849 lines
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849 lines
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;_ handle.asm Thu Jul 13 1989 Modified by: Walter Bright */
; Copyright (C) 1989 by Walter Bright
; All Rights Reserved
; Written by Walter Bright
include macros.asm
; extrn _sound_click:far
extrn __exit:far
extrn _page_malloc:far,_page_calloc:far,_page_realloc:far
extrn _page_free:far,_page_maxfree:far,_page_initialize:far
extrn _calloc:far,_malloc:far,_realloc:far,_free:far
; extrn _sound_click:near
extrn __exit:near
extrn _page_malloc:near,_page_calloc:near,_page_realloc:near
extrn _page_free:near,_page_maxfree:near,_page_initialize:near
extrn _calloc:near,_malloc:near,_realloc:near,_free:near
HANDLE_BASE equ 0FE00h ;segment values >= are handles
HANDLE_MAXPAGES equ 0200h ;max number of pages (10000h-0FE00h)
HANDLE_PAGESIZE equ 04000h ;16k
public _handle_inited
extrn __osmode:byte ;= 1 if in protected mode
frametable dw 4 dup (?) ;index is frame number (0..3)
;value is logical page number (0..numpages)
lrulist db 4 dup (?) ;index is order of least frequently used
;value is frame number (0..3)
emm_handle dw -1 ;handle for our pages
emm_pageframe dw ? ;segment of page frame base
numpages dw ? ;number of pages alloc'd to us
numused dw ? ;number of pages actually in use
tableoffset dw ? ;offset in 0th page of page table
handle_maxsize dw ? ;max possible allocation size
emm_name db 'EMMXXXX0' ;EMS device driver name
_handle_inited db 0 ;!=0 if initialized
usestdlib db 1 ;0 if EMS is present and working
emm_version db 0 ;version number
emm_errmsg db 0Dh,0Ah,'EMM fatal error',0Dh,0Ah,'$'
begcode handle
ctrl_break_int dd ? ;original ctrl-break handler
public ctrl_break_handler
.push <AX,DX,DS>
mov DS,AX
callm handle_term
.pop <DS,DX,AX>
jmp CS:ctrl_break_int ;and continue with previous
; Initialize EMS handler.
c_public handle_init
func handle_init
.if _handle_inited ne 0, I6 ;quit if already initialized
.if __osmode ne 0, I6 ;quit if in protected mode
;Test for presence of EMS using 'get interrupt vector' technique
mov AX,3567h ;get interrupt vector for EMS interrupt
bdos ; into ES:BX
.save <SI,DI>
mov DI,10 ;offset to device name field
mov SI,offset DGROUP:emm_name
mov CX,8 ;number of bytes in name
repe cmpsb ;compare names
.restore <DI,SI>
mov AX,1 ;error code for not present or obsolete version
jne I6 ;if not present
;EMS is present. Get status of it.
mov AH,40h
int 67h
tst AH
jnz I6 ;error
;Get page frame address
mov AH,41h
int 67h
tst AH
jnz I6 ;error
mov emm_pageframe,BX
;Get version number, error out if version < 3.2
mov AH,46h
int 67h
tst AH
jnz I6
.if AL ae 32h, I5 ;if supported version
I6: ret
I5: mov emm_version,AL
;Determine number of unallocated pages
mov AH,42h
int 67h
tst AH
jnz I6 ;error
tst BX ;any available?
jz I6 ;no
.if emm_version b 40h, I3
mov BX,1 ;we'll expand it as necessary
mov BX,HANDLE_MAXPAGES ;don't hog more than we can use
I2: mov numpages,BX
;And allocate all of them to us
mov AH,43h
int 67h
tst AH
jnz I6 ;error
mov emm_handle,DX
mov _handle_inited,1
mov usestdlib,0
;Intercept Ctrl-Break so handle_term is called
mov AL,23h ;Ctrl-Break interrupt number
bdos 35h ;get vector in ES:BX
mov CS:word ptr ctrl_break_int,BX
mov CS:word ptr ctrl_break_int[2],ES
mov DX,offset ctrl_break_handler
push DS
push CS
pop DS
bdos 25h ;set interrupt vector to DS:DX
pop DS
;Initialize lrulist
mov lrulist,0
mov lrulist+1,1
mov lrulist+2,2
mov lrulist+3,3
;Initialize frametable
mov AX,-1
mov frametable,AX
mov frametable+2,AX
mov frametable+4,AX
mov frametable+6,AX
.save <SI,DI>
;Bring page 0 in, initialize it, and create our map table in it
mov numused,1
clr BX
call mappage
mov SI,BX
mov DI,ES
push AX
push ES
push BX
call _page_initialize
add SP,6
mov handle_maxsize,AX
mov AX,numpages
.if emm_version b 40h, I4
mov AX,HANDLE_MAXPAGES ;so we never need to realloc it
I4: shl AX,1
push AX
push DI
push SI
call _page_malloc
add SP,6
mov tableoffset,AX
push DI
push SI
call _page_maxfree
add SP,4
mov ES,DI
add SI,tableoffset
mov ES:[SI],AX
.restore <DI,SI>
c_endp handle_init
; Terminate use of HANDLE handler.
c_public handle_term
func handle_term
.if _handle_inited e 0, T1 ;not initialized, so no terminate
mov DX,emm_handle
mov AH,45h
int 67h ;deallocate pages
;Ignore errors at this point
mov emm_handle,-1
mov _handle_inited,0
T1: ret
c_endp handle_term
; Non-recoverable EMM error has occurred.
; Print a message and abort the program with an exit status equivalent
; to the error code.
; Input:
; AH error code
; Returns:
; doesn't return
emm_error proc near
;DS might point to a buffer instead of the data segment,
;so reload it.
mov AX,seg DGROUP
mov DS,AX
mov DX,offset DGROUP:emm_errmsg
bdos 9 ;print error message
mov AL,AH
clr AH
push AX
call __exit ;abort
emm_error endp
; Bring logical page BX into a frame.
; Returns:
; ES:BX pointer to frame
; AX,DX destroyed
public mappage
mappage proc near
;Look to see if it's already mapped. The idea is to minimize
;calls to the emm driver to swap pages, in case the driver
;must page to disk to emulate emm.
;The emm driver may also be inefficiently implemented.
clr AX
.if BX e <frametable>, L2
inc AL
.if BX e <frametable+2>, L2
inc AL
.if BX e <frametable+4>, L2
inc AL
.if BX e <frametable+6>, L2
mov AL,lrulist ;pick least recently used frame
;Map logical page BX into frame AL
xchg AX,BX
shl BX,1
mov frametable[BX],AX ;update frametable[]
shr BX,1
xchg AX,BX
mov DX,emm_handle
mov AH,044h ;map handle page
int 67h
tst AH
jnz emm_error
mov AL,lrulist
jmp L7 ;adjust lru list
L2: ;It's already mapped. Merely adjust lru list.
.if AL e <lrulist+3>,L10
.if AL e <lrulist+2>,L9
.if AL e <lrulist+1>,L8
;Then AL e <lrulist>
L7: mov BL,lrulist+1
mov lrulist,BL
L8: mov BL,lrulist+2
mov lrulist+1,BL
L9: mov BL,lrulist+3
mov lrulist+2,BL
mov lrulist+3,AL
L10: ;Convert frame number in AL to base pointer in ES:BX
xchg AH,AL ;note that AH is 0 at L10
shl AH,1
shl AH,1
add AX,emm_pageframe
mov ES,AX
clr BX ;offset portion is always 0
mappage endp
; Access a handle.
; void far * pascal handle_access(void handle *);
_handle_access proc near
push BP
mov BP,SP
clr AX
mov DX,4+2[BP]
mov BX,DX
call mappage
mov DX,ES
mov AX,BX
A1: add AX,4[BP]
pop BP
ret 4
_handle_access endp
; Add page to free handle pool.
; Returns:
; 0 unsuccessful
; !=0 page number of added page
public _handle_addpage
_handle_addpage proc near
mov BX,numused
.if emm_version b 40h, D2
inc BX ;we need another
push BX
mov DX,emm_handle
mov AH,51h ;reallocate pages
int 67h
pop CX
tst AH
jz D3 ;all's well
.if AH e 87h, D1 ;no more pages available
.if AH e 88h, D1 ;ditto (I don't understand the diff)
D4: jmp emm_error ;non-recoverable error
D3: .if CX ne BX, D4 ;if (actual count != requested count)
jmp D5 ;they're the same, so we're ok
D2: .if BX e numpages, D1 ;no more available
D5: call mappage ;swap in the new page
push ES
push BX ;for _page_maxfree
push AX
push ES
push BX
call _page_initialize
add SP,6
call _page_maxfree
add SP,4
push AX ;save size of max free block
clr BX
call mappage
add BX,tableoffset
mov AX,numused ;get page number of new page
shl AX,1 ;convert to index into page table
add BX,AX
pop ES:[BX] ;store size of max free block
shr AX,1 ;back to page number
inc numused
D1: clr AX
_handle_addpage endp
public _handle_malloc
func handle_malloc
.if usestdlib ne 0, M1
push BP
mov BP,SP
.save <SI,DI>
;Bring page 0 into a frame
clr BX
call mappage
add BX,tableoffset
;Search for page which has enough free space
mov SI,numused
dec SI ;numused should always be > 0
shl SI,1
mov DX,P[BP] ;nbytes
tst DX
jz M10 ;allocating 0 bytes
.if DX a handle_maxsize, M10 ;too big
M5: .if ES:[BX+SI] ae DX, M4 ;found one
sub SI,2
jnc M5
jmp M7 ;try regular malloc
M10: .restore <DI,SI>
pop BP
M1: ;Use stdlib's malloc()
push BP
mov BP,SP
push P[BP]
call _malloc
mov SP,BP
pop BP
M3: mov BX,AX
tst AX ;if malloc returned NULL
jz M8
mov DX,DS
M8: ret
mov BX,AX
M4: ;At this point:
; ES:BX == ptr to page 0
; SI == 2 * page number of that page
push ES
push BX
mov BX,SI
shr BX,1 ;BX = page number
call mappage
;Allocate from that page
push ES
push BX ;baseptr for _page_maxfree
push P[BP] ;nbytes
push ES
push BX ;baseptr
callm page_malloc
add SP,6
;Should always succeed
mov DI,AX
;Recalc free space for that page
call _page_maxfree ;baseptr is already on stack
add SP,4
;And stuff it into page 0
pop BX
pop ES
mov ES:[BX+SI],AX
mov BX,DI ;offset
mov DX,SI
shr DX,1 ;DX = page number
add DX,HANDLE_BASE ;to make it a real handle
M6: .restore <DI,SI>
pop BP
M7: ;Attempt to get more pages
push ES
push BX ;save base ptr of page table
call _handle_addpage
pop BX
pop ES
tst AX ;succeeded?
jz M9 ;no
shl AX,1 ;convert page # to offset in table
mov SI,AX
jmp M4
M9: push P[BP] ;nbytes
call _malloc
pop BX ;clear stack
mov BX,AX
tst AX ;if malloc returned NULL
jz M6
mov DX,DS
jmp M6
c_endp handle_malloc
public _handle_calloc
func handle_calloc
push BP
mov BP,SP
.if usestdlib ne 0, C1
;malloc the data
push P[BP]
call _handle_malloc
pop CX ;clean stack
tst DX
jz C2 ;result is NULL
.save <DI>
push DX
push BX
;DX:AX is the handle, we need to convert it to a pointer in ES:DI
push DX ;save handle
push BX
call _handle_access ;convert handle
mov ES,DX
mov DI,AX
;Clear the memory
mov CX,ES:-2[DI]
shr CX,1 ;# of words (including byte count)
dec CX ;skip # of bytes
clr AX
rep stosw ;clear the memory
pop BX ;restore handle
pop DX
.restore <DI>
C2: pop BP
C1: mov AX,1
push AX
push P[BP] ;nbytes
call _calloc
add SP,4
pop BP
jmp M3 ;convert near pointer to far pointer
mov BX,AX
c_endp handle_calloc
public _handle_free
func handle_free
push BP
mov BP,SP
mov DX,P+2[BP]
.if DX b HANDLE_BASE, F1 ;if a regular far pointer
push DX
clr AX
push AX
call _handle_access
push DX
push AX ;baseptr for _page_maxfree
push P[BP] ;offset
push DX
push AX ;baseptr
call _page_free
add SP,6
call _page_maxfree ;recalc max free block size
mov SP,BP
push AX ;save max free size
clr BX
call mappage
add BX,tableoffset
mov DX,P+2[BP]
shl DX,1
add BX,DX
pop ES:[BX] ;store max free size in page table
pop BP
push DX
push P[BP]
call _free
mov SP,BP
pop BP
c_endp handle_free
public _handle_realloc
func handle_realloc
push BP
mov BP,SP
mov AX,P+4[BP] ;nbytes
tst AX
jnz R1
;nbytes is 0, so same as handle_free()
push P+2[BP]
push P[BP]
call _handle_free
clr BX
mov DX,BX ;return NULL
mov SP,BP
pop BP
R1: mov DX,P+2[BP] ;oldh
tst DX
jnz R2
;it's NULL, so same as handle_malloc()
push AX
call _handle_malloc
mov SP,BP
pop BP
R2: .if DX b HANDLE_BASE, R7 ;if far pointer, use standard realloc()
.if usestdlib e 0, R3
R7: ;Use stdlib's realloc()
push AX ;nbytes
push DX
push P[BP] ;old pointer
call _realloc
mov SP,BP
pop BP
jmp M3
mov BX,AX
R3: push DX
clr AX
push AX
call _handle_access ;get base pointer
push DX
push AX ;push baseptr for _page_maxfree
push P+4[BP] ;nbytes
push P[BP] ;old offset
push DX
push AX ;base pointer
call _page_realloc
add SP,8
tst AX ;succeeded?
jz R4 ;no
mov P[BP],AX ;save new offset
;Set new max size
call _page_maxfree
add SP,4
push AX ;save max free size
clr BX
call mappage ;map page 0
add BX,tableoffset
mov DX,P+2[BP]
shl DX,1
add BX,DX
pop ES:[BX] ;store max free size in page table
mov BX,P[BP]
mov DX,P+2[BP] ;same handle as before, with new offset in AX
pop BP
R4: add SP,4 ;extra baseptr parameter
;We'll have to handle_malloc() a new chunk, copy the data over,
;and free the original
push P+4[BP]
call _handle_malloc
add SP,2
tst DX ;failed?
jz R5 ;yes, return NULL
.save <SI,DI>
push DX
push BX
;Get pointer to new one in ES:DI
push DX
push BX
call _handle_access
mov SI,DX ;SI will be saved across the next handle_access
mov DI,AX
;Get pointer to original in DS:SI
push DS
push P+2[BP]
push P[BP]
call _handle_access
mov DS,DX
mov ES,SI
mov SI,AX
;Get into CX the smaller of nbytes or the old allocation size
mov CX,ES:-2[DI]
.if CX b -2[SI], R6
mov CX,-2[SI]
shr CX,1 ;convert to word count
dec CX ;skip extra word at beginning
rep movsw
pop DS
;Free the old handle
push P+2[BP]
push P[BP]
call _handle_free
add SP,4
;Get new handle into DX:BX
pop BX
pop DX
.restore <DI,SI>
R5: pop BP
c_endp handle_realloc
; char handle *handle_strdup(const char handle *string);
public _handle_strdup
func handle_strdup
push BP
mov BP,SP
mov BX,P[BP]
mov DX,P+2[BP]
callm _HTOFPTR@ ;convert to far pointer
mov AX,ES
or AX,BX
jz S1 ;string is NULL, so return NULL
;Determine length of string pointed to by ES:BX
sub SP,6
mov -2[BP],ES
mov -4[BP],BX ;save dereferenced handle
push DI
mov DI,BX
clr AX ;scan for 0
mov CX,-1 ;longest possible string
repne scasb
not CX ;CX = strlen(string) + 1
mov -6[BP],CX
;Allocate storage for the duplicated string
push CX
callm handle_malloc
add SP,2
mov AX,BX
or BX,DX
jz S2 ;out of memory, return NULL
;Dereference the new handle
push DX
mov BX,AX
callm _HTOFPTR@
;Copy the string over
mov DI,BX ;destination
push DS
push SI
lds SI,-4[BP] ;DS:SI = source
mov CX,-6[BP] ;strlen(string) + 1
rep movsb
pop SI
pop DS
mov BX,AX
pop DX ;DX:BX = handle of result
S2: pop DI
mov SP,BP
S1: pop BP
c_endp handle_strdup
; Input:
; DX:BX ;handle
; Output:
; ES:BX ;far pointer
public __HTOFPTR@
func _HTOFPTR@
mov ES,DX
H1: .if _handle_inited e 0, H2
push AX
; push AX
; push CX
; callm sound_click
; pop CX
; pop AX
push DX
push BX
mov BX,DX
call mappage
pop AX
add BX,AX
pop DX
pop AX
H2: jmp emm_error
c_endp _HTOFPTR@
endcode handle
; Setup function pointers for initialization and termination as
; static constructors/destructors.
static_ctor _handle_init
static_dtor _handle_term