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606 lines
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;_ msmouse.asm Tue Jul 19 1988 Modified by: Walter Bright */
; Copyright (C) 1987-1988 by Walter Bright
; All Rights Reserved
; Written by Walter Bright
; Interface to Microsoft Mouse
; The mouse coordinate system is left-handed for both text and graphics modes,
; with 0,0 being the upper left corner. Note that the display package
; uses a left-handed coordinate system, but Flash Graphics uses a
; right-handed system.
; Also note that the mouse coordinates in text mode are not in character
; coordinates!(?)
; To convert from fg coordinates to mouse coords:
; mouse_x = fg_x;
; mouse_y = fg_displaybox[FG_Y2] - fg_y;
; To convert from display (character) coordinates to mouse coords:
; if (40 column mode)
; mouse_x = display_x * 16;
; else
; mouse_x = display_x * 8;
; mouse_y = display_y * 8;
; The Microsoft mouse sometimes gets the number of screen rows wrong in text
; mode, so the recommended method of opening the mouse if the display package
; is also used is:
; disp_open(); /* initialize display */
; msm_init(); /* initialize mouse */
; /* Mouse driver sometimes gets the number of screen rows wrong, */
; /* so here we force it to whatever disp_open() discovered. */
; msm_setareay(0,(disp_numrows - 1) * 8);
; msm_showcursor(); /* turn mouse cursor on */
; For more information refer to the Microsoft Mouse User's Guide.
ifndef __OS2__ ;it's in MOU.C
include macros.asm
c_public msm_init,msm_term,msm_showcursor,msm_hidecursor
c_public msm_getstatus,msm_setcurpos,msm_getpress,msm_getrelease
c_public msm_setareax,msm_setareay,msm_setgraphcur,msm_settextcur
c_public msm_readcounters,msm_signal,msm_lightpenon,msm_lightpenoff
c_public msm_setratio,msm_condoff,msm_setthreshhold
mouse macro func
ifnb <func>
mov AX,func
int 33h
msm_inited dw 0 ;set to !=0 if there is a mouse
begcode msmouse
; Syntax:
; int msm_init(void);
; Initialize mouse driver:
; o Turn off all mouse interrupts
; o Turn on light pen emulation
; o If in graphics mode, set cursor to be an arrow, if in text mode,
; set cursor to be inverse video
; o Set cursor to middle of screen
; o Turn off cursor display
; o Set min/max cursor position to full screen
; o Set mickey/pixel to 1/1 in the x direction and 2/1 in the y
; Returns:
; 0 failed
; -1 success
func msm_init
L1: clr AX
mov ES,AX
;Some versions of DOS have 0 in the vector table for interrupt 33h
.if <word ptr ES:0CCh> ne AX, L3
.if <word ptr ES:0CEh> e AX, L2
L3: mouse
L2: mov msm_inited,AX
c_endp msm_init
; Syntax:
; void msm_term(void);
; Terminate mouse driver. This should be called before the program is
; exited if the mouse was used.
func msm_term
jmp L1 ;the init routine will fix things up
c_endp msm_term
; Syntax:
; void msm_showcursor(void);
; Show cursor. That is, increment the cursor flag. If the cursor flag is
; 0, then the cursor is displayed. Since msm_init() sets the value of
; the cursor flag to -1, msm_showcursor() must be called after msm_init()
; in order for the cursor to appear.
; Note that showcursor and hidecursor can be nested. That is, if n
; hidecursors were done, then n showcursors must be done in order to
; show the cursor.
; Generally, the point is to remove the cursor before any screen I/O
; is done, and then restore the cursor.
func msm_showcursor
.if msm_inited e 0, S1
mouse 1
S1: ret
c_endp msm_showcursor
; Syntax:
; void msm_hidecursor(void);
; Hide cursor. Decrement the cursor flag. Complement to msm_showcursor().
func msm_hidecursor
.if msm_inited e 0, H1
mouse 2
H1: ret
c_endp msm_hidecursor
; Syntax:
; int msm_getstatus(unsigned *curposx,unsigned *curposy);
; Get status.
; Output:
; *curposx,*curposy = mouse position
; Returns:
; Bit 0: left button (1 == down, 0 == up)
; Bit 1: right button
; Bit 2: middle button (for some mice)
; Ignore other bits.
func msm_getstatus
push BP
mov BP,SP
.if msm_inited e 0, G1
mouse 3
mov AX,BX ;button status
jmps msm1
G1: clr AX
mov CX,AX
mov BX,P[BP]
mov [BX],CX ;M3
mov [BX],DX ;M4
les BX,P[BP]
mov ES:[BX],CX ;M3
mov ES:[BX],DX ;M4
pop BP
c_endp msm_getstatus
; Syntax:
; void msm_setcurpos(unsigned curposx,unsigned curposy);
; Set cursor position.
; The upper left corner of the screen is 0,0. The values for curposx
; and curposy must be within the screen.
func msm_setcurpos
mov AX,4 ;mouse function
msm3: .if msm_inited e 0, S4
push BP
mov BP,SP
mov CX,P[BP]
mov DX,P+2[BP]
pop BP
S4: ret
c_endp msm_setcurpos
; Syntax:
; int msm_getpress(unsigned *count, unsigned *curposx,unsigned *curposy);
; Get button press information.
; Input:
; *count = which button are we refering to
; (0 = left button, 1 = right button, 2 = middle)
; Output:
; *count = count of button presses since last call
; to msm_getpress. Values can be 0..32767.
; *curposx,*curposy = mouse position at last press
; Returns:
; Bit 0: left button (1 == down, 0 == up)
; Bit 1: right button
; Bit 2: middle button
; Ignore other bits
func msm_getpress
mov AX,5 ;mouse function
msm2: push BP
mov BP,SP
.save SI
mov BX,P[BP]
mov BX,[BX]
les BX,P[BP]
mov BX,ES:[BX]
shr BX,1
.if msm_inited e 0, G2
jmps G3
G2: clr AX
mov BX,AX
mov CX,AX
mov SI,P[BP]
mov [SI],BX ;*count
mov [SI],CX ;*curposx
mov [SI],DX ;*curposy
les SI,P[BP]
mov ES:[SI],BX ;*count
mov ES:[SI],CX ;*curposx
mov ES:[SI],DX ;*curposy
.restore SI
pop BP
c_endp msm_getpress
; Syntax:
; int msm_getrelease(unsigned *count,
; unsigned *curposx,unsigned *curposy);
; Get button release information.
; Input:
; *count = which button are we refering to
; (0 = left button, 1 = right button, 2 = middle)
; Output:
; *count = count of button releases since last call
; to msm_getpress. Values can be 0..32767.
; *curposx,*curposy = mouse position at last release
; Returns:
; Bit 0: left button (1 == down, 0 == up)
; Bit 1: right button
; Bit 2: middle button
; Ignore other bits
func msm_getrelease
mov AX,6 ;mouse function
jmp msm2
c_endp msm_getrelease
; Syntax:
; void msm_setareax(unsigned minx,unsigned maxx);
; Set minimum and maximum horizontal position. If maxx < minx, the values
; are exchanged. The mouse horizontal motion will be restricted to be within
; these values.
func msm_setareax
mov AX,7
jmp msm3
c_endp msm_setareax
; Syntax:
; void msm_setareay(unsigned miny,unsigned maxy);
; Set minimum and maximum vertical position. If maxy < miny, the values
; are exchanged. The mouse vertical motion will be restricted to be within
; these values.
func msm_setareay
mov AX,8
jmp msm3
c_endp msm_setareay
; Syntax:
; void msm_setgraphcur(int hotx,int hoty,int *pmasks);
; Set graphics cursor block.
; Input:
; hotx,hoty Location of 'hot spot' of cursor. Values
; must be -16..16. Location 0,0 is the upper
; left corner of the cursor, positive values
; extend right and down.
; pmasks Points to 32 words which contain bit masks
; defining the cursor.
; The first 16 words define the mask, that is,
; which bits of the background 'shine' through
; the cursor. A 1 means shine through, a 0 means not.
; The second 16 words define the bitmap of the cursor,
; 1 being on and 0 being off.
; The cursor is 16*16, the first word forms
; the top row, bit 15 forms the leftmost column.
func msm_setgraphcur
.if msm_inited e 0, S2
push BP
mov BP,SP
mov BX,P[BP]
mov CX,P+2[BP]
push DS
pop ES
mov DX,P+4[BP] ;put pointer in ES:DX
les DX,P+4[BP]
mouse 9
pop BP
S2: ret
c_endp msm_setgraphcur
; Syntax:
; void msm_settextcur(int select,int scanstart,int scanstop);
; Set text cursor.
; Input:
; select If 1, then hardware text cursor. If 0, then
; attribute cursor.
; scanstart,
; scanstop If select is 1, then these values form the
; starting and ending scan lines of the hardware
; text cursor.
; If select is 0, then these values form the
; screen mask and cursor mask, respectively, for
; the attribute cursor.
func msm_settextcur
.if msm_inited e 0, S3
push BP
mov BP,SP
mov BX,P[BP]
mov CX,P+2[BP]
mov DX,P+4[BP]
mouse 10
pop BP
S3: ret
c_endp msm_settextcur
; Syntax:
; void msm_readcounters(int *countx,int *county);
; Read mouse motion counters in mickeys. A mickey is 1/200 of an inch.
; Output:
; *countx,*county = mickey count since last call, values
; range from -32768 to 32767.
func msm_readcounters
push BP
mov BP,SP
.if msm_inited e 0, R1
mouse 11
jmp msm1
R1: jmp G1
c_endp msm_readcounters
; Syntax:
; void msm_signal(unsigned mask,
; void (*func)(unsigned mask,unsigned state,
; unsigned curposx,unsigned curposy),
; void *stack);
; Set user-defined subroutine input mask. Used to set a function
; to be called at interrupt level whenever there is input available
; from the mouse. All the caveats apply to the interrupt service routine.
; Using this function is not for the faint-hearted.
; Input:
; mask Mask defining when to call func (1 means yes):
; Bit 0: mouse moved
; Bit 1: left button is pressed
; Bit 2: left button is released
; Bit 3: right button is pressed
; Bit 4: right button is released
; Bit 5: middle button is pressed
; Bit 6: middle button is released
; Other bits are not used.
; func Pointer to application-defined interrupt service routine
; to call whenever a mouse button is
; pressed or released, or the mouse moves, according to the
; bits in mask.
; stack Value to set stack pointer to when func is called. Should
; point just past end of area that is at least 256 bytes
; long.
; When func is called, it is passed the following:
; mask Event that occured is indicated with the bit set as defined
; above.
; state If button event, this is the button number of the button that
; changed (0 = left, 1 = right, 2 = middle).
; curposx,curposy Current mouse position.
ptrtoisr dw ? ;pointer to C interrupt service routine
dw ?
ptrtoisr dw ? ;pointer to C interrupt service routine
stack dw ? ;value of SP
dw ? ;value of SS
stacksave dw ?,? ;save stack of msm_isr
func msm_signal
.if msm_inited e 0, S5
push BP
mov BP,SP
mov CS:dssave,DS ;save our data segment register
mov CX,P[BP] ;load call mask
push ES
ifdef I8086S
mov AX,P+2[BP]
mov ptrtoisr,AX
mov stack,AX
ifdef I8086M
mov AX,P+2[BP]
mov ptrtoisr,AX
mov AX,P+2+2[BP]
mov ptrtoisr[2],AX
mov AX,P+2+2+2[BP]
mov stack,AX
ifdef I8086P ;funny Lattice C P model
mov BX,P+2[BP]
mov AX,[BX]
mov ptrtoisr,AX
mov AX,2[BX]
mov ptrtoisr[2],AX
mov stack,AX
ifdef I8086C
mov AX,P+2[BP]
mov ptrtoisr,AX
mov stack,AX
mov stack+2,ES
ifdef I8086L
mov AX,P+2[BP]
mov ptrtoisr,AX
mov AX,P+2+2[BP]
mov ptrtoisr+2,AX
mov stack,AX
mov stack+2,ES
mov DX,offset msm_isr
push CS
pop ES ;ES:DX = pointer to msm_isr
mouse 12
pop ES
pop BP
S5: ret
dssave dw ? ;place to save DS
c_endp msm_signal
msm_isr proc far
mov DS,CS:dssave ;reload data segment
mov stacksave,SP
mov stacksave+2,SS
cli ;for bug in old 8088's
mov SS,CS:dssave
mov SP,stack
sti ;for bug in old 8088's
push DS
pop ES
else ;LPTR
cli ;for bug in old 8088's
mov SS,stack+2
mov SP,stack
sti ;for bug in old 8088's
cld ;no direction flag bugs
push DX ;vertical cursor coordinate
push CX ;horizontal cursor coordinate
push BX ;button state
push AX ;condition mask
call dword ptr ptrtoisr
call word ptr ptrtoisr
cli ;for bug in old 8088's
mov SS,stacksave+2
mov SP,stacksave
sti ;for bug in old 8088's
msm_isr endp
; Syntax:
; void msm_lightpenon(void);
; Light pen emulation mode on. The mouse emulates a light pen, that is,
; the 'pen' is off the screen when both buttons are up, and the 'pen' is
; down when both buttons are down.
func msm_lightpenon
.if msm_inited e 0, P1
mouse 13
P1: ret
c_endp msm_lightpenon
; Syntax:
; void msm_lightpenoff(void);
; Light pen emulation mode off.
func msm_lightpenoff
.if msm_inited e 0, P1
mouse 14
c_endp msm_lightpenoff
; Syntax:
; void msm_setratio(unsigned ratiox,unsigned ratioy);
; Set mickey/pixel ratio (the sensitivity of the mouse). Higher values
; mean less cursor movement for corresponding mouse movement.
; The default values are 8,16. The values for
; ratiox and ratioy must be 1..32767.
func msm_setratio
mov AX,15
jmp msm3
c_endp msm_setratio
; Syntax:
; void msm_condoff(unsigned upperx, unsigned uppery,
; unsigned lowerx, unsigned lowery);
; Conditional off.
; The parameters define a rectangular region on the screen. When the
; mouse is in that region, the mouse cursor is hidden. This is useful
; if a portion of the screen is to be updated. A call to msm_showcursor()
; will undo this and turn the mouse cursor back on.
func msm_condoff
.if msm_inited e 0, P1
push BP
mov BP,SP
.save <SI,DI>
mov CX,P[BP]
mov DX,P+2[BP]
mov SI,P+4[BP]
mov DI,P+6[BP]
mouse 16
.restore <DI,SI>
pop BP
c_endp msm_condoff
; Syntax:
; void msm_setthreshhold(unsigned speed);
; Set double speed threshhold, i.e. the speed at which the mickey/pixel
; ratio is temporarilly halved so the mouse apparently moves faster.
; Speed is in mickeys/second. The default is 64.
func msm_setthreshhold
.if msm_inited e 0, P1
push BP
mov BP,SP
mov DX,P[BP]
mouse 19
pop BP
c_endp msm_setthreshhold
endcode msmouse
endif ;__OS2__