type TCefSchemeHandlerFactoryOwn = class(TCefBaseRefCountedOwn, ICefSchemeHandlerFactory)
Class that creates ICefResourceHandler instances for handling scheme requests.
<see href="https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/src/master/include/capi/cef_scheme_capi.h">CEF source file: /include/capi/cef_scheme_capi.h (cef_scheme_handler_factory_t))
FClass: TCefResourceHandlerClass; |
function New(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const schemeName: ustring; const request: ICefRequest): ICefResourceHandler; virtual; |
constructor Create(const AClass: TCefResourceHandlerClass); virtual; |
FClass: TCefResourceHandlerClass; |
This item has no description. |
function New(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const schemeName: ustring; const request: ICefRequest): ICefResourceHandler; virtual; |
Return a new resource handler instance to handle the request or an NULL reference to allow default handling of the request. |browser| and |frame| will be the browser window and frame respectively that originated the request or NULL if the request did not originate from a browser window (for example, if the request came from ICefUrlRequest). The |request| object passed to this function cannot be modified. |
constructor Create(const AClass: TCefResourceHandlerClass); virtual; |
Constructor of the scheme handler factory.