dos_compilers/Microsoft QuickBASIC v3/manual/ng379af.html
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<B>OR Logical OR</B>
<B>exp1 OR exp2</B>
OR is a logical operator. BASIC converts each operand to an integer
(each operand must yield an integer in the range -32768 to 32767, or
else an Overflow error occurs), then performs a bitwise comparison of
the results, according to the truth table below:
<U>exp1 exp2 exp1 OR exp2</U>
1 1 1
1 0 1
0 1 1
0 0 0
The result is an integer.
<B> exp1</B>,<B>exp2</B> Any expression that produces a numeric result. This
includes Boolean expressions, where a TRUE result is
evaluated as -1 and a FALSE result is evaluated as 0.
<B>See Also:</B>
<A HREF="ng37443.html">NOT</A>
<A HREF="ng3770a.html">AND</A>
<A HREF="ng37c50.html">XOR</A>
<A HREF="ng37efe.html">EQV</A>
<A HREF="ng381a3.html">IMP</A>
<A HREF="ng34f34.html">Precedence</A>
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by <A HREF="">Dave Pearson</A>