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<B>OPEN "COM... Open a Communications File</B>
<B>OPEN</B> "COMn: [<U>speed</U>] [,<U>parity</U>] [,<U>data</U>] [,<U>stop</U>] [,RS] [,CS[<U>m</U>]] [,DS[<U>m</U>]]
[,CD[<U>m</U>]] [,LF] [,BIN] [,ASC]" [FOR <U>mode</U>] AS [#]<U>filenum</U> [LEN=<U>num</U>]
Opens a communications device for input and output via GET and PUT.
<B>Required arguments:</B>
<U>n</U> A numeric expression. Must be either 1, for COM1:, or 2,
for COM2:. An asynchronous adapter must be installed.
<U>filenum</U> An integer expression specifying a valid file number.
<B>Optional arguments (all must be constants):</B>
<U>speed</U> Transfer rate, in bits per second. Default: 300. Other
legal values: 75, 110, 150, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800,
and 9600.
<U>parity</U> Type of parity checking, if any. Default: E, for EVEN.
Other legal values: S (SPACE), O (ODD), M (MARK), and <U>N</U>
(NONE). parity must be set to <U>N</U> if data is set to 8.
<U>data</U> Number of data bits to be transmitted. Default: 7. Other
legal values: 5, 6, and 8.
<U>stop</U> Number of stop bits. Must be 1 or 2. Default: 2, for 75
and 110 bps; 1, for all other transmission rates.
RS If included, suppresses RTS (Request to Send). If not
included, OPEN "COM..." automatically turns the RTS line
CS<U>m</U> If included, controls CTS (Clear to Send). <U>m</U> specifies, in
milliseconds, the delay before a timeout occurs. Default:
1000. Acceptable values: 0 to 65535. If <U>m</U> is 0, the CS
argument is ignored. If RTS is suppressed via the RS
parameter, the default CS time is 0 milliseconds.
DS<U>m</U> If included, controls DSR (Data Set Ready). <U>m</U> specifies,
in milliseconds, the delay before a timeout occurs;
acceptable values are 0 to 65535. Default: 1000. If <U>m</U> is
0, the DS argument is ignored.
CD<U>m</U> If included, controls CD (Carrier Detect). <U>m</U> specifies, in
milliseconds, the delay before a timeout occurs;
acceptable values are 65535. Default: 0. If <U>m</U> is 0, the CD
argument is ignored.
LF If included, sends a line feed after each carriage return.
LEN=<U>num</U> If included, <U>num</U> specifies the maximum number of bytes
that can be read from the communications buffer via GET or
PUT. Default: 128.
BIN Opens the device in binary mode. This argument overrides
an LF argument.
ASC Opens the device in ASCII mode. Tabs are converted to
spaces, carriage returns are issued at the end of each
line, Ctrl-Z is read as EOF, and XON/XOFF is enabled.
FOR <U>mode</U> <U>mode</U> may be OUTPUT, for sequential output, or INPUT, for
sequential input. If this argument is omitted, the device
is opened for random access (input and output).
<B>Notes:</B> The speed, parity, data, and stop arguments must be
presented in that order. Use commas as placeholders for
omitted arguments.
The remaining arguments--RS, CS, DS, CD, LF, BIN, and ASC
may be specified in any order.
Communications devices are opened in binary mode by
default, unless an ASC argument is included in the OPEN
COM statement.
<B>See Also:</B>
<A HREF="ng9a3c.html">COM(n)</A>
<A HREF="ng1d78d.html">ON COM</A>
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Written by <A HREF="http://www.acemake.com/hagbard">Dave Pearson</A>