CTRL-s (lowercase s) key
	sequence. To trap CTRL-S (with a capital S), you need to deal with
	capital letters produced by holding down the SHIFT key, as well as
	capital letters produced when the CAPS-LOCK key is active, as shown

	KEY 16, CHR$(&H05) + CHR$(&H1F)	   ' Trap CTRL + SHIFT + s
	KEY 17, CHR$(&H44) + CHR$(&H1F)	   ' Trap CTRL + CAPS-LOCK + s

	KEY (16) ON
	KEY (17) ON


325	The STEP option example requires a hyphen before the STEP keyword, as

	LINE -STEP (10,5)

	The phrase following the example should read:

	"draws a line from (10,10) to the point with x-coordinate
	10+10 and y-coordinate 10+5, or (20,15)."

327	The Action for LINE INPUT should read:

	Inputs an entire line (up to 255 characters) to a string variable...

338	The Remark for LOF should read:

	When a file is opened in any mode, LOF returns the size of the file in

348	In the description of the example it should be noted that line 100
	converts the single-precision variable AMT to a 4-byte string;
	therefore, the field variable D$ needs to be defined as only a
	4-byte string:

	FIELD #1, 4 AS D$, 20 AS N$

353	Delete the last sentence on this page.

369	Add the following note concerning the ACCESS clause:

	The ACCESS clause works in an OPEN statement only if you are using
	versions of DOS that support networking (3.0 or later). In addition,
	you must run the SHARE.EXE program (or the network startup program must
	run it) to perform any locking operation. Earlier versions of DOS
	return an "Advanced Feature" error if ACCESS is used with OPEN.

375	The second sentence under the Action heading for the LF option should be
	changed to read:

	When LF is specified, a line-feed character (0AH) is automatically sent
	after each carriage-return character (0DH).

388	The last sentence in the REMARKS section should be deleted. The
	argument to the PEEK statement should be a single-precision
	variable in the range 0-1,048,575.

396	The variable in the first line of PLAY statement's Example 1 should be


410	In the example, all references to the file STORINVENT should be changed
	to INVENT.DAT. The file argument to both OPEN statements should be
	the same file, INVENT.DAT.

418	The first entry in the "Arguments" column should be (x,y), not

420	Images cannot be scaled with the PUT graphics statement. Only one set
	of x,y coordinates can be specified as arguments to PUT. All text
	after "Because you can specify..." in the second paragraph, and all of
	the following paragraph, should be ignored.

424	The second sentence in the Remarks section for the READ statement should
	be changed to read as follows:

	READ statements assign DATA-statement values to variables on a
	one-to-one basis.

448	The text format for SCREEN 1 should be 40 X 25, and the text format
	for SCREEN 2 should be 80 X 25.

	The first line under the SCREEN 2 heading should be corrected to
	read as follows:

		* 640 x 200 pixel high-resolution graphics

452	The color range listed for SCREEN 2 should be 0 - 15, not 0 - 1.

	Because the WIDTH statement in QuickBASIC 3 now lets you set the
	number of lines displayed on the screen as well as the number of
	columns, the information on legal video-page ranges in SCREEN 0
	shown in Table 11.6 should be updated as follows:

	WIDTH Statement 	Display/Adapter		Legal Video-Page
	Format			Hardware		Ranges
	WIDTH 80,25		MDPA			0 only
				CGA			0 - 3
				EGA (64K)		0 - 3
				EGA (128K - 256K)	0 - 7

	WIDTH 40,25		CGA, EGA		0 - 7

	WIDTH 80,43		EGA (64K)		0 - 1
				EGA (128K - 256K)	0 - 3

	WIDTH 40,43		EGA (64K)		0 - 3
				EGA (128K - 256K)	0 - 7
	NOTE:	43-line mode is valid only with an EGA adapter with its
		switch set for an EGA display.

474	The example for the STR$ function should read as follows:

	DEF FNNum$(X)
	    X$ = STR$(X)
	    LENGTH = LEN(X$)
	    IF LEFT$(X$,1) <> "-" THEN LENGTH = LENGTH - 1
	    FNNum$ = RIGHT$(X$,LENGTH)

	PRINT "Enter 0 to end."
	    INPUT "Find cosine of: ",Num
	    IF Num THEN PRINT "COS(" FNNum$(Num) ") = " COS(Num)
	LOOP WHILE Num <> 0

482	In the example, the input to the prompt "Pattern to be searched
	for?" must be SUB (not "sub") in order to get the output shown.

	to the list of reserved words.

	Delete the dollar-sign ($) character at the end of GOTO.

535	Batch files created for versions of QuickBASIC before 2.0 require
	modification. In older batch files, "bascom" should be "qb".

536	If you are using a version of DOS earlier than 3.0, use the PATH command
	instead of the SET command to define the PATH variable. Using SET under
	earlier versions of DOS can cause the PATH variable to work incorrectly
	for some path specifications containing lowercase letters.

546 &	The stack is preset to 768 bytes, not 512.

566	The third bulleted remark ("A USR function...") should be deleted.

570	The explanation for the error message "Too many files" should read:

	This error most commonly occurs when an attempt is made to open a
	number of files that exceeds the limit set by the FILES= parameter in
	the CONFIG.SYS file. It also occurs when the per-directory file limit
	is exceeded by an attempt to create a new file with the SAVE or OPEN
	statement. Refer to your DOS manual for the number of files permitted
	in a directory.