270 lines
6.1 KiB
270 lines
6.1 KiB
title c - C start up routine
; Microsoft C Compiler Runtime for MS-DOS
; (C)Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1984, 1985, 1986
; How startup works in a few words -
; The startup and termination is performed by a few modules
; crt0.asm DOS 2.x/3.x specific init/term
; crt0msg.asm DOS 2.x/3.x error messages
; (winstart.asm) Windows specific init/term (not included)
; crt0dat.asm remainder of shared DOS 3.x init/term
; ************* IMPORTANT *****************************************
; If the user reassembles this module, he will need to link using the
; /DOSSEG switch or run the the DOSSEG.EXE program on crt0.obj, i.e.
; dosseg crt0.obj
; See the C documentation for more information about the /DOSSEG switch.
; All assembler modules must be assembled with the /mx switch, i.e.
; masm crt0/mx;
?DF= 1 ; this is special for c startup
include version.inc
include cmacros.inc
include msdos.inc
include brkctl.inc
; Segment definitions
; The segment order is essentially the same as in XENIX.
; This module is edited after assembly to contain a dosseg comment
; record for the linker.
createSeg _TEXT, code, byte, public, CODE, <>
createSeg C_ETEXT,etext, byte, public, ENDCODE,<>
createSeg _DATA, data, word, public, DATA, DGROUP
createSeg STACK, stack, para, stack, STACK, DGROUP
defGrp DGROUP ; define DGROUP
codeOFFSET equ offset _TEXT:
dataOFFSET equ offset DGROUP:
public __acrtused ; trick to force in startup
__acrtused = 9876h ; funny value not easily matched in SYMDEB
extrn __acrtmsg:abs ; trick to pull in startup messages
sBegin stack
assumes ds,data
db 2048 dup (?) ; default stack size
sBegin data
extrn _edata:byte ; end of data (start of bss)
extrn _end:byte ; end of bss (start of stack)
externW _psp ; psp:0 (paragraph #)
externW __argc
externDP __argv
externDP environ
; these are used by DOS C memory management (not used in Windows)
globalW _asizds,0 ; DS size (in bytes)
globalW _atopsp,0 ; top of stack (heap bottom)
labelW <PUBLIC,_abrktb> ; segment table for brkctl
dw ?
db (MAXSEG-1) * (size segrec) dup (?)
labelW <PUBLIC,_abrktbe>
globalW _abrkp,<dataoffset _abrktb>
externP _cinit ; run-time initializers
externP _NMSG_TEXT ; pascal - find error message text
externP _NMSG_WRITE ; pascal - write error message to stdout
externP _setargv ; process command line arguments
externP _setenvp ; process environment
externP _nullcheck ; check for null assignment
externP main ; C main program
externP exit ; exit ( code )
if sizeC
extrn __exit:far ; _exit ( code) (cmacros name conflict)
extrn __exit:near
sBegin code
assumes cs,code
assumes ds,nothing
labelNP <PUBLIC,_astart> ; start address of all "C" programs
; check MS-DOS version for 2.0 or later
callos VERSION
cmp al,2 ; check for version 2 or later
jae setup ; yes - continue with setup
mov ax,4
push ax
call _NMSG_TEXT ; find 'DOS 2.0 or later required'
xchg dx,ax
callos message
int 20h ; DOS 1.0 exit program
mov di,DGROUP
mov si,ds:[DOS_MAXPARA] ; get max. paragraph
sub si,di ; si = # para in data area
cmp si,1000h ; if more than 64K
jb setSP
mov si,1000H ; use full 64K (-16)
cli ; turn off interrupts
mov ss,di ; SS = DGROUP
add sp,dataoffset _end-2 ; 2 for _asizds limit
sti ; turn interrupts back on
jnc SPok
xor ax,ax
push ax
mov ax,DOS_terminate shl 8 + 255
callos ; terminate process with 255
assumes ss,data
and sp,not 1 ; make even (if not)
mov [_abrktb].sz,sp ; top DS free location
mov [_atopsp],sp ; save top of stack
mov ax,si ; si = # paragraphs
mov cl,4
shl ax,cl
dec ax
mov [_asizds],ax ; save DS size - 1 (in bytes)
; release extra space to DOS
add si,di ; si = DGROUP + # para in DGROUP
mov ds:[DOS_MAXPARA],si ; fix psp:2
mov bx,es ; bx = PSP base
sub bx,si ; bx = - # para used
neg bx
callos setmem ; set memory block size
mov [_psp],ds ; save psp:0
; zero data areas (_BSS and c_common)
push ss
pop es
assumes es,data
cld ; set direction flag (up)
mov di,dataOFFSET _edata ; beginning of bss area
mov cx,dataOFFSET _end ; end of bss area
sub cx,di
xor ax,ax
rep stosb ; zero bss
; C segmentation conventions set up here (DS=SS and CLD)
push ss ; set up initial DS=ES=SS, CLD
pop ds
assumes ds,data
; do necessary initialization BEFORE command line processing!
call _cinit ; shared by DOS and Windows
push ss
pop ds ; ds = DGROUP
assumes ds,data
; process command line and environment
call _setargv ; crack command line
call _setenvp ; crack environment
; call main and exit
xor bp,bp ; mark top stack frame for SYMDEB
if sizeD
push ds ; the environment is in DS
push word ptr [environ]
if sizeD
push ds ; the arguments are in DS
push word ptr [__argv]
push [__argc] ; move parameters onto stack
call main ; main ( argc , argv , envp )
; use whatever is in ax after returning here from the main program
push ax
call exit ; exit (AX)
; _exit will call terminators
; Fast exit fatal errors - die quick and return (255)
labelNP <PUBLIC,_cintDIV>
; _NMSG_WRITE will reestablish ds = DGROUP
mov ax,3 ; Integer divide by zero interrupt
labelNP <PUBLIC,_amsg_exit>
push ax
call _NMSG_WRITE ; write error message to stdout
mov ax,255
push ax
call __exit ; _exit(255)
end _astart ; start address