235 lines
7.0 KiB
235 lines
7.0 KiB
.MODEL small, c
INCLUDE demo.inc
;* GetVer - Gets DOS version.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 30h (Get MS-DOS Version Number)
;* Params: None
;* Return: Short integer of form (M*100)+m, where M is major
;* version number and m is minor version, or 0 if
;* DOS version earlier than 2.0
mov ah, 30h ; DOS Function 30h
int 21h ; Get MS-DOS Version Number
cmp al, 0 ; DOS version 2.0 or later?
jne @F ; Yes? Continue
sub ax, ax ; No? Set AX = 0
jmp SHORT exit ; and exit
@@: sub ch, ch ; Zero CH and move minor
mov cl, ah ; version number into CX
mov bl, 100
mul bl ; Multiply major by 10
add ax, cx ; Add minor to major*10
exit: ret ; Return result in AX
;* GetVidConfig - Determines current video configuration and initializes
;* the vconfig structure.
;* Shows: BIOS Interrupt - 10h, Function 0 (Set Video Mode)
;* 10h, Function 0Fh (Get Video Mode)
;* 10h, Function 1Ah (Get or Set Display
;* Combination Code)
;* Uses: vconfig - Video configuration structure, declared in the
;* DEMO.INC include file.
;* Params: None
;* Return: None
GetVidConfig PROC
mov ax, 1A00h ; Request video info for VGA
int 10h ; Get Display Combination Code
chkVGA: cmp al, 1Ah ; Is VGA or MCGA present?
jne chkEGA ; No? Then check for EGA
cmp bl, 2 ; If VGA exists as secondary adapter,
je isCGA ; check for CGA and mono as primary
jb isMONO
cmp bl, 5 ; If EGA is primary, do normal
jbe chkEGA ; EGA checking
chkMCGA:mov vconfig.adapter, MCGA ; Yes? Assume MCGA
mov vconfig.display, COLOR
cmp bl, 8 ; Correct assumption?
ja gmode ; Yes? Continue
isVGA: mov vconfig.adapter, VGA ; Assume it's VGA color
je gmode ; Yes? Continue
mov vconfig.display, MONO ; No? Must be VGA mono
jmp SHORT gmode ; Finished with VGA, so jump
chkEGA: mov ah, 12h ; Call EGA status function
mov bl, 10h
sub cx, cx ; Clear status bits
int 10h ; Get Configuration Information
jcxz chkCGA ; If CX is unchanged, not EGA
isEGA: mov vconfig.adapter, EGA ; Set structure fields for EGA
mov vconfig.display, MONO ; Assume EGA mono
or bh, bh ; Correct assumption?
jnz gmode ; Yes? Continue
mov vconfig.display, COLOR ; No? Must be EGA color
jmp SHORT gmode ; Finished with EGA, so jump
chkCGA: int 11h ; Get equipment list
and al, 30h ; If bits 4-5 set, monochrome
cmp al, 30h ; Monochrome text mode?
je isMONO ; Yes? Continue
isCGA: mov vconfig.adapter, CGA ; No? Must be CGA
mov vconfig.display, COLOR
mov vconfig.CGAvalue, 29h ; Value for CGA 80x25 text,
jmp SHORT gmode ; color, blink enable
isMONO: mov vconfig.adapter, MDA ; Set MONO
mov vconfig.display, MONO
gmode: mov ah, 0Fh
int 10h ; Get Video Mode
mov vconfig.mode, al ; Record mode
mov vconfig.dpage, bh ; and current page
cmp al, 7 ; Monochrome text mode?
je @F ; Yes? Continue
cmp al, 3 ; Color text mode?
je @F ; Yes? Continue
cmp al, 2 ; Black/white 80-col mode?
je @F ; Yes? Continue
mov ax, 0003h ; If not 80-col text mode,
mov vconfig.mode, al ; request Function 0, mode 3
int 10h ; Set Video Mode to 80-col
@@: mov al, vconfig.display ; Multiply display value
cbw ; (which is either 0 or 1)
mov bx, 800h ; by 800h, then add to B000h
mul bx ; for segment address of
add ax, 0B000h ; video buffer
add ah, vconfig.dpage ; Adding display page gives
mov vconfig.sgmnt, ax ; address of current page
mov vconfig.rows, 24 ; Assume bottom row # = 24
cmp vconfig.adapter, EGA ; EGA or VGA?
jl exit ; No? Exit
mov ax, 1130h ; Yes? Request character info
sub bh, bh ; Set BH to valid value
push bp ; BP will change, so save it
int 10h ; Get number of rows/screen
mov vconfig.rows, dl ; Keep in structure
pop bp ; Restore BP
exit: ret
GetVidConfig ENDP
;* SetCurPos - Sets cursor position.
;* Shows: BIOS Interrupt - 10h, Function 2 (Set Cursor Position)
;* Uses: vconfig - Video configuration structure, declared in the
;* DEMO.INC include file. The structure must first be
;* initialized by calling the GetVidConfig procedure.
;* Params: row - Target row
;* col - Target column
;* Return: None
SetCurPos PROC \
row:WORD, col:WORD
mov dx, col ; DL = column
mov dh, BYTE PTR row ; DH = row
mov ah, 2 ; Function 2
mov bh, vconfig.dpage ; Current page
int 10h ; Set cursor position
SetCurPos ENDP
;* StrWrite - Writes ASCIIZ string to video memory at specified row/column.
;* Shows: Instructions - lodsb stosb
;* Uses: vconfig - Video configuration structure, declared in the
;* DEMO.INC include file. The structure must first be
;* initialized by calling the GetVidConfig procedure.
;* Params: row - Row coordinate
;* col - Column coordinate
;* str - Pointer to string
;* Return: None
StrWrite PROC \
USES ds di si, \
row:WORD, col:WORD, str:PTR BYTE
GetVidOffset row, col ; Get offset in video segment
mov di, ax ; Copy to DI
LoadPtr ds, si, str ; DS:SI points to string
mov es, vconfig.sgmnt ; ES:DI points to video RAM
loop1: lodsb ; Get 1 character from string
or al, al ; Null terminator?
jz exit ; Yes? Exit loop
cmp vconfig.adapter, CGA ; CGA adapter?
jne pchar ; No? Skip next 10 lines
; For CGA systems, StrWrite waits for the video to begin a horizontal
; retrace before writing a character to memory. This avoids the problem
; of video snow inherent with some (though not all) color/graphics adapters.
; It also demonstrates a somewhat different approach to the problem than the
; one taken in the WinOpen and WinClose procedures.
push ax ; Save character
mov dx, 3dah ; Address of status register
cli ; Disallow interruptions
wait1: in al, dx ; Read current video status
test al, 1 ; Horizontal retrace active?
jnz wait1 ; Yes? Wait for it to end
wait2: in al, dx ; No? Read status again
test al, 1 ; Wait for retrace to start
jz wait2
pop ax ; Recover character
pchar: stosb ; Write char to video buffer
sti ; Reenable interrupts
inc di ; Skip attribute byte
jmp SHORT loop1 ; Loop back
exit: ret
StrWrite ENDP
;* ClearBox - Clears portion of screen with specified fill attribute.
;* Shows: BIOS Interrupt - 10h, Function 6 (Scroll Up)
;* Params: attr - Fill attribute
;* row1 - Top screen row of cleared section
;* col1 - Left column of cleared section
;* row2 - Bottom screen row of cleared section
;* col2 - Right column of cleared section
;* Return: None
ClearBox PROC \
attr:WORD, row1:WORD, col1:WORD, row2:WORD, col2:WORD
mov ax, 0600h ; Scroll service
mov bh, BYTE PTR attr ; BH = fill attribute
mov ch, BYTE PTR row1 ; CH = top row of clear area
mov cl, BYTE PTR col1 ; CL = left column
mov dh, BYTE PTR row2 ; DH = bottom row of clear area
mov dl, BYTE PTR col2 ; DL = right column
int 10h ; Clear screen by scrolling up
ClearBox ENDP