type ICefDialogHandler = interface(ICefBaseRefCounted)
Implement this interface to handle dialog events. The functions of this interface will be called on the browser process UI thread.
<see href="https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/src/master/include/capi/cef_dialog_handler_capi.h">CEF source file: /include/capi/cef_dialog_handler_capi.h (cef_dialog_handler_t))
function OnFileDialog(const browser: ICefBrowser; mode: TCefFileDialogMode; const title, defaultFilePath: ustring; const acceptFilters, accept_extensions, accept_descriptions: TStrings; const callback: ICefFileDialogCallback): Boolean; |
procedure RemoveReferences; |
function OnFileDialog(const browser: ICefBrowser; mode: TCefFileDialogMode; const title, defaultFilePath: ustring; const acceptFilters, accept_extensions, accept_descriptions: TStrings; const callback: ICefFileDialogCallback): Boolean; |
Called to run a file chooser dialog. |mode| represents the type of dialog to display. |title| to the title to be used for the dialog and may be NULL to show the default title ("Open" or "Save" depending on the mode). |default_file_path| is the path with optional directory and/or file name component that should be initially selected in the dialog. |accept_filters| are used to restrict the selectable file types and may be any combination of valid lower-cased MIME types (e.g. "text/*" or "image/*") and individual file extensions (e.g. ".txt" or ".png"). |accept_extensions| provides the semicolon-delimited expansion of MIME types to file extensions (if known, or NULL string otherwise). |accept_descriptions| provides the descriptions for MIME types (if known, or NULL string otherwise). For example, the "image/*" mime type might have extensions ".png;.jpg;.bmp;..." and description "Image Files". |accept_filters|, |accept_extensions| and |accept_descriptions| will all be the same size. To display a custom dialog return true (1) and execute |callback| either inline or at a later time. To display the default dialog return false (0). If this function returns false (0) it may be called an additional time for the same dialog (both before and after MIME type expansion). Attributes
procedure RemoveReferences; |
Custom procedure to clear all references. |