Unit uCEFApplicationEvents

Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records
Functions and Procedures


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TOnRegisterCustomSchemesEvent = procedure(const registrar: TCefSchemeRegistrarRef) ;
TOnRegisterCustomPreferencesEvent = procedure(type_: TCefPreferencesType; const registrar: TCefPreferenceRegistrarRef) ;
TOnContextInitializedEvent = procedure() ;
TOnBeforeChildProcessLaunchEvent = procedure(const commandLine: ICefCommandLine) ;
TOnAlreadyRunningAppRelaunchEvent = procedure(const commandLine: ICefCommandLine; const current_directory: ustring; var aResult: boolean) ;
TOnScheduleMessagePumpWorkEvent = procedure(const delayMs: Int64) ;
TOnGetDefaultClientEvent = procedure(var aClient : ICefClient) ;
TOnGetDefaultRequestContextHandlerEvent = procedure(var aRequestContextHandler : ICefRequestContextHandler) ;
TOnGetLocalizedStringEvent = procedure(stringId: Integer; out stringVal: ustring; var aResult : Boolean) ;
TOnGetDataResourceEvent = procedure(resourceId: Integer; out data: Pointer; out dataSize: NativeUInt; var aResult : Boolean) ;
TOnGetDataResourceForScaleEvent = procedure(resourceId: Integer; scaleFactor: TCefScaleFactor; out data: Pointer; out dataSize: NativeUInt; var aResult : Boolean) ;
TOnWebKitInitializedEvent = procedure() ;
TOnBrowserCreatedEvent = procedure(const browser: ICefBrowser; const extra_info: ICefDictionaryValue) ;
TOnBrowserDestroyedEvent = procedure(const browser: ICefBrowser) ;
TOnContextCreatedEvent = procedure(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const context: ICefv8Context) ;
TOnContextReleasedEvent = procedure(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const context: ICefv8Context) ;
TOnUncaughtExceptionEvent = procedure(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const context: ICefv8Context; const exception: ICefV8Exception; const stackTrace: ICefV8StackTrace) ;
TOnFocusedNodeChangedEvent = procedure(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const node: ICefDomNode) ;
TOnProcessMessageReceivedEvent = procedure(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; sourceProcess: TCefProcessId; const message: ICefProcessMessage; var aHandled : boolean) of object ;
TOnRenderLoadingStateChange = procedure(const browser: ICefBrowser; isLoading, canGoBack, canGoForward: Boolean) ;
TOnRenderLoadStart = procedure(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; transitionType: TCefTransitionType) ;
TOnRenderLoadEnd = procedure(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; httpStatusCode: Integer) ;
TOnRenderLoadError = procedure(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; errorCode: TCefErrorCode; const errorText, failedUrl: ustring) ;



TOnRegisterCustomSchemesEvent = procedure(const registrar: TCefSchemeRegistrarRef) ;


TOnRegisterCustomPreferencesEvent = procedure(type_: TCefPreferencesType; const registrar: TCefPreferenceRegistrarRef) ;


TOnContextInitializedEvent = procedure() ;

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TOnBeforeChildProcessLaunchEvent = procedure(const commandLine: ICefCommandLine) ;

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TOnAlreadyRunningAppRelaunchEvent = procedure(const commandLine: ICefCommandLine; const current_directory: ustring; var aResult: boolean) ;

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TOnScheduleMessagePumpWorkEvent = procedure(const delayMs: Int64) ;

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TOnGetDefaultClientEvent = procedure(var aClient : ICefClient) ;

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TOnGetDefaultRequestContextHandlerEvent = procedure(var aRequestContextHandler : ICefRequestContextHandler) ;

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TOnGetLocalizedStringEvent = procedure(stringId: Integer; out stringVal: ustring; var aResult : Boolean) ;


TOnGetDataResourceEvent = procedure(resourceId: Integer; out data: Pointer; out dataSize: NativeUInt; var aResult : Boolean) ;

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TOnGetDataResourceForScaleEvent = procedure(resourceId: Integer; scaleFactor: TCefScaleFactor; out data: Pointer; out dataSize: NativeUInt; var aResult : Boolean) ;

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TOnWebKitInitializedEvent = procedure() ;


TOnBrowserCreatedEvent = procedure(const browser: ICefBrowser; const extra_info: ICefDictionaryValue) ;

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TOnBrowserDestroyedEvent = procedure(const browser: ICefBrowser) ;

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TOnContextCreatedEvent = procedure(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const context: ICefv8Context) ;

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TOnContextReleasedEvent = procedure(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const context: ICefv8Context) ;

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TOnUncaughtExceptionEvent = procedure(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const context: ICefv8Context; const exception: ICefV8Exception; const stackTrace: ICefV8StackTrace) ;

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TOnFocusedNodeChangedEvent = procedure(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const node: ICefDomNode) ;

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TOnProcessMessageReceivedEvent = procedure(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; sourceProcess: TCefProcessId; const message: ICefProcessMessage; var aHandled : boolean) of object ;

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TOnRenderLoadingStateChange = procedure(const browser: ICefBrowser; isLoading, canGoBack, canGoForward: Boolean) ;


TOnRenderLoadStart = procedure(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; transitionType: TCefTransitionType) ;

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TOnRenderLoadEnd = procedure(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; httpStatusCode: Integer) ;

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TOnRenderLoadError = procedure(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; errorCode: TCefErrorCode; const errorText, failedUrl: ustring) ;

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