type TCustomTaskInfo = record
Pascal version of TCefTaskInfo.
<see href="https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/src/master/include/internal/cef_types.h">CEF source file: /include/internal/cef_types.h (cef_task_info_t))
id: int64; |
type_: TCefTaskType; |
is_killable: boolean; |
title: ustring; |
cpu_usage: double; |
number_of_processors: integer; |
memory: int64; |
gpu_memory: int64; |
is_gpu_memory_inflated: boolean; |
id: int64; |
The task ID. |
type_: TCefTaskType; |
The task type. |
is_killable: boolean; |
Set to true (1) if the task is killable. |
title: ustring; |
The task title. |
cpu_usage: double; |
The CPU usage of the process on which the task is running. The value is in the range zero to number_of_processors * 100%. |
number_of_processors: integer; |
The number of processors available on the system. |
memory: int64; |
The memory footprint of the task in bytes. A value of -1 means no valid value is currently available. |
gpu_memory: int64; |
The GPU memory usage of the task in bytes. A value of -1 means no valid value is currently available. |