dos_compilers/Ashwood-Smith PC-LISP v3/TURTLE.L
2024-07-04 18:51:32 -07:00

123 lines
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Common Lisp

;; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
;; A set of rough turtle graphics primitives to demonstrate PC-LISP's BIOS
;; graphics routines. These routines are pretty self explanitory. The first
;; 5 defun's define the primitives, next are a set of routines to draw things
;; like squares, triangles etc. Try the function (GraphicsDemo). It will
;; draw Squirals, Trianglerals, etc. Note that the BIOS line drawing is really
;; slow. This is because the BIOS 'set dot/pixel' routine is used for every
;; point in a line. Using the BIOS has the advantage however of portability,
;; these routines work on virtually every MS-DOS machine. The global variable
;; !Mode controls the graphics resolution that will be used. It is set by
;; default to 6, I set it to 8 or 9 for my Tandy 2000. You can adjust the code
;; to support your machines higher resolution modes. More 640x400 modes can be
;; supported by (= !Mode NN) at ### PATCH POINT 1 ### where NN is the value
;; to pass to (#srcmde#) Ie the value to pass in AH when INT 10H is generated
;; with AL=0 (the BIOS Set CRT Mode call). If your machines has high resolution
;; modes besides the 640x400 say X * Y resolution associated with mode NN then
;; add the following code at ### PATCH POINT 2 ### (where AA is X/2, BB is Y/2
;; CC is the ratio X/Y and DD is the number of pixels that should correspond
;; to one Turtle movement Unit):
;; ((= !Mode NN)
;; (setq CenterX AA CenterY BB Scale CC Lfactor DD)
;; (TurtleCenter))
;; Peter Ashwood-Smith
;; August 22nd, 1986
(setq !Mode 6) ; default setting
(defun TurtleGraphicsUp()
(#scrmde# !Mode)(#scrsap# 0)
(cond ((= !Mode 6) ; 640x200 B&W mode
(setq CenterX 100 CenterY 100 Scale 3.2 Lfactor 1)
((= !Mode 7)
(patom '|mode 7 not allowed|))
((or (= !Mode 8) (= !Mode 9) ; Tandy 2000 640x400
(= !Mode 64) ; AT&T 6300 640x400?
; ### PATCH POINT 1 ###
(setq CenterX 266 CenterY 200 Scale 1.2 Lfactor 2)
(t (patom '|unsupported mode|))
(defun TurtleGraphicsDown()
(#scrmde# 2))
(defun TurtleCenter()
(setq Lastx CenterX Lasty CenterY Heading 1.570796372))
(defun TurtleRight(n)
(setq Heading (plus Heading (times n 0.01745329))))
(defun TurtleLeft(n)
(setq Heading (diff Heading (times n 0.01745329))))
(defun TurtleGoTo(x y)
(setq Lastx (quotient x Scale) Lasty (times y Lfactor) ))
(defun TurtleForward(n)
(setq n (times n Lfactor)
Newx (plus Lastx(times(cos Heading)n))
Newy (plus Lasty(times(sin Heading)n)))
(#scrline# (times Lastx Scale) Lasty (times Newx Scale) Newy 1)
(setq Lastx Newx Lasty Newy)
; end of Turtle Graphics primitives, start of Graphics demonstration code
; you can cut this out if you like and leave the Turtle primitives intact.
(defun Line_T(n)
(TurtleForward n) (TurtleRight 180)
(TurtleForward (quotient n 4))
(defun Square(n)
(TurtleForward n) (TurtleRight 90)
(TurtleForward n) (TurtleRight 90)
(TurtleForward n) (TurtleRight 90)
(TurtleForward n)
(defun Triangle(n)
(TurtleForward n) (TurtleRight 120)
(TurtleForward n) (TurtleRight 120)
(TurtleForward n)
(defun Make(ObjectFunc Size times skew)
TOP:(cond ((zerop times) (return)))
(ObjectFunc Size)
(TurtleRight skew)
(setq times (1- times))
(go TOP:)
(defun GraphicsDemo()
(Make Square 40 18 5) (Make Square 60 18 5)
(gc) ; idle work
(Make Triangle 40 18 5) (Make Triangle 60 18 5)
(gc) ; idle work
(Make Line_T 80 50 10)
(gc) ; idle work