type ICefDownloadImageCallback = interface(ICefBaseRefCounted)
Callback interface for ICefBrowserHost.DownloadImage. The functions of this interface will be called on the browser process UI thread.
<see href="https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/src/master/include/capi/cef_browser_capi.h">CEF source file: /include/capi/cef_browser_capi.h (cef_download_image_callback_t))
procedure OnDownloadImageFinished(const imageUrl: ustring; httpStatusCode: Integer; const image: ICefImage); |
procedure OnDownloadImageFinished(const imageUrl: ustring; httpStatusCode: Integer; const image: ICefImage); |
Method that will be executed when the image download has completed. |image_url| is the URL that was downloaded and |http_status_code| is the resulting HTTP status code. |image| is the resulting image, possibly at multiple scale factors, or NULL if the download failed. Attributes